Nightmare at Midnight

Submitted into Contest #42 in response to: Write a story that ends with the narrator revealing a secret.... view prompt



It is 12 a.m, midnight i must say, wondering  if ever I am going astray, for i am walking inside a dark forest, hearing different howls and chirps of the owl with tall trees accomapanied by the night's cold breeze. So dark, so creepy this place is not making me feel easy. I have a wierd feeling now, so unusual, I've got some goosebumps on my skin, "Geez, geez this place is creepy", I uttered with a broken voice.

I just walk straightaways hoping to find a way in escaping this dark forest and run faraway. As I am on my walk, I felt so wierd, the feeling of someone is following you, but I didn't mind it anyway. Then, I heard some foot steps, slow-slow it hits me with a bow, "Goodness! what was that", I exclaimed bravely, but inside I'm shaking to death , "What on earth is this place?", I uttered in my mind he missed his single shot, then I found myself running same in a movie's plot. Hushing while running in speed, thinking who is that person, I can see by the shape of the body, she's wearing a hoodie, but I can't see her face clearly.

 I come running and running, not knowing where will I be heading. I didn't see the rock ahead that caused me to stumble and hit my head, "Ahhh Ouch!", the last word I've uttered. Last thing I remember, she held my face then she burried me in that place, I was screaming to death, "Let me gooo! Help! Help! Please Help me!", I plead for help, but she did not listen, not a single word coming on her mouth, she wrapped a chain on my body, on my hands, on my feet that I can't move even a single move. She lifted me and putted me in a spacious box, then she said, "Good-bye", with a cracked voice. A loud bang broke the silence in this place, as she closed the box and burried me in that place, alive but soon will be dead.

I was wondering where I am, I was walking in this dark forest that seemed so familiar, like I've went here before, or I saw it somewhere else before. I am still walking on the forest, same sound all through out added with tiny screams just abound. Now, I remember it appeared in one of my dreams before maybe that's why it seemed familiar. But this time, I can't feel any goosebumps on my skin, not any strand of hair are rising, no sweats, no fear. Wait, I stopped walking because I saw something in the woods, I saw someone wearing a hoodie and band with a shovel on its hand. I tip-toed and hide behind the tall tree nearby, "What on earth is this person doing?", I uttered on my mind, "Digging a hole in the middle of the night? So wierd". I clearly saw what she is doing, she is covering something in that place. I was wondering, what would that be. It's impossible if she's planting some seedlings in midnight, I observed her so keenly. She grabbed a big log and out on top of the hole. Then, she slowly walk away, like nothing have happened, anyway. I am walking slowly towards the hole that the anonymous man covered with a bole. I dug the place with my bare hand, curiously thinking what it is, with sweats dropping up-to my forehand. Now, my heart is racing fastly, like an adrenaline rush up to my body. "Yes, I got it, a big box?", I utterred. I opened the box, "Goodness! who is this lady?", I was shocked thag it took me minutes to move my eyes and my hand. Shockingly, it's a dead woman's body with a matching dress with somebody, somebody... standing in front of that body. "No! No! this can't be", I can't believe what I saw, why do this lady, look like me so much from the face up to our dress. "I don't understand anything right now, don't tell me, I died already?" I asked myself with confusion on my face anfd tears starts to roll down up to my face.  

I cried, so hard louder than the screams of cicadas. I felt her pain, her agony, her misery chained by melancholy, not knowing the reason behind her death still unresolved and a mystery. As i closed my eyes, I felt it and saw her pain in all of those years that she was alive and breathing. I get her out of that box and unchained the chain that was wrapped on her body, I saw the wounds so fresh, unhealed and will never be healed. Just as I was, unchaining her someone stabbed from the back, I can't see anything just white as the snow as I vomitted some scarlet blood, she held my face with her hand, now I can clearly saw her face and uttered, "No, this can't -be", she replied and a smirked marked uo on his lips, "Good-bye", and she turned away and I lose my strength while catching my breath. Then I closed my eyes and I see some light.

Something stinks at the back of my head, not remembering anything, it's just... 

I was once lying on my bed, "What a bad nightmare was that", i uttered.

I was in my deepest sleep, when my alarm suddenly sang it's loudest beep. I woke up staring at clock, it's 12 a.m, midnight I must say. I got up from my deep sleep and went to the bathroom, washed my face with some cold water from the faucet. I look at the mirror and saw my reflection, it's a mix up one. There are so many emotions in my eyes. I went straight to my closet and choose the perfect cloth to wear for such cold night, I wore some hoodie and a band and started the thing that i have planned. I prepared everything, this is the day, the most awaited day to say goodbye and accomplish my in ending this woman's pain and bury her with a melancholic chain.

May 22, 2020 13:04

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