narrators adventure

Submitted into Contest #243 in response to: Write a story about a character who wakes up in space.... view prompt

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Contemporary Mystery Thriller

He awoke with a start, he often did that. Call it insomnia or rem sleep disorder but I just think its because he hasn't been doing well lately. “Hello!” he called out, to no one unaware of the fact that every- “shut up!” what? “Idk who's talking but  stop that and I'm doing just fine by the way”. You can't shut me up, I'm the narrator. “What?” “what do you mean by narrator” he asked the narrator, "your not a narrator your my inner voice I'm not in a story”. maybe, or maybe you are in a story, a short story that's being submitted to win a prize. “Well that's stupid” I don't think so I like short stories. “ no I mean you should just write because you enjoy writing not to win a prize”. That's fair but not mutually exclusive. I mean you could enjoy writing and also want money. “Okay, I'm ignoring you now”, besides i got to get to work” little did he know he would not be going to work for a long, long time. He slowly got out of bed taking off blanket after blanket, but he didnt recognize the blankets, actually he didn't recognize anything about his surroundings. "wait your right”. “I mean, I'm right”, “where am I?” He slowly walked toward the door, slowly because he was kind of scared even if he wouldn't admit that to himself.”I'm not scared!” “see”. He said while quickly opening the door to prove the narrator wrong, although he actually just fell into his trap to speed the story along. "I hate you, inner voice”. The room he came out of is one of many along a row of identical looking doors, the uniform doors making a big circle around the room with a walkway and a railing to stop it from falling down. “Fall down to where?” “ down to the bottom obviously” a woman's voice answered from to the left of him, startling him. “Sorry” she said while laughing “its alright,” “hey quick question”, “where am i?” he asked the red haired women wearing clothes in the same style and color as him, (which is dark gray and pretty plain with blue design lines around the outfit). Although her outfit was feminine and his was… also feminine? “What's with my clothes?”. She laughed again, he finds her laugh cute. “No I don't”. “what ?” she asked, “oh, nothing sorry”. “.. anyways i guess they ran out of men's outfits for this team” answering his question from before. “ and you asked where you are”. “Well that's a tough question because I'm not sure”.        

“Wait, did you just wake up now?”. “Yea?” He answered warily. “Wow, a very late bloomer”. “What? Can you explain what's going on and how to get out of here? I need to go home”.”... well sorry to say this but. Your home is gone and you will never go back there were on a- he tried paying attention to what she was saying but his mind wondered, he liked this girl and wanted to ask her out, is that even an option where he is? I mean even if his home is gone, surely dating is still a thing- “do you want to get dinner with me?” he asked, interrupting her explanation. She was taken by surprise. “ uh let's get you settled in before you worry about that”. “Come on, let's go get breakfast”. “Ah, our first date,” he said happily. She laughed cutely again “i like the way you think..:” she looked at his chest” “Jake”. He realized  he has a nametag on.  And looked at hers to see her name is Rachel “ but there's going to be a lot more people than just us’. She explained. “There's a LOT of people on this spaceship”.

He realized that his floor was just one of many, more than. He can count going up and down. He wondered how they were going to get the bottom cafeteria this week. “Here it is,” she said. “ I don’t understand, it’s just a wall”. She taps on the wall in a music-like rhythm and a door opens out of the wall. He would be more surprised but it very much fits the rest of this place. It's very different and the architecture is nothing like he’s ever seen before, every inch of the walls and floor and ceiling are very complicated it would be almost impossible to replicate it. The elevator shot down to the bottom floor quicker than anything he’s ever seen. “ This architecture is so innovative and revolutionary, who made all this?” He asked. She didn’t respond. The door opened up to hundreds of tables and thousands of people eating at those tables, “you're a little late for breakfast” she said. “Aren’t you going to eat too?”. “No I… already ate” she answered. She said as the door closed behind him. He was feeling social so he decided to sit down with a group of people who were wearing different color clothes then him. They immediately get up without saying anything and leave for another table. “ Well that was rude”. “No it wasn't,” a man said while sitting down next to him." They only did that because there not allowed to eat with you. “ You just woke up today didn’t you?” He asked. “ how did you know that?” Why are we on a spaceship?”. “I wonder if they still have that orientation video anywhere? The man said “ I mean it has to be somewhere”.” Listen man, basically we are on a spaceship because the world was destroyed ". “ and everyone here was chosen because they're the best and brightest”. He thought about that for a second best and brightest? He wasn’t very special, in fact he didn’t have much going for him. “Hey!” He said out loud, “ I have a lot going for me!”, “ the man looked at him and his name tag. "Well alright you’ll have a chance to prove that” he got up. The man  was dressed in the same clothing as him and Rachel but he was blonde and conventionally attractive. It was easy to see why he was chosen for best and brightest, John 4 “ what a strange name”, he unwillingly said. “ yea sometimes your name is forgotten and you're given a name”. “Oh well I guess me and Rachel are one the lucky few”. “Rachel?” He asked, “you talked to Rachel?”.   “ Well yea is she special or something?”. “ yea she’s”- a loud horn interrupts him and a loud voice comes from a speaker. You would think the voice would be a little distorted like the intercom from everyone’s school. But it was very clear. “Lunchtime is over, everyone report to the games arena”. “Games arena?” He asked John 4, but he was already gone. He noticed everyone getting up and going somewhere so he decided to follow them. In the next room everyone lined up in a single file line. He wearily decided to get in line. And decided to ask the person next to him what was going on. “Hey what is this game arena thing?”. Before he could get a response a panel opened below his and everyone else’s feet and he fell about 100 feet into a small room. The room was jail-like, with only one door that he wasn’t able to open. “Do you have to say everything I do?. Well if I don’t then how will the reader know what’s happening? "There's no reader!” “Sure this is all very strange but I’m not in a book!” “You're just very annoying!” “Please shut up” wow, that’s a little far. “ and by the way! I only asked Rachel to dinner to shut you up”. He said lying to himself. “I really hate you”. You should probably start getting ready for the game. “ What games?” “ I don’t know what’s happening?”. “All I see in the room is an empty coat rack”. Maybe you should check in that weapon chest. While opening the weapon chest, “that’s not a weapon chest” seeing a sword stopped him from saying that sentence. “How did you know there was a weapon in there?” You should probably get ready to go now. “What?” A loud horn noise is heard again and the door opens. “Well why don't I just stay in here?”. The room starts filling with smoke in the corners. That’s why,” fair enough”. He quickly runs out the door to see a giant arena with hundreds of people coming out of similar doors. With many people already fighting some with guns and some with swords. "well I brought I sword to a crazy alien spaceship game gun fight” 

The door he left was luckily at a vantage point above most of the arena. The part he was standing on was a bunch of rocks, but the rest of the arena was unlike anything he’s ever seen. It’s ever changing with each fight going on in its specific places. One second there’s a forest full of green and shrubbery the next it’s a shooting range with people on jetpacks flying around and shooting other people”. “sorry man” a familiar voice came from behind him. Before he could react or look to see who it was he was pushed down off the cliff. “Well this is how I die I guess”. “I guess I couldn’t cut it on this alien spaceship”. He was falling towards more rocks with guaranteed death. He closed his eyes to accept it. When he opened them he was in some sort of large bouncy castle. But it’s built into the ground. The rocks transformed into a safe landing for him. But he didn’t have much time to think about it because people were coming from both sides of him with swords and shields in full battle armor. He got up and started running the only way he could in the forest. Before he realized it, trees started transforming into walls each and every way blocking most of his paths. The walls were hologram-like but also solid when he ran into one. The walls were turning into a maze around him. Go left, “what? No” he said as he went right. It's a good thing he wasn’t running because he almost fell into a pit of spikes. “Okay fine I’ll go left”. He went back and left. ”Now where do you think I should go?” Oh now you want my help, well you're gonna have to say sorry first. Absolutely not!” Well you're gonna need to find your own way. And find his own way he tried going left and right and right again not sure if he was making any progress. “Please help me?”. What do you have to say?” I’m not apologizing to you, you've been toying with me and making fun of me ever since I woke up!” You mean you’ve been toying with yourself since I’m apparently your inner voice? “Oh shut up I don’t need your help you good for nothing piece of-“. Stick your sword out around that corner. "what why would I do that?”. Just do it, do it now. He hesitantly stuck his sword out around the corner setting up a trap for anyone running from that direction. Before he realized it a person was already cut in half by his sword. With blood spilling everywhere all over the floor which is still the floor of a forest. “Oh my god!” “ Did I just?” He started hurling on the ground as the maze around him changed into an open field. “Come this way quickly!”. He didn’t have to look to know it was Rachel’s voice. No questions asked, he grabbed her hand and followed her. They ran away from the field as explosions and fights happened behind them. She led him to the middle of the arena.” I feel like this isn’t the safest place to be”. She tapped on the ground the same way she did at the elevator and a chute opened up. "this is our way out” she said. “Okay let’s go then”, before she could respond she fell to the ground due to some sort of pain. “Rachel are you okay?!” He leaned down to look at her but she kicked him into the chute and he was gone before he even realized what happened. 

“I’m sorry I tried to kill you man”. Said John 4 “in there it’s be or be killed. “There’s only so many of us that can leave”. He didn’t respond he couldn’t say anything he just saw Rachel get killed in front of him half an hour ago. Plus he has the gut wrenching guilt of cutting someone in half. “Please just tell me what’s happening” he finally asked. “Why are there no windows?”. “Why are we playing these games to kill some of us?”. “Look man if you want all the answers you should go find the orientation video” John answered. “It’s probably around the executive sweets, at the top of the living quarters”. “ I don’t know how you're gonna get up there or when you can go, since you're not allowed to be up there”. “But you seem like a smart guy”. That night he snuck away during dinner. He remembered the way Rachel opened up the secret elevator and rode it to the top” the door opened up to the top floor. This room was just a more regular room the design was more minimalist and there was no curly balcony with a 10000 foot drop. He started sneaking around looks for orientation room. “Hey uh narrator inner voice guy?,” yea?. “I just wanted to say thanks for helping back there,” “i mean you made me kill someone but you saved my life”. “And I’m sorry for saying what I said” thanks, “thanks? That’s it?”. Before he could say more he found a room with a bunch of people in clothes that were changing the way the games arena did. Even their faces were changing. Making it impossible to see if they're talking or even what they look like. He couldn’t hear anything from outside the room. But he could see what they were looking at. And it was a graph showing that the population was higher than the food. The main guy sitting in the big chairs face turned red and he stood up and pointed at the door. Everyone else's face turned into a more nervous color and rushed towards the door towards him. He dived into the closest nearby room. Unfortunately for him there were some people in this room. “Well it was still a stupid thing to do even if you like the man!”. A distorted voice said angrily. “Look he’s special I know he his there’s something about him”. Rachel! She's alive before he could go out and see her, an alarm started blaring. With the same intercom voice saying “missing person on floor 47” that was his floor. “Oh great I’ll go check that out”. He hid so the guy in strange clothes left without seeing him. He went out to see Rachel but the room was empty. Just a table and 3 chairs with no one in them. He decided to try and get back to his room. He barely made it to the door and it closed just before he was seen and made it back to his floor in no time. When the door opened he realized that there was no way he could get to his room without being noticed there were about 10 guards searching around. “Who’s missing!” One yelled. “We don’t know yet!” Another answered from the room he noticed John 4 saw him coming out from the elevator. John 4 knew it was him that left and he grabbed someone close to him and threw him to the guards. “It’s him! He was missing”. “No please I was here the whole time”. Before he could continue the guards pulled out a scanner sort of thing. And scanned the man. The man dispersed into thin air never to be seen again. “So about my reward?” John 4 asked. “Yea yea you’ll get it tomorrow.” Answered the guards. John went back into his room and the guards left through a different elevator. He quickly snuck back into his room wondering why John 4 would have saved him. But it was time for bed and he can ask him tomorrow. “Well this is my life now I guess?”. “ I still don’t know a lot but I think I’ll make due for now”. “ I wonder how long I was asleep for?”. Too long… too long. “Hey narrator?”. “Are we even on a spaceship?”

March 29, 2024 23:01

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01:20 Mar 30, 2024

this story is obviously not finished. and i got way to ambitious with the ideas. but i tried to end it in a way that answers some questions


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