The Heirs of the Plant People.

Written in response to: Create a title with our Title Generator, then write a story inspired by it.... view prompt


Fiction Science Fiction

Today was the day. Today was the day that I, George was going to win the track and field meet as an underdog. I jumped out of bed and stretched. I got dressed, ate, and had my friend drive me over. I could not waste any energy walking today. With my parents on another business trip, I had to impress them.

I got out on the track really early. It started to drizzle, but I continued to stretch. I was so nervous. I believed in myself and had trained myself to do this for months, but what if I tripped. Then my coach would be disappointed and my parents wouldn't have any reason to come home. They were always a way, and I never got the chance to call. This could be my one and only shot for a while, so I needed to make this count.

Some of the other runners arrived. I found myself trying to stay away. They looked professional and intimidating. I wasn't going to listen to them. I got out to the track. I heard the boys yelling at me to go, run, but I was saving my energy. No way in a million years would I listen to them. They were just going to mess me up. But before I knew it, I saw a green light coming from above me. I looked up and screamed. But I was already floating.

It was a large giant aircraft. Like a flying saucer but in real life. I scream harder but the other people that were supposed to be running are running away. I scream for help even louder when I'm inside, surrounded by exterior terrain beings. They don't even look like aliens. They look like weird humans. Like humans put made of plants. One is even on an intercom, telling us we have left. I am put in a clear tube that I cannot escape. There is no escaping.

One tries to soothe me. I quiet down after that, but I was honestly scared. I didn't have my phone and we were in outer space! I didn't have a way of connecting with everyone on Earth. The beings wouldn't tell me anything except I could hear them talking in the other room about how we would be there soon, and someone called the dark master would be pleased with what they have brought him. I worry. What if the dark master wants to eat me. Or what if I will be used for weird fertilizer or something.

Soon, we had arrived on the planet. It was a jungle, a forest. I felt like I was in a weird overgrown jungle. Except some of the plants could talk. I was dragged out and pulled to a large building, made of plants. But before I enter, two of the plant beings get in front of the door. "WHO GOES THERE?" They ask in unison.

"The scavengers. We have brought the dark master a gift. We want him to decide if he can help us, or will be forced to help him at his own needs." Again with the dark master. The larger of the two plants bends over and starts to look me over. I stand straight and tall. The little one grunts.

"Alright. Go ahead. Caution. I don't think he'll want a child, but who knows. He works in wondrous ways." I look up. I frown. I'm 11. Not a child. But I keep my mouth shut. It was apparent that I was not leaving. There was no way of escaping. The meet was probably days over and my babysitter probably didn't even care. He never cared about me.

Most of the time he was with his girlfriend and stuffed me in my room if his girlfriend was over. He has three and knows that if I would tell my parents, give them evidence, and tell at least one of the girls. I've only threatened, but even I know I would if angered. One of his friends once told me my parents didn't love me. That's why they were never here. I cried the entire night. I was eight and extremely upset.

Maybe it was better if I was here. It was like no one loved me. I was tired of not being loved. These beings at least chose me. They want to love me. They want to have me. I knew that whatever happened, this is what I wanted. To be here on another planet. I was an outsider at school, but here I got a fresh start.

The dark master Had black leaves. Being in his presence could silence you. He took one glance and said, "What do you want? You have some deciding factor in all things considered. Leaving is not one of them, I won't give you a choice if that's what you say. Choose wisely."

"To be with the scavengers." The dark master looks surprised.

"Then that is your fate. Enjoy." The scavengers look thrilled. They untied me and praised the dark master and me. "One last thing. No more humans. I am tired of them. If the human knows any life forms, find them. Thank you."

The next day we boarded the aircraft. I was nervous I'd fall off the edge, but I didn't. For days and nights we searched. I was so excited when I helped track down the first planet. We found a planet of weird animals. I would describe them, one of us would draw it, and we'd bring it back to the dark master. He would tell us the ones he wanted to see and get them trained. Then we'd search, find something, depict it, bring it to the dark master. Repeat over and over.

I have not been back to Earth since my abduction day, but the past is the past. I'm never going back to my old life. I have found this one to be so rewarding and joyful. I have yet to find that I want to return to my old life. I couldn't even believe that there was a time when I wanted to be on Earth. When I found that there was so much more to life than the struggle it was before.

January 24, 2022 18:09

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