Submitted into Contest #194 in response to: Write a story inspired by the phrase “The plot thickens.”... view prompt


Science Fiction

New Year's Eve 2013

The celebration of a lifetime was taken place in Time Square. Over a million people in Time square. Millions more watching at home. The clock strikes twelve. The New Year is here. Couples are kissing, marriage proposals, hugs among family and friends, than all of a sudden, a loud rumbling is heard. The celebration stops. The people look up at the sky. The sky darkens. A loud voice is heard. "We come in peace." The people all around the country stare in wonder as two ships appear. What happens next? Do these visitors come in peace or is Humanity doomed?

Ten years later

Ten years ago, the world changed. Strange beings appeared in big wondrous ships. They told us they came in peace. We believed them without knowing what they looked like. We trust their word without knowing why they came to our home. We were taken in. Our leaders, our government trusted them enough to make multiple deals with them without telling us. What did we get in return?

We got very few from these beings while our so-called leaders sold us out, sold out our planet and our people. It was only a year later when we finally saw these beings. They looked noting like how I imagined they would look like. They looked like us, human.

It was the same time when information about the deals that were being made behind close doors began to leak. What they wanted was so crazy you wouldn't believe it. I sure as hell didn't believe it. They wanted what we value most our natural resources and us. I believed our leaders would stand up for us and protect us but they didn't and what's even worse our own people didn't believe the information leak. They were too far gone. Only a few of us had the courage to fight and rid our planet of the beings who I believed are only pretending to be human.

There is still too many questions to be answered. One of those questions is where are these beings getting us humans from? The question is answered when our resistance group called The Renegades came upon a transport vessel. What was report back to me was very unnerving it pissed me off. I want revenge on all those people, those collaborators who dare help these beings, who dare turn against us. I know some of these collaborators. They are life long friends even family members.

These transport vessels are taking our people off of earth to an unknown destination. Who are the humans? I will tell you who they are. They are people nobody cares about. They are drug dealers, street walkers, the homeless, people with criminal records and people who are in prison. I know they are not the best kind of people but that doesn't give them the right to do this to our people, helping them betray us is as low as humanly possible. They don't deserve to be call anything but human waste. There is going to come a time when they will pay for what they are doing.

Now you are probably wondering who I am. Here is a bit of my story. My name is Alexandra. I was the first person who realized the truth about these beings and the deals they made. The first person I told is my best friend Ally. I thought she wouldn't believe me. Thank God, she believed me. She told me something that made me understand her reason for believing me. Ally's uncle is in prison and for the last few months Ally and her parents have been trying to reach him but every time they call the prison they get the same excuse, he's sick. They knew something bad was happening and their fears came to fruition. Ally's uncle is one of the many prisoners who were forcibly taken and put on the transport vessels. I had one person on my side. I needed more. So, I went to the one person I trusted the most my twin brother Adrian.

Here is where the plot thickens and it keeps on going until I find out the real truth. My twin, my other half, my protector. The one person besides Ally thatI trust most in the world turned against me. I told Adrian about the leaked information, about Ally's uncle and what Adrian told me next broke my heart. He told me I was lying and he didn't believe me. On top of that my parents were on Adrian's side. I left my home in tears. I went to Ally's apartment where I felt safe. I told Ally what happened. She told me it's up to us to stop these beings and with the help of Ally's parents we formed a resistance group called the Renegades. This is where I am right now looking at pictures the Renegades took of the transport vessels. Where do we go from here?

The transport vessels are heavily guarded with alien and human guards. I can't risk my guys and girls on something that is not going to work. So as a group we decided to do things on a smaller scale, attack smaller targets. We hope with these attacks that the beings would get the message and leave. In planning the attacks, we realize the human cost would be big. That's a risk we have to take. We are planning the attacks when word comes through from one of our contacts. This person is deep on the inside. This person who I'm not going to name sent us a disturbing message. The message reads "People are disappearing from all across the city. A list of names has been given to the police and aliens. Round-ups take place midnight every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays." This just got more real and mysterious.

I immediately stop planning the attacks. Now the Renegades have a new mission, get the list. We sent a message back to our contact. We ask said person if he can get the copy of the list. Now we wait and watch. The Renegades know what they have to do. I leave with Ally. We walk out into the city looking at how differently everything looks. In ten years, the light that shined bright all over the city is now a place I don't recognize anymore. Armed police and aliens line the street. It scares me. What has my home become?

I look across the street where a group of aliens and humans are talking. You can easily spot an alien, they have two specific eye color, grey and black. In the middle of the group is my brother Adrian. I stand there watching him. My eyes begin to water. Ally pushes me to leave but I can't. Adrian spots me, instead of waving he turns away from me. My heart breaks all over again. Ally final gets me to walk away.As we are walking, we pass a group of men and women. They are talking about the recent disappearances. One lady is describing how of a group off aliens and police officers burst through her door and dragged her father and brother away. The man next to her related a similar experience. I look at Ally, she knows what I'm thinking. Me and Ally round the corner when we hear screams.

We turn around and see the same group of people we just passed getting arrested Some are getting beat and dragged into the vans. I grab Ally's hand and leave before they see us. They are silencing anyone who talks or mentions the disappearances. Where they taking them? Maybe to the transport vessels. I tell Ally we need to head to the transport vessels. She nods.

We arrive at the place where the transport vessels are located, all is quiet. Where are they? We hear a noise coming from one of the vessels. Me and Ally instead of running away head to where the noise is coming from. We stop at an open vessel. Lucky for us Ally has her tape recorder. We tape what they are saying and boy it is what I prayed they would say. The two aliens are talking about how they are getting everything they want without giving anything in return. The medicines and all the technology they are giving to us doesn't work and the biggest one of all our people that were taken and the one's disappearing are never returning home despite the promise made to our government. We see the aliens coming. Me and Ally leave in a rush.

We got the evidence we need to bury the aliens. We still need the list. A message comes from Jax. Me and Ally head back to HQ. Upon returning Jax gives me the message that our contact wants to meet with me. I look at everyone, they give me their approval. I take Ally, Jax, Cruz and Arianna with me. At half an hour to twelve we leave HQ for Hudson Yard. Myself, Ally, Jax, Cruz and Arianna arrive. They spread around watching for anything unusual. My phone beeps. I look down and see a message from Ally. I smile at her words. My phone beeps again. This time it's Jax. Someone is coming. My nerves are reaching a new high. "Hello Lex."

I freeze up. I know that voice. No, it can't be him.I slowly turn around and see my twin. I begin to run. Adrian stops me. "Lex stop." I thrash and kick Adrian. "You're one of them." I yell. "Let me explain Lex." I stop fighting Adrian. I look into his eyes. "You're Jagger." He nods. "How? Last time I saw you, you hurt me."

"When you told me about the leak, I knew I had to protect you. You knew too much. They would have come after you. Mom and dad are too far gone. They would have turned you in or worse hurt you. I couldn't, wouldn't let them do that to you. So, I played along, pretended I was on their side. I couldn't do anything to stop the first transports. Now I'm doing something Lex. These round-ups are going to continue to happen unless we stop them together. Here is the list. Help me Lex." Adrian hugs me and leaves.

Wow, Adrian is not one of them. He protected me. Ally, Jax, Cruz and Arianna come up to me. I tell them we have a lot of work to do. "Lex, what about the recording?" I tell Ally and the other's "We are going to send the list and recording to everyone we know. We are going to spread this info like wild fire. They are going down."

All the Renegades are called in. We get to work. A couple days later I receive word that a change in attitude from welcoming to full on range is happening. The people know the truth. These beings, these aliens are not our friends, they never were, they are our enemy. The Renegades come up with a plan to blow up one of their ships, with the help of Adrian and his team the attack is moving ahead.

Adrian gets back to me. We are a go for the attack, We head out to meet Adrian. I promised Adrian me and Ally are not going to be part of the attack. We meet Adrian and his team at Roosevelt Island. I wish them luck. Me and Ally watch as the transport vessel flies to one of the ships and before you knew it, Boom! the ship blows up. Me and Ally head back to HQ. Two hours later the Renegades, Adrian and his team show up. They made it, they all made it.

The war has begun. We will win. We have many allies. They can't stop us. This is our home. We will fight for our home. We will fight every single alien until they leave and never come back.

April 20, 2023 18:38

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