Drama Horror Funny

Warning: blood and death.


~Present Time~

I scream a bloodcurdling scream, enough to deafen the zombie if it still had eardrums. My communicator is twenty feet away and turned off, and my weapon is on the ground, forgotten, (crowbars and chainsaws work best) behind the rotting monster standing over me. 

“Wake up, Hazel, it’s just a dream,” I tell myself, knowing, fully and truly that it isn’t. The smell of decomposing bodies, the strange, guttural sounds, the way it awkwardly glides across the ground like a possessed toddler--I’ve seen these before. I’ve seen them too many times before. 

And I lie, weaponless, covered in open cuts, neck exposed, completely defenseless against the parasite-controlled former-human, her once-pretty face distorted in a permanent scream of death. 

I lean against the lockers of what was once the middle school, before the Epidemic took over and everyone with a drop of sense in their blood left America. 

“No,” I whisper. I was chosen by the United Armies for this! A teenager, strong, witty, able to fit in the small spaces zombies can’t stand. I was trained to combat these reanimated bodies, whacking the heads off the people I’d once known. 

But no, no, this wasn’t a dream. Even worse, the zombified woman leaning over me, mouth dripping with saliva and old blood (why must it always be blood?) was like me once.

She was a Zombie Hunter of the United Armies. 

 Or, she had been, before that wound on her arm was infected and she died, her body taken over by the dangerous parasite known simply as E-0t-W. (Who we nicknamed “endy”.) 

And the same thing was going to happen to me.

Bulletproof armor can’t hold against the invisible invaders that, for all I know, are riding through my bloodstream, attempting to stop my heart so E-0t-W could take control of my corpse. 

The zombie, her black hair still glossy even after being undead for several days now, has a face contorted into a forever scream--she died in pain. Her blue eyes are milky and sightless--good. I might be able to slip away, if not for the fact that I was cornered. 

I’m running out of options. I can’t touch her--her flesh is beginning to rot, which means she's the prime breeding ground for the germs that will infect me and make me like her. 

I slowly scoot away, trying to edge around the living dead. Unfortunately, despite being really slow and stupid in the movies, zombies are fast. Deadly fast. 

Suddenly, she lunges towards me with a screaming sound. Everything seems to slow down as her rotting, filthy fingers reach for my neck. That’s odd. Zombies go for the wounds: the blood, the cuts, the broken bones. Why would she--

Her grip is stronger than iron, her fingers as cold as ice. She crushes my throat with an inhuman strength, which is pretty believable, since she is no longer human. I try to scream, but no sound comes out. I can’t breathe! I CAN’T BREATHE! 

Her razor-sharp fingernails stab into my skin, a white-hot panic flooding my body. Blood runs down my neck as her clawlike fingernails force their way into my neck, the parasite controlling her knowing exactly where every artery and vein is, and how to pierce them, sending E-0t-W around my body. 

Once a zombie has their claws in you, you’re as good as undead.

The toxins in their blood, the germs in their rotted skin, the deadly parasite E-0t-W multiplying inside their decomposing organs… you can’t survive that. 

As she crushes my windpipe, fingernails digging in even deeper, I only have one thought on my mind:

I’m going to die. 

The young soldiers I was trained with will have to fight my dead body, awakened by the parasite that’s plagued America for the past five years, and who knows, maybe I’ll end up killing one of my friends. That is, if they aren’t in the same situation I am right now, or worse--already undead. 

The zombie lets go.

I slump to the ground, dazed and scared. I’ve already been touched by her, and she’s already gotten her germs and parasites into my bloodstream, so why not keep on going? I’ve seen chewed-up zombies, half-eaten by the time E-0t-W takes over their systems. Maybe she isn’t hungry for human flesh. Maybe her parasite just died. Maybe--

With a sound like the Wicked Witch of the West’s cackle, the zombie lunges at me, her razor-sharp nails slashing across my throat. I fall to the ground, warm, red blood pouring down my neck and pooling on the floor.

There’s no surviving this. 

I’ll die in a few seconds, E-0t-W taking control of my body. At least I believe in Heaven. Then I won’t have to worry about getting stuck as a ghost, forever haunting the place I swore to protect. 

I can’t feel any pain, just a giddy surge of joy. From my sideways viewpoint, lying on the ground, I can see wisps of my red hair and a puddle of my crimson blood, as well as one hand, lifelessly lying on the linoleum floor. 

As blood bubbles out of the slash in my neck, I know I don’t have any more time. I’m dying, with seconds to live. 

Goodbye, Maria. 

Goodbye, Alex.

Goodbye, Andre

Goodbye, Jaylee. 

Goodbye, Em. 

Goodbye, Rhiannon.

I’m sorry I failed you, I think, wishing I could telepathically communicate to my friends, in different, zombie-infested towns all around the Land of the Free. 

I open my mouth, blood rising in my throat. 

“G-goodbye, guys… s-sorry I… failed you,” I say, blood leaking out of my mouth. 

“Long… live… the United A-armies….”

My eyes flutter closed as my heartbeat slows.




I’m dead. 

~One month ago~

“Cadet Lee!” the commander barks. I bow--an odd habit for a modern army, I know. But the United Army, the group of people who swore to eliminate the zombies and E-0t-W, are from all over the world. We have adapted to customs from every country, which makes us a unique force. The problem is, zombies are also a unique force. They can't be killed and they’re controlled by a deadly parasite. 


“Sorry, Ma’am,” I say, bowing again. The commander is a strict woman, both bark and bite. 

“I called you here because your rankings have come in,” she says. 

“What are they?” I ask. “Uh, Ma’am.”

“You have been chosen to be an Elite. You’re going to the hotspots, Cadet Lee. Your overall skill levels are superior to most of your fellow cadets. You’re being deployed to Everly, California.”

“Every? As in…”

“Yes. the palace where E-0t-W first was discovered. Your hometown, I presume.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You will be going in three days. Keep in mind that you are going alone--hordes of zombie fighters is seldom a good idea. Let’s hope you remember how to put on your armor by yourself, unlike last time.”

Oof. my previous deployment… well, it didn’t go so well. I nearly died! 

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Zombies are also a problem in the wilderness, and since Everly is very close to the woods, in which zombie animals are becoming a serious problem, your friend Cadet Williams will also be deployed to the area. She ranked in at Experienced, so she can handle animals, but not undead armies of former-humans.”


“If you need backup, or she needs backup, you will be provided with a long-range, almost-indestructible communicator, set to the California base and cadet Williams’s numbers.”

“That’s good, Ma’am.”

“Do not call them unless it is a serious emergency, though. Even the brightest of recruits should not call for backup every other second.”

I called for backup ten times during that other mission. Not my finest moment.

“Prepare yourself, Cadet Lee. You leave in three days.”

“Yes Ma’am.” I bow. 

~Four years ago~

“So, Mrs Hazel Lee, it appears that you are an orphan?” The man peered through his large glasses at my weathered papers, the documents that gave me the life I’d lived. 

“Yes, sir,” I say, clutching my bag. It holds mementos of my parents, before E-0t-W was released in Everly. Before everything. 

“Who is your legal guardian? I don’t see one listed.”

“The United Forces. And also Miss Stacy. She takes care of me since the orphanages are full.” 

“Oh. Well,” he tapped the papers on the desk to straighten them. “Miss Lee, it seems you don’t belong in the safehold with all the other refugees.”

“No!” I scream. “Don’t throw me out with the zombies! It’s too scary! I won’t last a second out there!” 

I know my reaction was babyish, but I couldn’t. My arms were skinny like sticks, I was shy and nervous, and my only experience with zombies was something I’d never want to reenact. 

“I didn’t mean we were going to kick you out, miss Lee. I meant that… well, the United Army has openings for new recruits.”

“New recruits?”

“You could become a part of the United Army.”


“Yes. Instead of hiding, you could fight. You could help them restore the world to the way it was before E-0t-W.”

“I’d like to do that! But...would Miss Stacey like it?”

“I’m sure she would be proud of you.”

“I want to join the United Army!” I cheer. 

“Well, the commanders are coming by in three days. Many children wish to join, but you...well, if these school records are correct, you predicted how zombies would work and how to defeat them--real zombies, not horror-movie zombies.” 

“So I have a chance?”

“You have more than a chance, Hazel. You already understand zombies better than most adults.” 

~Two years ago~

“Hello, guys! Today I’m going to talk about zombies. Not movie zombies, but real life ones. I know it would be impossible, but here's what I know about them, or how they’d work if they were real.

One: zombies are not people but undead. Zombies are reanimated dead bodies. The stuff of the person--their soul, per se--is already gone. You can’t become a zombie until you’re dead. 

Two: Zombies wouldn’t burst from the grave. How could they be infected if they were underground? Also, they’d be so rotted they couldn’t dig out. 

Three: zombies wouldn’t just happen. They’d have to be controlled by a parasite. It would have to get into a dying or dead body--through the bloodstream, probably. Then it would have to multiply inside of the body, before taking control of the body’s basic systems. 

Four: A zombie controlled by this parasite wouldn’t just bite someone. The parasite would go for open wounds, so it could get inside. The zombie would be filthy, from all the rotting flesh and stuff, so the person could die from the germs and then get taken over. 

Five: Zombies wouldn’t go for brains. They might chew on non-zombies, to sustain themselves, but the parasite would want to spread, not eat brains. Seriously, brains? Just no. No brains. 

Thank you guys for listening to my talk on zombies! I like scary stuff like that, but I’m glad they aren’t real. Dead-body-controlling parasites? That’s so freaky! Luckily, zombies aren’t real and never will be.”

Note: each event is noted under how long ago it was before the previous.

One month before present time, Hazel was deployed to Everly.

Four years before that, she was recruited.

Two years before getting recruited, Hazel gave a class presentation on zombies.

thank you for reading!

April 16, 2021 15:41

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Mohamed Sarfan
07:48 Jun 16, 2021

Dear Writer, I was able to travel into this story like a student learning new lessons in school and storing knowledge. I look at the earth with a mirror in my eyes; A crowd like humans is struggling. But, they are not human; Simply human forms. It is possible to feel the warmth of the animals as they pass by some humans as if they were sleeping in the desert for a while. The prayers of millions of hearts are poured out on a battlefield. Life is enlightened within man when he is born like a blank slate. But in the course of the days the wri...


18:55 Jun 16, 2021

I don't have anything to say. Most poetic and beautiful comment I've ever gotten. Thanks!


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And with the "guess who I am", I think she's from Next Gen! Mai??? IS THAT IT? Cause I watched it quite recently!


00:29 Apr 27, 2021

Oh, kinda delayed since I'm done, but yes. i think I'm Zephyr now.


Oh... But yay!!! Wdym, about Zephyr???


18:37 Apr 28, 2021

She's my favorite HTTYD character, and she's basically me


COOOL!!! Hehe...


15:15 Apr 30, 2021

She's adorable


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TJ Squared
03:54 Apr 23, 2021

heyyy, I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to be using Pinterest any more, Reedsy will be my main form of communication. Thanks, L.W.


12:17 Apr 25, 2021

Okay, that's fine!


TJ Squared
14:26 Apr 25, 2021



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TJ Squared
03:52 May 14, 2021

hey Em :) It's been a while. How have you been?


19:12 May 14, 2021

Pretty good.


TJ Squared
19:12 May 14, 2021

noice :) do anything interesting?


19:13 May 14, 2021

Try to write something that makes sense


TJ Squared
19:19 May 14, 2021



19:20 May 14, 2021

All my writing is like this now: nbdjsbajvbsklvbglsbdibzajbdksbvjg ndjbjvbkdsjdbaj dnbjbwaiu I can't think of anything coherient.


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19:04 Apr 19, 2021

Well. This was incredible. There were so many amazing lines and descriptors in here that I can't even pick out a favorite! I kept thinking, no! Don't kill her off! Then I went back up and read the prompt for this. What a great flow this had! "Once a zombie has their claws in you, you’re as good as undead." The pun here is both hilarious and disturbing and I love it.


22:23 Apr 20, 2021

Thank you! I don't usually write like this, I guess this sort of my unlocked potential for scary stories. Yeah, Hazel's pretty much dead. I think that's my favorite line in the whole story!


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Dhwani Jain
12:14 Aug 07, 2021

Hey Em! I know I am pretty new to it, but this downvoting problem is getting on my nerves. Can I join you in finding out who the person is? I want to do my part and at least be sure that I tried in finding out.


16:13 Aug 08, 2021

Okay! I'm not getting anywhere yet, maybe with help we can uncover them!


Dhwani Jain
02:54 Aug 09, 2021

Yeah, check my bio for the 'downvoting' related thing


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Esther :)
20:22 May 28, 2021

I'm not very good at writing about zombies. (I tried once) But you captured it all beautifully. Great Job! XD I also wanted to say... I appreciate how you defended Shreshta. :)


20:29 May 28, 2021

I wasn't defending her, exactly. I have been bullied a lot, and seeing bullying... It makes me do strange things. I defend everyone. When I tell a bully to back off, I'm telling all my childhood bullies, who were very mean for reasons I find a little too private to share. But thanks for reading!


Esther :)
20:35 May 28, 2021

Still, my Dad is a teacher and he used to tell me stories about bullying. It's alright if you don't want to share. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable. But thanks! Did you find the bully?


12:15 May 29, 2021

Had a long conversation before leaving them to apologize.


Esther :)
15:38 May 29, 2021



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Adoree Myou
14:27 Apr 18, 2021

This is a perfect cross between horror and funny. I liked it. BTW I followed you on Pinterest. BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ✨


16:43 Apr 19, 2021



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Angel {Readsy}
11:27 Apr 18, 2021



11:29 Apr 18, 2021

Thank you!!


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Corbin Sage
23:51 Apr 16, 2021

Nice! It's a rarity where someone can make me care for a character in the first couple hundred words, but you did it! :)


Corbin Sage
23:52 Apr 16, 2021

Also- Mai Sue?


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Jexica Marcell
14:34 Dec 02, 2021

Oh my goodness! This is amazing! I love the title, that was really clever! You could instantly follow the story line, the words were clear and there was no confusion for me! This was instantly one of my favorite Reedsy Stories. Keep writing xoxo, Jex


16:53 Dec 03, 2021

Thank you! I'm afraid I'm not the best writer on Reedsy, I know people who write a lot better, but I am proud of this story. :) I was inspired by your second-person robot story to try a second-person of my own. You're a really good writer!


Jexica Marcell
17:03 Dec 03, 2021

Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, it means a lot that I inspired you. I try to do that with all my work. And none of us are perfect, I mean, when I posted Chip 2.0, I was constantly reading it over, looking for mistakes! I kept correcting and correcting until I finally just gave up. And you are a really good writer too!


15:23 Dec 04, 2021



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23:26 Aug 27, 2021

Can you send me the link the the cyberbully's profile?? I WANNA JOIN FORCES AND HELP YOU WITH FINDING OUT THE TRUTH. lol...


17:05 Aug 28, 2021

I haven't been there for a while, but I'm being followed by a writer named Sheresta Writer, she is the subject of our main bully. I kinda cut ties because there was nothing I could do, but if you heck my followers I bet you can find her! The bullied girl, not the bully, the bullies hate me.


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TJ Squared
16:06 Aug 21, 2021

Hey Em! Ivy Carter is coming back sometime next week along with Abigail Cross, spread the word!!


17:57 Aug 21, 2021

I will!


TJ Squared
18:39 Aug 21, 2021



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Smiley Fox
16:54 Aug 20, 2021

HEYOOO EM! LONG TIME, NO SEE! Sorry, this is Fearless (Fox Fernglow). My other account got deleted somehow and I haven’t found time to get back on since. But anyhoo, HOW ARE YOU? Gosh, this place has died… It’s actually really sad. I miss everybody…


18:17 Aug 20, 2021

Hi! Oh goodness, how did that happen? Did you have backups of your stuff to repost? I hope you did! I know, right? Lots of people say they'll be coming back eventually, but not for months and months, which makes it kind of lonely here.


Smiley Fox
22:42 Aug 20, 2021

I’m not really sure, but everything’s gone. I still have my stories (thankfully), but all the comments and stuff are deleted… :( Yeah… I was checking through a few people’s accounts and most said “inactive” or “on hiatus.”


17:57 Aug 21, 2021

Weird, I've never heard of that happening. Well, Ivy Carter and Abigail cross are coming back soon, at least, spread the news!


Smiley Fox
20:02 Aug 23, 2021

Hang on, my account is still there…? So why can’t I access it and why does it say it doesn’t exist? Oh, who even knows… Oh, yay! Will do!


13:48 Aug 26, 2021

I don't know, check my following, you're in there, so if your old one is there it's going to be there.


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Dhwani Jain
07:12 Aug 20, 2021

Join me here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l1H9SUk-Z4VvSKhPYAV_z1kZJLRN9UgmdaxXxKii_TM/edit?usp=sharing


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Dhwani Jain
11:54 Aug 14, 2021

Are you having a block? Reader's Block? Writer's Block, maybe? Then what are you waiting for? Read my tried and tested tips to overcome all types of Creative Block here: https://wp.me/pd3y1A-co


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Moon Fox
19:19 Aug 10, 2021

No offence, but ick. You did an amazing job with the details, but ick. XP


10:11 Aug 12, 2021

Sorry, I get overboard sometimes. I sorta forget how stories shouldn't be literal horror schemes, and I have some stuff I didn't post because it was too gory. Sorry I made you feel sick! I'm writing some less-violent stuff, which will be out soon, I can do more than nightmares.


Moon Fox
14:01 Aug 13, 2021

It was a good story line. I liked how it went back through time.


16:06 Aug 14, 2021

Thank you!


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Dhwani Jain
10:09 Aug 08, 2021

I am going to be taking a break from Reedsy...check my bio for more.


16:13 Aug 08, 2021

Okay. Hope to see you soon. :)


Dhwani Jain
10:19 Aug 11, 2021



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TJ Squared
13:34 Aug 06, 2021

Hey, Em, I just wanted to tell you that Reedsy did finally update (not in the way some were expecting though :( )


17:26 Aug 06, 2021

I know! I'm only going to write for fun now, just reedsycasts and stuff. I'm glad there's a report button, if someone is bullying you, though.


TJ Squared
17:27 Aug 06, 2021

Yeah :)


17:29 Aug 06, 2021

This will be really useful, since lots of cyber bullies went unpunished and kept on bullying.


TJ Squared
17:38 Aug 06, 2021

Yeah definitely


16:11 Aug 08, 2021

How are you?


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18:01 Aug 16, 2021



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TJ Squared
20:52 Aug 29, 2021

Good idea lol


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Dhwani Jain
05:05 Aug 01, 2021



15:42 Aug 01, 2021

Oof! I feel really bad for you, I've never been downvoted that much. I'll help you get some points back.


Dhwani Jain
16:34 Aug 01, 2021

Thanks...also I THINK I found your culprit....just a random guess...


13:50 Aug 02, 2021



Dhwani Jain
03:18 Aug 03, 2021

I am not sure, but I think he/she is from the west as I was down-voted during the night here. Also, I think he/she is on the leaderboard, on the bottom section. SO if anybody new comes up, they downvote them to stay on the leaderboard.... This is my interpretation....


13:08 Aug 03, 2021

Hmm... A person on the bottom of the leaderboard from the west? I don't know, I have no idea who that is.


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