Fiction Thriller Mystery

'Okay, we will be waiting for you on Sunday. Don't worry about anything. We will take care,' said Mike consoling Kat, his niece. 

'Thank you, Uncle. I really...' Kat's voice went silent due to sadness. 

Kat lost her parents in an accident a few days ago. She was unable to accept the reality, and that's why her uncle arranged for the funeral. 

'Are you alright? Kat,' asked Mike.

'Yes, Uncle. See you there,' said Kat and hung up the call. 

Kat was one of the youngest partners in her law firm. She chose a carrier over her future family, and her choice was visible in her achievement. The demise of her only family left a void in her heart. She went on a long drive to ease the pain.

She was driving her car to her parent's house. A deer out of nowhere jumped in front of her car. Behind that deer was a man running at an astonishing speed. The deer collided with the front of Kat's car. The man behind the deer jumped to grab it. The man ran away in the jungle with the deer.  

Kat lost balance of her car due to that collision. She collided with a tree. 

The collision was so intense that the impact threw her out of the windshield. No seatbelt, no safety. 

She was bleeding profusely & losing her consciousness. She was waiting for her death to take her away and reunite with her parents. The heart was slowing down, ready to stop any second. Her eyes were open, and she could see stars waiting for her to accept. 

A drop of blood fell on her forehead. She felt the warmth of that blood. She saw a figure standing above her. She recognized the man standing above her head, the man that was chasing the deer. Blood was all over his mouth, and it appeared like he was resisting something very hard. 

That man came near Kat's face. He checked for the pulse, a sign of the living. The touch was cold, and Kat could feel it even half-conscious. He came near Kat's neck. Kat felt a bite on her neck, and she slid into unconsciousness. He uplifted Kat and place her in the car. The collision was severe, but the damage was not that much. He repaired the car and drove that car with Kat to his home. 

His house was less of a home and more of a cave. Kat was still unconscious. He lifted Kat from the car and put her into his bed. That man would occasionally check on Kat. Two days were gone, and Kat was still unconscious.  

'Where am I?' asked Kat after regaining consciousness on the third day. 

'Into the Woods.'

'Why did you brought me here?'

'For your own safety. Now drink this,' said that man and gave a glass to Kat.

She drank it without even questioning the content of the glass. She was feeling a thirst that was previously unknown to her. She was feeling a surge of energy in her veins. She stood up immediately and asked to refill that glass. 

'Hold your horses. One glass is enough for today.'

'No, I want more. And by the way, what is this?'

'You will know when the time comes. Till then rest.'

'No, give me one more. I will...,'Kat fell on the bed. That man used his hypnosis power, and Kat fell asleep. 

He went on a hunt to refill that glass with warm blood. Kat was thirsty. She would drink more in the beginning week as required during transformation. 

That man returned from the hunt. As soon as he arrived at the door, a punch in the chest by Kat threw him away. He regained balance and defended another blow from Kat. After an intense battle, Kat drained all of her energy, and that thirst returned in full throttle. 

'Who are you? What you have done to me,' asked Kat

'My name is Leo. I am what I am & you know that.'

'But, why me?'

'You were dying. I don't want that on my conscience. I saved you by making you one of us.'

'Us. How many are there like us?'

'Many. But, they have their fixed territory.'

'How old are you?'

'Been here for a long time. Enough questions. Drink this and rest.'

Kat took the glass full of blood and drank it in one breath. 

'Do we have to fear sunlight?'

'No, we can blend in wherever we want,' cleared Leo with a smile.

'I have a funeral to attend tomorrow. I need to go.'

'No, you can't. You won't be able to resist the smell of human blood. You have to master the blood lust,' said Leo

'But they were my parents. They deserve a proper good-bye,' argued Kat

After some more argument, Leo decided to accompany Kat to help her control the bloodlust.

The funeral went well. Kat could fill the sound of the heart-pumping out the fresh blood of her relatives. Kat introduced Leo as her boyfriend. All were happy to see that Kat finally agreed to give importance to things other than her career. 

Both of them went to Kat's parent's house. She went to bed feeling thirsty. Leo went to the forest to hunt. When Leo returned, Kat was drinking blood from a blood bag. She raided a blood bank near her house and brought a lot of blood bags with her. She was drinking from it when Leo returned with animal blood. 

An argument ensued and Leo failed to reason with Kat. Leo felt responsible for the mess that Kat was in and took her responsibility. Leo then began training Kat. He trained her to hunt, stay thirsty for hours, and control the bloodlust. It was nearly a week and the neighbor thought that both of them will be settling soon in that home of Kat's parents. 

Living life with a female companion was new for Leo. He was feeling attached to her and Kat was feeling the same. They decided to live here until they can figure out the plan ahead. 

Leo let her in a secret about controlling the bloodlust. 

'Occasionally, I kill some of the nefarious criminals nearby this place and drink their blood. This type of incident is rare and it happens about eight to ten times a year.'

'Say it in plain words that you drink human blood almost every month.'

'Yes, but that helps me and society.'

'Who appointed you the vigilante?'

'No one, but that is a requisite for my survival.'

'Wait a minute, I have an idea. Can you kill the councilman responsible for the murder of his wife? That councilman is about to walk away free due to some evidence misplacement. Can you bring him to justice?' asked Kat

'Why not. Let's go.'

The extra skills and power helped them overpower the security detail of the councilman. Leo killed Councilman bringing him to justice. After that, both drank the blood of a killer. They ran away unnoticed. They burnt the entire property living no trace that can lead to them. 

Kat enjoyed this mini stunt. Her bloodlust increased. She diverted it to bring justice. She began going to an office and collecting data on pending justice.

Slowly they wipe out the criminals from the county along with the Mafioso boss. The county was clean. Kat and Leo enjoyed cleaning it. 

Now, they were ready to move to another county to clean it. 

October 28, 2020 09:31

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