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The Best Literary Agents Seeking Submissions in India

Showing 15 agents that match your search.

Renuka Chatterjee

💼 Agency: Speaking Tiger Books

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: https://www.speakingtigerbooks.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Literary Fiction, Poetry, Young Adult, Nonfiction, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics, Children's Book, Middle Grade, Picture Book

Previous clients: A.S. Panneerselvan, Alison Singh Gee, Aliyyah Eniath, Ajeet Cour, Karan Bajaj

Priya Doraswamy

💼 Agency: Lotus Lane Literary

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.lotuslit.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction, Spirituality

Previous clients: Pia Padukone, Vito Racanelli, RV Raman, Thomas Richards, Lucy Riles, Tom Riles

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Preeti Gill

💼 Agency: Majha House

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.majhahouse.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics, Feminism

Previous clients: Easterine Kire, Kanwaljeet Deol, Nirupama Dutt

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Dipti Patel

💼 Agency: Word Famous

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.wordfamous.in/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Commercial Fiction, Literary Fiction, Mystery, Romance, Thriller

Previous clients: Alpesh Patel, Aditya Shroff, Prajeet Budhale, V.S. Rao, Pawan Verma

Mita Kapur

💼 Agency: Siyahi

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://siyahi.in/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir

Previous clients: Devdutt Pattanaik, Vish Dhamija, Venita Coelho, Paro Anand

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Anish Chandy

💼 Agency: Labyrinth Literary Agency

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.labyrinthagency.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Literary Fiction, Nonfiction, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics, Self-Help

Previous clients: Anita Nair, Nikita Singh, Roopa Pai, Sanjay Manjrekar, Mihir Dalal

Sherna Khambatta

💼 Agency: Sherna Khambatta Literary Agency

🌍 Location: Mumbai, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.shernakhambatta.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Online submission form

Genres: Nonfiction, Cookbook

Previous clients: Michael Benanav, Vanessa Able, Gopika Kapoor, Vijay Santhanam

Anuj Bahri

💼 Agency: Red Ink Literary and Film Agency

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: https://redinkliteraryagency.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Online submission form

Genres: Fiction, Crime Fiction, Fantasy, Mystery, Thriller, Nonfiction

Previous clients: Amish Tripathi, Gul Panag, Shweta Bachchan, Malini Agarwal

Interested in debut authors

Kanishka Gupta

💼 Agency: Writers’ Side

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://www.writersside.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Email

Genres: Fiction, Action & Adventure, Fantasy, Thriller, Nonfiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics, Self-Help

Previous clients: Jaideep Varma, Siddhartha Gigoo, Hussain Zaidi, Anamika Mukherjee

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Lalitha Ravindran

💼 Agency: First Forays

🌍 Location: New Delhi, IN

🧑‍💻 Website: http://firstforays.com/

📣 Preferred contact method: Online submission form

Genres: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Romance, Nonfiction, Memoir, Narrative Nonfiction, Politics

Previous clients: Shirish Thorat, Aashish Gupta, Lata Gwalani, Sheba Ghosh, Abhimanyu Jamwal

Interested in debut authors

What do literary agents do?

A literary agent represents your book to acquiring editors who want to publish it. In other words, an agent gets the foot of new authors in the door of a publishing house — and onto the path of getting traditionally published. 

In addition to championing you and your writing and serving as your point of contact with others in publishing, literary agents understand editors’ tastes and the types of books they are looking to add to their lists — a crucial component in getting any publishing house to invest in the works of new authors. Since most big publishers don’t accept unsolicited submissions, getting a literary agent who’s accepting submissions is the most realistic route to traditional publication, particularly for debut authors.

Aside from getting your foot in the door, what else do literary agents do?

  • They are expert negotiators, combining publishing acumen with a nose for the value of good, sellable writing;
  • They act as mediators between you and your publisher (when you don’t want to hurt your working relationship with an editor by talking brass tacks);
  • They manage the financial and marketing side of things while you concentrate on the writing; and
  • They often have strong editorial skills, helping refine your manuscript before you submit it to a publisher.

As you might've guessed, literary agents are especially important for debut authors, who often don't have a starting point in the vast maze that is the publishing industry. That's what a literary agent will become for you: a guide to help you throughout the publishing process, and kickstart your publishing career. 

New authors might be intimidated by the wealth of information and cautionary signs in the industry. It's especially tricky to research literary agents when some are open to submissions from new authors, and some are not.

If you're one of those debut authors, don't fret! We've got you covered with the resources that you need to gain your bearings. 

Resources for new authors landing a literary agent in 2024

You might think that a great book is all you need to catch a literary agent’s attention. But you’ll need to put in a good amount of work to land them — and that includes everything from the careful study of each agent's wishlist to personalizing your query letter for each candidate..

Whether you’re a new author learning how to research literary agents or an experienced writer refining your query letter, here are the resources that can give you a headstart.

Free online materials for debut authors

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