The long trip

Submitted into Contest #37 in response to: Write a story about a valuable object that goes missing.... view prompt



“Wake up! It's time. ” my mother tells me. I wasn't even sleeping because I was too excited for the trip. I washed my teeth and wore my clothes. We got our bags and went to the car. It was night time so we had to be very quiet. Then we drove to the airport. We check in and then we go to the waiting place. My parents drink coffee and I drink some ice tea. The speaker announces that gate five is open. We go to the gate and give our tickets. Then we went to the bus and like always squish together with the other people. The bus slowly drove us to the airplane and we got out and climbed the stairs. The airplane was white and very big. We went in the airplane and past the stewardess. We had to go to the middle of the plane because there was our seat. We sat down and got comfortable. We fastened our seatbelts and the plane started to move. First it was moving slowly but when we got to a straight place it was moving faster and faster until it went up. It was very scary going fast (like always) because I thought we were going to crash. When going up the airplane was shaking (and again like always) but when it reached the sky it was going straight and not shaking. But something else happened, my ears were hurting. But when we ate some food that the stewardess gave us my mind didn't think about the hurting ears. Then I stayed with my tablet until we landed. We landed in Vienna but we didn't end there; we are going in another airplane. 

Firstwe had to wait at the airport for the plane. So we went to a place to eat something. We got some m&m’s and sandwiches. I went to charge my tablet because we had a long flight ahead. The speaker announces that gate 17 is open. We got our tickets out and we went in the airplane. The sun was rising because it was morning. Now we were right at the beginning so we didn't have to walk a lot. The plane was way different. In front of the seat there were tablets where you could see movies, play games and hear music. At the seat there were pillows, sleeping masks and blankets. There were more seats and people in this plane. The airplane did the same things and I watched a lot of movies and played one game. 

Then we landed in Chicago and because it was a long flight when we landed we got some fast food. Our last flight was coming up and it was the shortest one. The speaker again announced that the gate 20 is open. We get our tickets out and get in the plane. It was lunchtime and very sunny.  The plane was very small and it was a short amount of time until we went up.

When we landed in Saint Louis we went to the area where people pick you up and I ran to hug my aunt and my brother. Then we went to my aunt's home and there I met my uncle. The first day was my mother's birthday so we ate some cake and we ate dinner. We went to many places and I bought a new iPad. When we went to the zoo I got my iPad with me because I wanted to take some pictures. We saw the animals and then we ate lunch. We went back home and I watered the plants with my aunt but when we finished I could not find my iPad. I asked everyone if they knew where it was but no one knew. Then my mom told me to remember where I saw it last and I could not  remember. We waited until my brother came and he said the zoo. When we went to the zoo it was closed so we had to go tomorrow. We went to sleep and the next day we ate breakfast and headed to the zoo. The animals had totally destroyed my iPad and they had broken the cage. It headed for me and when it touched me I hit my head in the wall. “Ha ha” one of my stupid dreams again. Now we actually ate breakfast and we headed to the zoo. We went to the zoo and searched but it was nowhere there. But when I saw in the lion's cage it was there. The lion was big and had a baby near it. They were both lying down near my iPad. My aunt suggested we ask the zookeeper if he could get it for us and he said yes. The zookeeper when”t in the cage and many people were looking. When he threw them food the lion and the baby ran away from my ipad and he got it. I was very happy. We said thank you and went back home. The case had many scratches but the iPad was ok. Later that day while we were on a call with my grandma I told her everything that happened to my new iPad. But then I saw a scratch on my iPad and I got very sad but when I rubbed it, it was actually a smudge. The next day we went to see the arch of saint louis and we had some super good great sushi. My cousin had his PS4 there and we played the whole time with it. The games we played were God of War and Fortnite. After a few days was what we actually came to America for. My brother's graduation. There were many people there and it was a very hot day. It was a very big stage and then he announced some names and then he announced my brother's name. The next day we went to chicago but three days later we left. The fun had to end sometime right. I was very sad but I had to leave. We went back home and when i went to school i told my friends and my teacher everything. They were really surprised. I also showed them my ipad and some photos.

April 17, 2020 17:18

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