The King and The Queen...Much More than a Dream.

Submitted into Contest #72 in response to: Write a romance where your character falls in love with the last person they expected to.... view prompt


Christian Romance Adventure

Jacob Peters. Jacob Peters is a man. He is tall. He is blonde. He is beautiful. But I never saw it coming. I never saw myself falling for him. This is how it happened.

I felt the urge. I felt the divine, otherworldly calling to take on a task much bigger than myself. I had no way of doing it in my own human strength or power, but I believe in a Higher Power, and I believe sometimes this God will send humans, that seem more like angels, along our path to help us do what we cannot on our own. This is that story.

The mission was much larger than I had anticipated. It was something I felt summoned to do. I heard the voice of God, I just know it, and I heeded the call. But I was weak. I was alone and I was vulnerable. I had just moved to the city and knew no one. I had no connections, no resources, no plans. But a simple beckoning spoke to me. I was told to be the one, to be the one to bring the people into the Kingdom of Greatness and Goodness.

The Great Power told me only I could do it, only I could complete the mission. So, with a pathetic yes, I answered the call. I put on my armor, and I believed that I could actually be the Queen. This was a royal city after all, in need of a ruler who would bring love, mercy, kindness, and justice. For, the darkness had clouded and distracted the people for too long.

I had a power, anyway, an ability to see things that other people couldn’t. I could see the invisible; I could feel it, and I just knew things too. I knew things, things other people didn’t know; I had the answers, all of them. With such abilities, I knew much would be expected of me. So when the push came, I didn’t fight back. I made sure that I wasn’t crazy and then I let the wind guide me forward. I put on my crown and I wasn’t going to back down.

With faith, hope, and love surrounding me, I marched forward to advance the Kingdom. I knew not what to do or how to do it, just that I had to. The answers and the help would come when the time was right. They always had. So, I went. I went and I found noble knights looking for a purpose. I asked them to join my Royal Army, and they obliged without knowing me. I suppose they could sense the higher power that was with me.

With newfound troops ready to conquer the forces of evil, we began to establish a battle plan, a way to win the war. For the war was quickly approaching, and violence had already begun to break out on the streets. I knew it wouldn’t be long before darkness tried to cover the whole city, let alone the whole earth. It was time to do something and I was born for such a time.

Two weeks went by and more soldiers joined the Holy cause. We wanted to save lives. We wanted to destroy the works of evil. We wanted to set free the captives who’d been carried away by the bad guys. We had our work cut out for us, but this was just the beginning. This was the beginning of something marvelous, of something that would change the world.

Yet, I suppose every Queen could use the help of a King, but I wasn’t looking for one. I had been so focused on establishing the Kingdom and conquering enemy land that had been stolen from the innocent. I was busy fighting invisible battles and helping the poor. Yet, two weeks in from this new mission, I met him.

He came to our meeting with a presence about him that was different. Yes, now I see how he’d looked like a king then, but back then I couldn’t see, or perhaps, I just wasn’t paying attention. When he spoke, I sensed great compassion AND passion. He was both kind, and still powerful. He was generous, yet focused. He was gentle, yet strong. He was good.

I needed him. I hated to admit it but I did. Yet, he seemed like an ancient king, one from times past. He seemed both wise and sensitive. Still, he was hidden, yet I would soon find him. I also didn’t know that I would not just need him, but want him. No, I did not know.

The meeting ceased and the days ran down, closer to the launch of the beginning of something new. I stepped out of the shadows of the throne and onto the field. There, I met with my brothers and my sisters to celebrate the historic catalyst of change that was surely on the horizon. We hadn’t yet won, but we were already confident that we would.

My sweet Jacob, although not yet, volunteered to be the brave, first one to walk out into the unknown territory that I felt drawn to conquer, not knowing what evil enemies may lie there. He surveyed the land and brought back a full report to me. We were ready to strike, but we didn’t fight our wars with normal weapons or with bloody violence. We preferred a much more effective method: love and music.

We gathered some volunteer citizens, set up our tent, and took out our instruments. Our songs weren’t just songs after all. They were magical and mystical, you could say. When we made music, it was so Heavenly, that hellacious creatures immediately had to flee. These evil-beings could not stand the sound of our glorious singing. For our voices and our instruments were touched from above and even “enchanted,” if you will, to save the world.

As we first began to take out our music and set up our dwelling place, immediately a demon appeared to sabotage us before we could stop them. He brought his friends and they attempted their best shots in creating mayhem and tearing us down. But they underestimated us. Just because we had instruments and love in our hearts, did not make us conquerable.

They walked away in defeat and we carried on. We proceeded to take the land for the next four days before it happened. It was the moment that changed everything. I had watched Jacob rise out of the shadows himself, much like yours truly. The other warriors fought valiantly and made beautiful music. They had good hearts and wanted well, but Jacob was different. He was Kingly, he was royal, he was higher, greater, special, and so much more.

I didn’t know he was a king at the time and so this all came as a big surprise to me. I had served alongside him all day, feeding the hungry in the Kingdom and cheering them up if they were downcast. We helped so many people, but one young Princess really stood out. She had made her request known to the Great King, of whom I myself served. His Kingdom was the greatest of all, and so was He. He was the definition of goodness and love itself.

In fact, the truth is, He is my Father and the reason I am a Queen to begin with. Nevertheless, he had positioned me to conquer this territory and rule here for the time. I just didn’t realize my need for a companion king, until it became obvious. Knowing that my father was in charge seemed to be good enough, until now. I believed he wanted more for me.

In fact, that night, he would tell me so Himself. That day though, a lost princess stumbled into our Kingdom looking for help. I received her message to give to my Father but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had been put there for such a time as this. She left before I could help her. Although, nothing ever goes away without a second chance and so, hours later, she reappeared out of the darkness and into the light.

She waltzed right up to me, scared and desperate, pleading for help. I now knew this was my chance. My father told me to help her and so without hesitation, I made a choice that would change her life forever. I courageously marched to the front of the festival that we had going on that night, and gave an honest speech to the people. I asked them if they might be willing to give whatever treasure they felt right to help this damsel in distress.

The people immediately brought up their wages, and the amount of wealth given out of good hearts was shocking. The young princess now could buy a room at the inn and feast for a few days in peace! Nevertheless, my sister and I opened up our small hut for her to come stay at a few days later, until she found her path again. 

She had met a prince and he had won over her heart. She would be married to him in time and get her happily ever after, leaving our humble hut behind. But I suppose I should tell you now, that it was finally my turn to meet someone wonderful. So, the next day, Jacob and I were pleasantly greeted by this princess, again, to our surprise. 

She found us again, after staying that first night in the inn. She bravely marched right up to our castle door and asked to spend the day with us. We were happy to have her. Jacob and I had been helping the poor again and welcoming new friends into the Kingdom. We soon realized that this princess still needed help though. She was weak.

Her whole right side of her body was broken, and her arm and hand unmoveable, in a cast. We had seen miracles before and we knew that we had been given this gift, as royal children. So, we called the Great King for help and we exercised the authority and power He gave us, to release healing power over her body. Not only did the pain leave completely, but everything was restored back the way it was meant to! Her life would never be the same.

She couldn’t stop crying! She was forever grateful and we were glad to help. It was what we were there for. She went and told the villagers everything that the Great King had empowered us to do for her. She couldn’t stop rejoicing. It was beautiful and heart-warming.

But that night, it happened, or was it the night before? No matter, it happened. I went to sleep, or so I thought, and my Father paid me a surprise visit when it was quiet and calm. He reached out His all-powerful hand and touched my heart. Suddenly my heart was filled with love, a love for Jacob. It was romantic, and instantly, I felt deeply in love with Jacob.

I came to my senses, mostly, and realized what had just happened. My Father reminded me of what had happened earlier with Jacob, how he’d been the only one to stand by my side the whole time, as we set up the Kingdom. He partnered with me to perform a miracle on the princess and he served alongside me all day, feeding and helping the poor. He had scouted out the land boldly, without fear of the enemy, and gave me a full report.

He had attended the meetings, out of nowhere, and continued to offer his great resources and insight into how we would do things the best way. He was always there. He was always helping, always serving, and always faithful. He was committed, reliable, and most of all, caring. He cared more than the others. He loved well. He gave well. He did well.

It was well with my soul, in that moment. Although, at first I saw him simply as another knight from another realm, I now realized he had entered into mine for a reason. No he wasn’t just a warrior, he was a ruler. He wasn’t just a passerby but a partner. He was an equal. He had what it took and could see things and feel things too. He was like me. He truly was!

And now, suddenly, I felt like I was falling in love with him. We had just met. Yet, I knew our story was far from over. I didn’t know where exactly he had come from, yet in that moment, I could see where he was going, and it was with me, and I, with him. Together, we could truly save the world. Together, we would, because love, true love, never ever fails.

December 18, 2020 00:21

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Cookie Carla🍪
15:22 Dec 06, 2021

Hiya!! Can you read my new story Day 99 and leave feedback?


Lilly Blossom
23:33 Jan 04, 2022



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Aman Fatima
16:51 Mar 01, 2021

I just loved it. its a n amazing story!!:)


Lilly Blossom
03:14 Aug 11, 2021

Thank you so much! I really really appreciate it :)


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Tambra Birkebak
00:21 Dec 26, 2020

Nice story. Your writing had such an easy flow. Good work.


Lilly Blossom
18:02 Jan 31, 2021

Thank you so much!


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