
5:15 pm.

" Yama can you, sweetheart, open the door?"

"Yeah! Mom"

"Who is there? "

"Is your mother here?" I need her signature for a package "

"Mom, someone is asking for you!"


"An Amazon delivery driver"

"Good afternoon ma'am, I have a package for you, please sign here!"

"Here is!"

“Thank you for choosing Amazon and have a nice day! "

"You too"

"Who's used my credit card again?"

"Surely your spoiled son, who else do you want him to be?"

“He's going to ruin us. He doesn't understand the value of money.”

"Rayan, can you show-up? "

" What's up mom? "

" What gadgets did you buy again this time?"

"Nothing mom! I swear to you "

" So, who's then? "

"Maybe Yama, ask her!"

"Liar, it's you. I don't even know how to use the internet for this stuff. You're the geek of this house.”

"Look at what first name is written on the packaging?"

“There is no name only our address and a cell phone number”

"Come on, it ends with the number 68, it's not mine, nor Yama's, nor yours or Dad's. It's a mistake this package belongs to someone else."

“Can I keep it mom?”

“Yama, aren’t you ashamed to say that? Someone is looking forward for this package. It can be a gift or something of great value.”

“You are a crazy spoiled girl! "

"It is you who are a big fool!"

"Stop both of you now!"

"Tomorrow I will go to the nearest collection point to bring it back."

“Rayan, can you google for a collection point? "

"Alright, mom after I finish my game."

"The geek boy's task."

"Shut-up girl, you're good-for-nothing!"

“Can you guys stop bickering for a second?”

5:45 pm.

"Dad has arrived"

“Dad, we have a present for you! "

"For me my daughter, who bought it?"

"It was my idea and mom paid for it."

"Don't you really believe that silly girl?" She's kidding on you daddy."

“Are you here darling.”

“In the kitchen honey!”

"I'm waiting for you to go running errands!"

“I’ll be ready in five seconds. Yama, can you show the package to your father!”

“This is what I do, mom. He has it in his hands!”

"Let's open it up, to see how much you and your mother love me girls?"

"No dad, I told you it belongs to someone else!"

 "Darling, stop it! it was an error. I'll bring it back tomorrow in a collection point."

"I'll drop you off at the mall and bring it back, while you go shopping with Yama."

“Rayan, do you google the address of a collection point.”

"Not yet mom."

"No need, I'll use my HERE WeGo app."

"Mom, I have an idea, why don't you dial the number on the package?" "

"You're right, smart girl, so leave it here, we'll do it when we get back."

“I told you I'll bring it back to get rid of it.”

 "Honey I need you with me in the mall.”

"Mom, you said smart girl, you're kidding, she's trying to buy time, she wants this box for herself."

“Geek, who asked for your opinion! Return to your virtual world! "

"You shut up!"

"Mom, can you buy me some soda please."

"I'll my handsome.'

 "Fat boy, ask a for shrink instead to save your soul and take you to the real world."

"Dad, would you like to ask your little thing to forget about me!"

“You’re twins, I don't understand where this hatred comes from.”

7:10 pm.

“Rayan, we're back home!”

" So, what? "

“I have your favorite drink. I buy it for you.”

"You don't say anything."

"Thank you!"

"A huge smile, you are happy, but remember. Do the same for me another time dear brother.”


"Hello Sir, sorry to bother you!”

"Hello; Ma'am, what can I do for you.”

“I received a package from Amazon with your cell phone number on it. Instead of bringing it back, I thought it was better to call you. Maybe you look forward to it.”

“Madam, you are kind. But I never use the remote stuff to buy my stuff. I hate this kind of service. Especially when we know that they participate in the warming of our planet. I don't know how they got my phone number, but it was definitely a mistake, ma'am. "

“I see, these mistakes are not seldom. Our personal data is disseminated on the Internet. No one can keep a secret with these new technologies. Sorry to bother you again sir! "

"Never mind ma'am, have a nice night."

"All right sir, good night to you too! bye!"

"Mom, it's Sara, she'd like to talk to you."

"Hello sweetheart! How are you?"

"Alright mom, what is this package you received?"

“Yama already told you. I dialed someone whose number is on the package. He told me it wasn't for him.”

"Mom, look on the package, you'll find a toll-free number. Call it, I think they will give you more details on how you can process.”

"Finally, my dear, how are your studies going?"

"A lot of work to provide, but everything is fine."

"Alright, baby see you next weekend at home"

"I love you mom! See you soon, bye!”

9:30 pm.

“Honey, stop calling everywhere. Tomorrow, I’ll get rid off it in a collection point.”

"Honey, I want to make sure this wasn't an order our kids forget. You know them well, they order and they forget."

"Honey, keep your credit card safe from them. Someday you'll be in trouble."

“Now take care of me and try to rest. We will see that tomorrow. "

"I'm tired honey not tonight."

“Like other nights, my beauty."

“Men need female robots to be always ready. Isn't that my stallion? "

7:30 am.

"Morning everyone, hurry, I'll drop off at school, before heading to my office."

"Is dad there?"

"No, he's already gone, his train was at 6 am."

“He promised to play with me tonight.”

“He will be back tonight my son. It's morning, isn't it? "

"Here you are children, take care of yourself, see you this afternoon! "

"Mom, what about the package?"

 "Goodbye mom! Take care, your girl is stubborn.”

"We'll take care of it when we get home. Bye!"

5:10 pm.

"Hi mum, Yama told the story of the package to everyone at school"

"Get in the car kids! We have to get home quickly; your daddy is coming soon."

5:20 pm.

“I’ll go to the backyard to play football.”

"Mom, hurry, someone broke the backyard gate."

"Mom, the package is gone."

"What a mess, who knows about that damn package?"

"Check if there's anything else stolen?"

"I don't think there is anything else that has moved, someone just picked up the package and he went away."

"I'm scared mom, what if he comes back?"

"You're scared little monster! Fortunately, I didn't let you open it. Otherwise, he will pick you up instead.”

“Rayan, respect your sister, I'm scared too.”

5:45 pm.

“Darling, you arrived, someone broke into our home to retrieve the package.”

“Has he done a lot of damage?”

“No, he just broke the glass on the back door.”

“Did you call police.”

“No, I gave the cell phone number on the package to my friend Lisa. She has a friend who works at Amazon. She will call me back for more information.

"I didn't know you had investigative skills honey."

“I think we need to call the police. Our insurance will also need their report.”

 “Take it easy darling, all this isn’t a big deal.”

6:02 pm.

“Shut! Is Lisa calling me.”

"Who, are you kidding me?"

“What was in the package? "

“What, what! I heard an inflatable doll.”

“Oh my God, in my family. Goodbye Lisa, see you soon.”

"What's up honey?"

"Who are you calling honey, me or your love doll?"

" What are you talking about? Calm down, the children can hear you.”

"You built everything, you wanted to get rid of it, you broke the glass on the door. Did you go with her on the train this morning? Did you take a hotel room at noon? Where is she? In your office, in the trunk of your car! "

“Right now, take your belongings and leave this house. I don't want an insane man in my children's house. “

“You are crazy. Can't I let you accuse me without proof.”

6:45 pm.

“Tok! tok!, police, is there anyone? "

"I'm coming, what's going on? Maybe they bring your lover!"

"Hello ma’am, we’re here to tell you that we got the person who broke your house?"

"Who’s he?"

"The guy you called yesterday. He told us he had come here to pick up his package.”

“Someone saw him run out of your house and write down his car registration and called us. He used to use addresses of different people and borrow their names. Then tracks his purchase in an app. And he intercepts his package before the delivery man knocks on the door. But this time, he missed his target a few minutes later.”

“Come to the police station tomorrow to report on the damage caused by him. Bye madam!”

“Ah my God, Ah honey, please forgive me. I didn't mean what I told you.”

“It doesn't matter. It's a proof of love. I need a hug to forgive you.”

"Rayan, they are crazy in this house, they cry, they yell and they kiss."

“Cause of this damn package. It was haunted by hate and love.” 

November 27, 2021 17:35

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Mohamed Hakmaoui
17:57 Dec 02, 2021

So much suspense ! Luckly it was not dad's package , it would ruin the whole family.


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Ben Rounds
21:19 Nov 29, 2021

Wonderful! Love a one act play! Tried one myself, 'Cul-de-sac Blues,' a while back if you enjoy reading them as well. Cheers!


Boutat Driss
10:55 Nov 30, 2021

Dear Ben, many thanks for the kind comments. I read your tale "Cul-de-sac Blues" thank you for pointing it out to me. I loved it.


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Swan Anderson
18:51 Nov 29, 2021

I loved this! Very clever storytelling through dialogue - full of humor, mystery, and drama. The inflatable doll part was hilarious! I look forward to reading more of your stories!


Boutat Driss
19:03 Nov 29, 2021

Dear Swan, You can't imagine how your comment warmed my heart. Thank you a lot.


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