
This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

The seagulls fly overhead as smoke rings go up in the air. Chris tries to catch them as I blow them out. “You’re amazing you know that” as Chris’s eyes glistens. I flick my cigarette to the side as I lay my sweaty back on the hood of the car feeling the warm sun reflecting off of it. I look up at the clear blue skies and look up at the few cotton clouds above and wonder how many we’ve lost to be able to enjoy a day like today relaxing in the parking lot of a renovated MCU Park with my husband, Chris. I remember a time when things were in chaos.

Niagara Falls of sweat was pouring down my back and face as I was gasping for air. I didn’t have much time to waste as I raised my right arm and quickly crossed my right leg behind my left turning right, as I pushed my body adding pressure against the young man’s wrists. His eyes widen and before he’s able to counter a quick jab to the throat throws him off, I pick up the sword behind me and cut him down diagonally. The look of fear was the last emotion he would ever have. I hold the sword to my side and just kneel down and cry. I just can’t believe the many young men who have been brainwashed from Korad’s teachings and propaganda towards his cause. I feel a warm embrace from behind, “Kaylee, let’s go there’s nothing you can do he choose his path.” Chris my stronghold partner wipes my tears away. “Korad’s recruits are on the run, the few left standing are escaping on a few boats and jet-skis out of the island.” I pick myself up and kiss Chris, “So Governor’s Island is ours now another headquarters destroyed as they fell.” “Our small but effective rebellion group have made a dent into Korad’s stronghold in the city. " Chris smiles, “Yes we have but we still have more left to do.” Johnny one of our tech savvy members of our rebellion comes running, “Chris, Chris, Chris, we have confirmation that Korad and what remains of his recruits have set up base at Coney Island.” I smile, “Zatanna has worked her magic and has been able stay under the radar of suspicion,” Chris laughs, “Yes, she’s been an asset to us and has been a catalyst of actually putting an end to Korad” “Yeah not without casualties as we all have suffered under Korad for far too long and the boiling point has been reached.” Johnny asks, “So what’s our next move?” Chris smiles, “Our next move is the element of surprise, he’s going to suspect us coming towards him by sea, but we won’t.” Johnny has a look of bewilderment, “We can’t use the roads since the highways leading up to it have been partially destroyed during the Battle of the Souls.” “I know we can’t, but we can still use the trains.” “The trains haven’t been working for some time now.” Johnny questions. Chris assures Johnny, “Well we can use them with cars converted as road-rail vehicles which JJ has ready for us at Central Park.” Johnny smiles, “We are going to make it to the other side,” Chris puts his hand on Johnny’s shoulders “We’ve got this but it’s not over yet.”

Chris shrugs my right shoulder “Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee talk to me.” “I’m sorry just remembering that day you assured Johnny that we were going to make it to the other side.” Chris’s eyes glisten again, “I know he was full of life and fighting for a better city no matter what the cost, " I know we lost so many people to get where we are today, and it hurts.” I wipe Chris’s tears away as I get off the hood of the car. “Where are you going Kaylee?”, Chris asks. “Come on let’s take a walk on the beach and just enjoy the sounds of the waves and just be near the ocean which Zatanna loved so much.” “Wow, Zatanna oh my god Zatanna, Zatanna.” Chris yells as he kneels on the ground.

The flames were dancing all over the baseball grounds as swords were clashing raining with blood in the air. One of Korad’s men comes lunging at me with his sword as I do a cartwheel to avoid his attack and swing my sword slicing down his left side. So many casualties men and women who were on the wrong side. There was nothing left as I heads towards the beach where Chris ran towards since Korad and the few remaining men were running towards to try to escape on their boats and jet-skis. As I escape the dancing flames as I head towards the boardwalk, I see Chris fighting alongside Zatanna and our courageous fighters. Chris and Zatanna were in sync as they sliced down Korad’s men cartwheeling and spinning attacking as some gasped at their last breath, while some put down their sword and surrendered.

Chris weeps, as I embrace him, “Chris, Chris there was nothing you could have done.” Chris looks at me, “Yes I could have stopped her, I should have stopped her.” I look into Chris’s eyes and gently caress his face, “Chris she wasn’t going to let you she couldn’t let you she wanted you to change this city around alongside with me, so yes Korad made a run for it on his jet-ski after killing Johnny when he tried to stop him from escaping. " Chris shakes his head, “Poor Johnny he wasn’t a skillful fighter, but he fought till the end damn kid, I miss you.” “We all miss him, and Katanna did what she had to do and had some grenades on her and rammed him with her jet-ski.” Chris looks up in the sky, Katanna we love you always.” We both look at each other and smile as we look up in the sky shining bright with our memories of all those who have fallen especially, Johnny and Katanna. 

August 12, 2022 20:16

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