Money: The begging of evil

Submitted into Contest #30 in response to: Write a story about someone who receives an unexpected phone call.... view prompt



"Yes, come to the train station, I need you", he said and because I missed him, instead of asking questions I went.

The water was slowly dripping from the roof outside, it was a little bit chilly since the whole week was raining and when you stay alone, boredom messes with you and it consumes your mind. There was no service so I could not even be on social media, I was so bored to the point where I was even having a conversation with myself and I got bored from that too since I can not answer and ask at the same time. The telephone started ringing and that was just weird because since my father passed on, my mother moved to Canada and my brother left home, no one ever calls through the telephone and I had to answer. "Becca, listen, it's me. John and I need you" the voice said, "John? Is that you?" 

Five years ago, my older brother left home after our father died and left him out of the inheritance, he was so angry that he never even called or texted, "Yes, come to the train station, I need you" he said and because I missed him, instead of asking questions I went. I was planning all the questions I will ask him when I see him, "where have you been?", "are you okay?" but I just hoped he remained the same physically so that I can still recognize him no matter what.

When I got there, it was dark and quiet, I mean it is an old and abundant train station, but it was my brother so I had to go but then I heard screaming from the dark side of the station, "hello?" I called out walking slowly with my heart racing like a turbo engine. Every step I took the screaming became closer and louder, I walked down the stairs slowly just so I can see what was going on. I should have asked him why did he choose for us to meet here but it did not matter and I trusted him with my life, he is my brother after all. I walked slowly towards the screaming and just as I was walking, I heard gunshots coming from the screaming and then the whole place went silent. I covered my mouth with my own hand, I was so scared I could even hear my heartbeat in the silence and I continued walking. My phone almost gave me a heart attack when my brother called, I even screamed for a second before answering, "how far are you?" he asked but instead of telling the truth, I responded, "I just left home now, I am on my way". 

 Deep down I was glad he was not dead nor the one screaming but after I hung up, that's when I started to wish I told him about the gunshot and it was too late. I was so focused on the phone that I tripped on something, I got up, picked up my glasses and when I checked what I fell on, I nearly had a heart attack on top of a heart attack. I thought inside the bag I tripped on was a dead body so I opened it slowly, but instead of a dead body I found money, lots and lots of it, it was like as if the company that manufactured money just left it there. Voices in my head started arguing, "you heard gunshots leave the money" one voice said, "take the money, call your brother and run" the second voice said. I slowly took the bag, put it on my shoulders and started running, I did not even look back or felt the weight but it was a big and heavy bag of money, that I can say. 

I ran so fast and when I got to the main road I just got in my car and started speeding, my phone rang and rang but I was filled with too much adrenaline to think straight and by the time I got to the house I locked all the doors and closed the windows. "Where did you disappear to? I need..." he said and when he went silent I got quite I became worried, "Becca, tell me you did not take something that is not yours?" and I just hung up the call but I was panicking. He kept on calling for hours without me answering, I was so shaky that I knew the only solution was to hide half of the money and I did. Funny how one phone call can just turn your life upside down, funny how time works, few minutes I was poor now all of a sudden I have a bag full of money I never even dreamed of seeing and instead of being a good citizen and calling the cops, I kept it. 

I was slowly falling asleep, but as I was slumbering, I heard a loud bang at the door, "Becca open this bloody door right now" someone shouted, but instead of opening I just left half of the money on the table and went out the back door. The angry man knocked the door down and before I could even go far, I saw a police car, so in my head, I was like, "yes finally, someone who could help me" and I ran to them but what I got was more than help. "Get in the car, it's okay" the female police officer spoke and I did get in the car, but after a while, the male cop used the radio and said, "boss we got her" and I knew I was just dead. The boss came and it was my brother, Jacob, last time I saw him he was normal, now he is covered in tattoos and he wears gold chains, imagine. 

"He opens the cop door and pulls me out by my neck, he puts me on top of the car and he says, "I told you to come and meet me, but you had to come and take what is not yours and now I have to kill you". I wanted to scream but he was holding me so close I could not even breath, "damn it, Becca," he says while hitting the police car, "please let me go, you have the money," I said with tears all over my eyes and he just looked at me like a serial killer and looked away. "Sir the money bag is safely in the car," said one of the guys, and instead of him killing me, he lifts me up and fixes my shirt then he hugs me, "I missed you, Becca," he said and I just stood there frozen. Hate turned my brother into a gang lord but why did he call to meet me in that cold dark place? Did he plan to kill me too? Did he want me to join his gang? "What happened to you?" I said touching his sweet innocent face turned into a tattoo experiment and then he gave me an ugly look without a word. "Boss the dead bodies are safely in the house," one guy said out of nowhere and he was covered in blood, I started to panic, what did they mean? What house? Did I just get framed for murder?

I just stood there and said, "Jacob what did you do? What does he mean?" but everyone started laughing at me, "well since you have my father's wealth, let's see you try and buy yourself out of prison," he said and I shook my head with fear, "officers take her away" he continued. I screamed so loud that the neighbors came out and as soon as they tried to get involved he just took out a gun and started throwing shoots in the sky. Everyone went back to their houses and I was kidnapped by the people who were supposed to protect me, an unexpected call turned my simple life into a nightmare, I should have never gone there, I should have stayed in my room and slept but no, I had to go.

"I am so sorry Becca but you are the reason I am what I am today, a monster who feeds on the weak and preys on the foolish," he said smiling at me and I just cried in the silence of the hour. The whispers of the people around were slowly fading as they were far from the scene, but what did I do to deserve this? Could it be that I took blood money and got cursed? I mean all I ever did was just go to a place to meet my own flesh and blood. The car drove away and I saw my brother waving while I lost my future before my eyes, I was betrayed by my own flesh and blood for money. When we got to the police station, I wanted to say something but every time any cop saw the two officers, they would stop listening, it was like my brother owned the whole station and everyone was under his payroll. 

They threw me in a cell and said, "you should have run away after taking the money sweetheart, now look at where you are?" and I just prayed for a miracle, but am I worthy? I mean I did sort of steal the money too and technically I still do have the money I stole. I smiled knowing that my brother will soon come to me and ask for his money back, but he never did and as a result, I spend three years being abused; bullied and victimized by the bloody corrupt cops. I was always crying, always being the victim until I whispered into the ears of one cop on the whereabout of 5% of the cash and then the rest of the four years I was treated like a queen. People said that my brother betrayed me but no, maybe that was my answered prayer, just that the devil interfered before I could testify and had me locked up.

Fast forward ten years later, I gave my brother an unexpected phone call and this time I had the station on my side, "good luck with your revenge little sister" he said, "it's not like you own the world and besides you do not even know where I am" he continued. I was going to let him get away with having arrested but he did not apologize so I had to send him a picture of himself that I had my sources take this morning and it shook him. You see money is the root of all evil because it buys you in and out of secured places like prisons but then it consumes your soul and makes you the darkest person in the world, one who fights to keep the bank full no matter the cost. I agree I can not take it when I die but I can not live without it and now people are debating about me, did the call save my life or break it? 

I say it liberated me, it made me realize that good people never win and now since I have money I will take over the country, city by city and soon my brother and I will forgive each and other and slowly become the beginning of evil. One call was all it took, just one unexpected call from my long lost brother, the only blood sibling I had and I am sure Dad is turning in his grave but it is kind of his fault. His greediness drove my brother to the edge and made us what we are today, the most wanted criminals in the world, maybe I should have stayed in my room that day but I did not and now I went from owning a phone to owning the world.

The END.

February 26, 2020 19:34

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Roland Aucoin
02:00 Mar 05, 2020

Great storyline. Nice twist! loved it. A few missing words in sentences interrupted my reading flow, but those are easy to correct. i.e 'with having arrested but ...' missing 'me' after having. Just re-read, slowly. :) The last paragraph rounded out the current situation. Great stuff.


18:04 Mar 05, 2020

It's my first time and your comment will help me improve next time, thank you so much, I will take everything into consideration ♥


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