

It has stood for over two hundred and fifty years atop a hillside at Rainbow Cove. Over the many years it proudly lit the way for countless ships and their seamen. Sadly, the old gas-lit lighthouse has been vacant since the late 1930’s, succumbing to the more modern electric lighthouse a few miles down the coastline. Alone it stands, dark and empty for over seventy years. Along with the old lighthouse countless stories have been handed down throughout those years.

Some people claim that, on one particular night, the old lighthouse keeper was too drunk to get to the top floor of the building to his job and turn the light on. It proved to be horribly disastrous. It was an extremely stormy night and because the lighthouse was dark, a ship went aground, taking with it its captain and all of its crew members. Ever since that night, the lighthouse keeper has never been seen again.

Although it stands dark and empty, I know that it has secrets that may never be revealed. I bear witness to one of those secrets and I feel that it must be told.

My life, as well as the lives of the other men on board my ship, was affected one fateful night and I shudder every time I repeat my story. This happened over twenty years ago. When my ship, along with another, first began our journey, it was uneventful. I had hand-picked each of my men so I knew that each one was more than qualified to do his job. Each man had his regular duties ahead of him. There were always fishing nets, lines and hooks to catch fish during the voyage. Not to mention the ropes and rigging so essential to controlling the sails and maneuvering the ship. I also wanted to feel that we all had each other’s back. For this kind of life requires someone to be there for you if and when trouble happens.

By the thirty-fifth day I had calculated that we had only about two days left before returning home. The entire journey had been uneventful. Somehow though this trip seemed even longer that all of the previous ones. I guess my age was finally catching up to me. I knew that the time would eventually come when I had to decide to give this lonely and challenging life up or be forced to.

Now there were only two days away from dry land, a warm bed and good food. I missed my wife more than I can say. I knew that each day my family anxiously awaited for any sign of my ship on the horizon along with dozens of other families also waiting for their men to safely return.

Looking up our hearts raced when we saw them. Ominous storm clouds were quickly approaching from the western sky and the icy winds sent chills running up and down my spine. The winds suddenly picked up and within minutes our ships were being tossed in all directions amid gigantic waves! The howling winds quickly threw the ships into turmoil. We were helpless and no longer in control. The sails were being torn relentlessly under the gale-force wind and rain. The gigantic waves were pounding our ships, tossing some crew members overboard! Others were sliding across the decks like rain-drenched rag dolls. The men who were able to hold onto something solid were openly praying for their lives. The sight of frenzied sharks during the lightning flashes only added to the fearsome dread of what was happening that night.

In total darkness, except for the occasional flashes of lightning, four of the stronger crew members were able to gain control of the remaining sails as they clutched the masts with all of their strength. Three of us tightly held on to the ship’s helm but we might as well have been blind. Without any light we had no idea of which direction to steer the ship. We were oblivious to the dangers that were all around us in this unfamiliar area.

In my heart I felt that there was no hope. I thought about my wife and children and I knew that only a miracle could save us now. The two men next to me began to weep and shout, begging Jesus to spare their lives. In those moments I thought about the story where Jesus walked on the water. I pictured Him walking on the turbulent water and boarding the ship. I felt that if Jesus were really here with us, then nothing else mattered. Suddenly, there was a glorious beacon of light being shone in our direction from the old lighthouse on the hill. It was all that we needed. We frantically changed the ship’s course, narrowly avoiding certain death caused by the ragged rocks of the cove. The next minutes were still tense but we each felt that we were past the most dangerous areas. I watched with my heart pounding as the beacon of light from the old lighthouse continued to guide our way out. I cannot explain to you how grateful I was for Rainbow Cove’s lighthouse to be operating once again.

You can imagine the relief and joy on the faces of our loved ones when we finally got back to shore, badly shaken up but still alive.

When I was finally safe at home with my family, I told my wife and friends about my brush with death. Their eyes opened wide in astonishment and mine did too when I found out that the old lighthouse couldn’t have been operating that night. There was no way for anyone to get it going again because gas was no longer available in that region of the cove.

Who can explain what happened all those years ago? You be the judge. Was it the power of prayer or did the old lighthouse refuse to let another ship go to its demise in the black waters of Rainbow Cove?

The End

Written by Leonard Jeffrey


March 01, 2024 18:41

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Lara Deppe
05:26 Mar 15, 2024

I love a story about a lighthouse! Thank you for sharing a story about a miracle ending. It gives us all hope and faith that there is someone out there watching over us!


Leonard Jeffrey
21:43 Mar 15, 2024

You made my day! Thank you. I know that I did not win this contest about a lighthouse but I so wish that the judges would give all the non-winners just a hint of where our stories stood in their mids for this contest. You know, at the bottom of their preferences? In the middle? Anything! Len.


Lara Deppe
01:28 Mar 16, 2024

Sometimes I think I would like to know and other times, I'm sure I don't want to know. I would love if they would share the criteria of how a story was chosen or what about a story made it the winner. I think that would help me too. Keep writing!


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Kristi Gott
20:56 Mar 11, 2024

Wonderful surprise ending with a Mystical or spiritual twist. The drama of the storms told very well. Good work!


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Tom Skye
21:36 Mar 09, 2024

Really nicely punchy story. You did a lot in quite few words, so bravo. I also liked the element of mystery we are left with. Great work. Thanks for sharing


Len Jeffrey
22:34 Mar 09, 2024

I thank you for taking the time to comment on my story. It means a lot to me.


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Patricia Casey
14:51 Mar 09, 2024

Hi Leonard, I like your ending. Some might discount the power of prayer or ghosts in the night doing their job right this time, but regardless of how your characters were saved, something that could not be explained happened that night. Patricia


Leonard Jeffrey
18:14 Mar 09, 2024

Hi Patricia. You got my point exactly right! Thankyou. Len


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