Funny Happy Kids

Author's Note: At the end of this story, I will be putting "The end." a lot of times because I don't have enough words. Just so that everyone knows. Thanks and enjoy!

Victoria handed her customer a box full of donuts with a smile and “Have a great day.” The lady walked away with her lavendar box labeled “Victoria’s Heart of Baking” in calligraphy.

“Mom! I won! I won! I won! I won the contest! I won it all! First place!” A young woman came running into the store, a smile wider than any other person had seen. She was waving a packet of paper back and forth in the air. People turned from their sweet treats to stare.

“Hey, Ada! What did you win?” Victoria asked. The now-named woman dashed across the room and stopped across the counter from Victoria.

“I won the Montreal International Poetry Prize! Mom, I won twenty thousand dollars!” Ada cried. Everyone in the bakery erupted in clapter and shouts of congratulations.

“That’s amazing, Ada! I am so proud of you! I just can’t believe it!” Victoria walked around the counter and wrapped her daughter in a Mama Bear hug. Joyous tears rolled down both mother and daughter’s faces. When Ada finally released Victoria, people started rushing up to her, asking her how she did it.

“I just… wrote what I felt, I guess. About the wrong in the world. I didn’t think they’d pick it since it’s so… I voiced my opinion on everything. Normally the judges wouldn’t go for that. At least that’s what I thought,” Ada explained. After many more “congrats” and “thank you”s, the crowd paid for their snacks and left. Victoria and Ada were the only ones left in the shop.

“So, what are you going to do with the money?” Rag and spray in hand, Victoria began walking around the space and wiping down tables. Ada pushed herself up on the counter, so her feet were hanging off the edge.

“Well, Josh and I are going to re-do our bathroom, then the rest will be put in a college fund through the bank.” Ada grinned again as her mother turned to her.

“Well, who in the world would that college fund be for?”

Ada patted her stomach and Victoria began crying once more as Ada hopped down from the counter.

“Mom, you’re going to be a grandma.”

5 years later…

“Mommy! Mo-ommy! Can we bake cookies yet?” A young girl, at the age of five, stood at the bottom of a staircase. She put her hands on her hips as she waited for her mother to answer.

“Yes, Kate. Mommy just has to put her hair up, then we can,” Ada announced. Kate smiled and bounced away, into the living room. Ada sighed (something she found she often did when around Kate) while brushing through her hair one last time. Once Ada’s hair was on top of her head in an acceptable messy bun, she journeyed down the stairs, into the kitchen. 

“Kate! Come on! It’s time for coo-” Ada was cut short as Kate came running in through the archway that led to the living room. The small child bounced up and down on the balls of her feet next to her mother.

“What do we do first, Mommy?”

“Well, my mom always told me to get everything out and laid out on the counter first. Here’s the list of what we need.” Ada handed Kate a piece of paper with ingredients and the amount that they would need.

27 minutes later…

Grinning and playfulness in her eyes, Ada reached into the bucket of flour and threw another handful. Kate laughed hysterically, her face lit up. Mother and daughter threw handful after handful of flour at each other. Both were covered head-to-toe in white flour dust, and the kitchen around them had the same effect. It looked like there had just been a blizzard made of flour!

When the flour-throwing had stopped, Ada and Kate were caked with flour and out of breath. Kate was still quietly giggling to herself from the craziness. Ada gripped the counter to stop herself from falling on the now-slippery hardwood.

“We better get this cleaned up,” Ada stated. Kate sighed, but grabbed a rag from under the sink.

“Baking” was fun!

The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end. The end.

December 05, 2020 19:03

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Hermione!!!! I AM SO SORRY FOR BEINg LATE WAAAHHHH I Love the characters and the ending!!!!!!!!


22:21 Dec 11, 2020

Oh, it is okay, Cho! Thank you so much!


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Sia S
09:46 Dec 13, 2020

Nice pp! And you've written songs?! Woah... I've made up one yet, lol


13:02 Dec 13, 2020

Thank you! Yes, I have. Nothing I would share, but I enjoy to write them with my best friend (irl) Chloe Byrd. She is in my 'following' list... Lol


Sia S
13:58 Dec 13, 2020

Oooh nice!! Lol


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Amaya .
17:09 Dec 12, 2020



00:42 Dec 13, 2020

I sure did! Aw, thanks! And you're welcome! <3


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Megan Sutherland
03:08 Dec 09, 2020

Hello, Hermione. I saw you added another story, so I decided to read it. I don't really have a lot of critique here except that you need to ssssssslllllllloooooowwwwwwww down. You don't have a lot of description and I would have liked to find out what happened to Victoria. But otherwise good job. (I'm going to try and get a story out soon. It'll probably be a more friendly story about all of the HP people here :D-Meg) Your acquaintance, Pansy Parkinson


18:45 Dec 09, 2020

Hello, Pansy. First of all, thank you for reading. Second of all, I know what you mean. I thought myself that I rushed it, because my writing just hasn't been good at all lately. Third of all, thank you. Your classmate, Hermione Granger P.S. (as Brooke) I'll read it when you come out with it!


Megan Sutherland
23:22 Dec 09, 2020

I don't think it was bad, Granger. Yeah, whatever. It was nothing. Just reading. Your classmate, Pansy (as meg, thank you!!


23:27 Dec 09, 2020

Well, thanks anyway, Pansy. You know, I was wondering... Could we at least attempt to be nice to each other? Your classmate, Hermione P.S. (as Brooke) No problem! :D


Megan Sutherland
01:50 Dec 10, 2020

Believe me, Granger, this IS being nice. Are you saying you want me to be Hufflepuff? I suppose I could relax a little. It's just... aren't Gryffindors and Slytherins not supposed to like each other?


22:29 Dec 11, 2020

Uh... Granger? I believe you're talking about Hermione Granger, one of my close (witch) friends. Anyway, I'm Brooke. Nice to meet you, Pansy.


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B. W.
20:01 Dec 07, 2020

Hey there, if its alright with you, could you maybe check out "To catch a killer" and leave some feedback?


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. .
19:50 Dec 12, 2020

Hey Brooke I made a new storyyyyyyyyy!!!


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Amaya .
17:10 Dec 12, 2020



00:42 Dec 13, 2020

Of course I did! You're one of my best besties (along with Megan Sutherland and a few others)! :D So, there's the game "Codenames". I just like to play the Harry Potter version.


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B. W.
08:28 Dec 12, 2020

why is your profile picture of santa dabbing?-


13:03 Dec 12, 2020

I don't know. I just wanted to celebrate Christmas, I guess.


Amaya .
17:09 Dec 12, 2020

it's beautiful


00:42 Dec 13, 2020

Thank you! XD


B. W.
00:44 Dec 13, 2020

you know what could it somehow even better though? dabbing reindeer.


00:46 Dec 13, 2020

I made it a dabbing reindeer...


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00:44 Dec 13, 2020

Haha, yeah!


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B. W.
17:59 Dec 12, 2020



00:42 Dec 13, 2020



B. W.
00:43 Dec 13, 2020

no prob ^^


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B. W.
21:53 Dec 11, 2020

Could you please check out "A strange lover" and then leave some feedback?


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Amaya .
02:30 Dec 10, 2020

Hey Brooke! This is ginny-but-not-ginny-anymore, which im sure you know lol. im glad we got closer than we were before over the whole roleplaying thing (it was so much fun!). I just hope we can talk as much as we did during the whole thing?


22:28 Dec 11, 2020

Hello, Amaya! XD Yes, I believe we did as well. It was a lot of fun! Of course we can, Amaya. You are one of my closest Reedsy friends, after all.


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B. W.
18:55 Dec 09, 2020

how are you?


19:50 Dec 09, 2020

I'm good, thank you for asking. How are you?


B. W.
20:23 Dec 09, 2020

Im fine, though im just sort of bored.


20:24 Dec 09, 2020

Well, I could tell you some funny quotes from the Harry Potter books that J.K. Rowling wrote about my friends and me.


B. W.
21:49 Dec 09, 2020

yeah sure


23:30 Dec 09, 2020

1.) "I've always thought Fred and I should've got E in everything, because we exceeded expectations just by turning up for the exams." -George Weasley (my brother-in-law) 2.) "Now I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed, or worse, expelled." -Hermione Granger (me!) "She needs to sort out her priorities." -Ronald Weasley (my husband) 3.) "I don't go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me." -Harry Potter (my best friend)


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. .
17:58 Dec 08, 2020

Hey Brooke (Hermione fine) NEW STORY ALERT!!


20:13 Dec 08, 2020

Hello, Litlover. I will read it once I get the chance. (as Brooke) Not to be rude or anything, just wanted to let you know, my name is spelled with an 'e' at the end. Thanks.


. .
20:20 Dec 08, 2020

Oh sorry I was on the phone when typing that... Thanks!!


21:46 Dec 08, 2020

My pleasure! (as Brooke) Oh, it's okay! Lots of people do it.


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Amaya .
02:32 Dec 06, 2020

Heyy love the new bio! im not super satisfied with mine, so could u maybe help?


03:49 Dec 06, 2020

Thank you! Of course! What do you need?


Amaya .
03:56 Dec 06, 2020

umm idk just maybe other information i should add? but i actually sorta want to make it shorter IDEKKKKK


13:11 Dec 06, 2020

If you want to, you can use the format of my bio. I don't mind if you do.


Amaya .
17:39 Dec 06, 2020

oh, thanks! i might, if you don't mind


18:08 Dec 06, 2020

My pleasure! I definitely don't mind. ^^


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B. W.
23:06 Dec 05, 2020

I don't have a lot to say for this story, though I gladly enjoyed it and I think you did a great job with it ^^ 10/10 :)


23:16 Dec 05, 2020

Thank you, B.! P.S. (as Brooke) why did you change your name back to B. W. from Luna Lovegood?


B. W.
23:18 Dec 05, 2020

No problem :) how long do ya plan to stay? (well, I didn't want anyone to be confused or anything like that, and I wanted to just say like that for a few hours, it was still fun though ^^ I hope your not upset)


23:23 Dec 05, 2020

^^ P.S. (as Brooke) I'm probably going to stay as Hermione for another 3-5 days, then go back to my normal name. No, I'm not upset at all! I have no reason to be, anyway. I'm glad you had fun while you were Luna, though.


B. W.
23:48 Dec 05, 2020

(what even made ya decide to become Hermione in the first place though?)


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B. W.
01:48 Dec 17, 2020

Heya amiga


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B. W.
23:58 Dec 15, 2020

How are you today?


00:09 Dec 16, 2020

Good; how are you?


B. W.
00:15 Dec 16, 2020

Im fine, im working on another novel again


00:22 Dec 16, 2020

That's good. How many are you writing at the moment?


B. W.
00:31 Dec 16, 2020

I'm writing a total of 9 novels at the moment


11:41 Dec 17, 2020



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