The Reconciliation

Submitted into Contest #211 in response to: End your story with two characters reconciling.... view prompt


American Fiction

This story contains sensitive content


Todd was three years my senior. When we were younger, he was in his mid-twenties and I was in my early twenties, we dated for four years. I'm sure he wanted to marry me. But I had other ideas. We separated. 

We lost touch because I married someone else, and he married someone else. His wife disliked me. The fact that I was on the same baseball team made matters worse.

When Todd and I planned our future, we spoke about what our children might be like. We discussed bright children who would be super-athletes. We even chose a name for a son. Spencer was the name. Todd and his wife gave it to their child. I was positive his wife had no idea he and I chose that name. She would not have agreed to the name if she had known Todd and I had chosen that name for our child.

We kept a close eye on each other for the next 40 years.

Todd and his wife were both alcoholics who met at work. His wife was not attractive, and he was gorgeous, but he lacked confidence when it came to dating. It was not in his character to pursue a lady for a date. He married the first woman who showed him any attention. 

Every baseball season, she would start drinking after each game. It was a habit she couldn’t break. It wasn't entirely unexpected when the doctor told Todd his wife had cirrhosis of the liver. The damage was permanent. Her liver was like a stone, unable to regenerate. Our teammates had no idea how much she drank until her terminal diagnosis. Cirrhosis was a dreadful disease that killed swiftly. 

Todd understood the seriousness of her illness. He understood that 24-hour health care was vital. Todd was determined to spend every part of his day with her. He found they didn't really have anything in common other than golf and drinking. Todd stopped drinking.

He needed someone to confide in. When he reached out to me, I was there for him. Our friendship was never in dispute. I knew what it was like to lose a spouse. I had lost mine the previous year. I was able to help him since I had recently dealt with the death of my husband. I was willing to go to any length to assist him in his grief. 

Todd and I started calling every night. It wasn’t long before he started coming over so we could talk in person. 

Todd and I learned everything about each other we didn't know. We talked about our future goals and whether or not we had a future together. Todd frequently stayed at my house when his wife was dying in the hospital. We were both aware of the dire situation, but who could blame Todd or me? We both had to live. 

His wife died one month later. Todd, after a while, no longer needed my support. I gave him some space to figure things out. I was available if he needed anything.

 One day, when I had just finished making coffee, there was a knock on my door. It was Todd. He gave me fresh-cut flowers and an old ring box.

As he pushed the box into my hand, his eyes widened, and as he got down on one knee, he smiled.

"Will you marry me, Mikeau?" he asked.

"Yes." My heart raced.

"I'm so happy we’re together," Todd said. "This is how things should have gone the first time," he explained. 

We hugged and kissed and ran to City Hall. The Justice of the Peace married us. We both understood we weren't growing any younger, and we didn't want to be apart any longer. 

“I’m so happy we reconciled.”

August 16, 2023 00:41

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Marty B
23:28 Aug 23, 2023

'He needed someone to confide in. ' This is the basis for many relationships right? A listening ear can mean so much when life challenges us. And for Mikeau and Todd, this was a better beginning than alcohol and golf, which are fun but can cause problems. Thanks!


Lily Finch
01:08 Aug 25, 2023

Yes, In their case, they were able to rekindle something that probably should have always been. LF6


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Michał Przywara
20:46 Aug 22, 2023

Short and sweet - and a little bitter :) It's clear these two were meant for each other. They were good together, they never lost touch, and they pick up very quickly where they left things. But it makes me wonder - considering how close they are - how present were they ever in their other marriages? Todd even notices, all he shared with his wife was golf and drinking - hardly the foundation for a healthy relationship. There's also a curious line: "but he lacked confidence when it came to dating". It comes across as the narrator critic...


Lily Finch
22:00 Aug 22, 2023

Michał, yes this one was short and sweet and did have some bitterness. Little did they both know that what they had was the best of what they had. It was just given to them so early in life. Mikeau had commitment issues that led to the point they were found at the story's beginning. Everything is better when drinking is involved right? Until that is what makes you sick and you both sober up. Then you realize maybe you. don't have so much in common anymore. I agree I probably should have dragged it out a bit more. I wanted to avoid a confl...


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22:56 Aug 19, 2023

What is meant to be will be, even if it takes decades! Lovely story Lily!


Lily Finch
03:15 Aug 20, 2023

Thanks Derrick. LF6


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Aiyana Henderson
15:56 Aug 17, 2023

Lily, this is such a sweet story. I’m glad Mikeau and Todd reunited with each other. If I had to nitpick, I would suggest nothing. This story is perfect. You were able to capture the moments of connection, loss, and redemption all at once


Lily Finch
15:59 Aug 17, 2023

Aiyana, thank you so much for reading and commenting. I appreciate your kind words and commentary. It made my day. LF6


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Philip Ebuluofor
15:54 Aug 17, 2023

Some languages, while the wife is still alive, don't just jell with my common sense thing to do. It's like both are wishing the lady a fast demise before her time. Overall, fine storyline.


Lily Finch
15:58 Aug 17, 2023

Hi Philip, it was the simple fact that her dying was not a reason for her husband to stop pursuing something that he wanted long before his wife had come into his life. While he wasn't wishing for her death, her death was inevitable. So being practical he did what he thought was in his best interest while tending to his wife too. Thanks for reading and making a comment. I appreciate your reading. LF6


Philip Ebuluofor
18:02 Aug 22, 2023

I can see that.


Lily Finch
18:46 Aug 22, 2023

Cool. I am glad you read it and got something from it. LF6


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Delbert Griffith
09:58 Aug 16, 2023

Well, I suppose that marriage is the ultimate reconciliation! LOL A couple of things: "he was in his mid-twenties and me in my late teens, just into my twenties." I don't think you can be in your late teens AND just into your twenties. " I knew what it was like to lose a spouse since I had lost mine the year prior." "My husband’s death occurred a little over two years ago." These don't match. I think your tale would be more powerful without the last line. IMO, that doesn't need to be stated since they are now married to each other. Bitte...


Lily Finch
13:35 Aug 16, 2023

Hi Del, thanks for all of the catches here. I fixed them D). Yes, the woman considered his drinking before getting together. His seeing his first wife die so terribly cured him of ever wanting to drink again. It was a sobering experience to see her die that way. Enough to scare anyone away from drinking. LF6 Thanks for reading and of course for your comments Del. Well received as always.


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Unknown User
21:47 Aug 17, 2023

<removed by user>


Lily Finch
22:04 Aug 17, 2023

Hi Joe, thanks for reading and commenting on this one. This story is not my cup of tea but it worked for the prompt. Yes, time did work for them. Funny how some things work. You never know what's in store. LF6


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