Drama Fiction Horror

"See you tomorrow Cam!" I shouted to my best friend, Campbell, as I walked to the city library.

I should probably introduce myself before I go any further. Hi! I'm Sophia. I'm 14, in 8th grade, and not very popular. Pretty much just your average tween girl. So, you might be thinking, "Sophia, why are you going to the Library?" or, "What does this have to do with anything? Get to the point already!" Well, I'm going to the library to research stuff about different Culture for a social studies project. We have to choose a culture or religion that stands out to you, and then make a presentation explaining what you know about it, and why it stood out to you. Okay, so, back to the story. This is the story of how I found out about the 'Curse of the Library'.

I walked into the city library and immediately hoped I would stay on track. You see, I'm kind of a book nerd, and I tend to get a little lost in the books sometimes. Once, there was this awesome!- No! Sophia! Stay on track! Okay, so I walked up to the counter to ask the librarian were I could find the books I was looking for. "Um, Ms., where can I find the books on culture?" I asked. The librarian turned around and I felt like I got slapped in the face! The librarian was a dude! And not just any dude, but some really cute looking guy, who also seemed to be in my grade. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I apologized, "I'm just used to the librarians being girls-" He smiled. "It's okay, I've been getting that a lot since I took a job here." OMG!!! He's so cute and nice! "Thanks." He said. "Did I say that aloud?" I asked as my face flushed. He smiled, "The books on culture are in the basement." Whew! He changed the subject! "Thanks." I told him as I walked away. "Wait!" He called after me, "I didn't get your name! Mine's Austin!" "Sophia." I told him. After I walked down the stairs to the basement and got out of site, I did a little dance. I guy just asked my name! And he seemed so nice! Not to mention how cute he was! His scraggly blonde hair, his big blue eyes, his freckles, his tan..... He almost looked kind of similar to me, except I have hazel eyes and I defiantly don't have a tan. And that name, so sweet! And- Come on Sophia! Focus!

I walked over to the "C" shelf, and started looking for Culture books. I scanned my hand over the books. Cassius Clay (what was he doing down here?), Central America, Curse, oops, went to far. I scanned my hand back and then realized something. Wait, Curse?! Why is there a book on Curses?! I didn't really want to, but of course, I got curious and pulled out the 'Curse' book. I opened it, and immediately the room seemed to get really cold. I flipped through the pages and found something curious. 'The Curse of the Library.' Huh. I read through the page. If your at a library, and you speak when your not supposed to, the 'Librarian Ghost' will come and haunt you. I snorted. Yeah! Who believes the 'Don't speak in the Library' rule? I looked over to the wall and saw a 'No talking' sign. "Oh, look, I'm speaking in a non-speaking room! Scary!" I said. That was the biggest mistake of my life. As soon as I said that, the lights on the ceiling started to flicker, and it got even colder! I dropped the book. Oh no! What did I do?! The lights started to flicker even more aggressively than before, and just as the lights went off, Austin came down the stairs. "Hello?!" I asked, trying to find Austin. "Right here!" The lights started to flicker again, and I could see him better now. He came over to me. "Soph, what happened?!" He asked. I blushed, and I could tell he was too. He just gave me a nickname! I shook my head. "I don't know, there was this book, about curses, and I read some of it, and then spoke after reading this 'Librarian' part, and then-then this started to happen!" I expected him to laugh at this, but he didn't. Instead, he looked me in the eye and said, "Soph, ghosts, and many other things you don''t know about, are real." "Yeah, I know that now!" I interrupted. "Let me finish. A long time ago, some people realized that humans and spirits couldn't live safely together, so two people were nominated to remember the spirits and protect the two worlds, and to be the boundaries to the two worlds. When those two die, two more are nominated, and only those two can see the 'Curse Book'. From what I can tell, that's you and me! Soph! Our worlds need us!"

So, after that we defeated the ghost and Austin said it got sent back to the spirit world. We came back up the stairs in the Library to the main floor with cuts and bruises everywhere. Austin gave me something that cured all the wounds, though I still had some faint bruises. I was defiantly happy that all that was over, cause it was really scary, but somehow I knew it wasn't over yet, that I still had more to do, I still had more to fight.

Now, you might be thinking, "What was the point of that Sophia? It sounded awesome!" Well, let me tell you, it might have sounded awesome, but what happened that day forever changed my life. I don't care if you think that sounded awesome, or if you peed your pants, just remember what I'm telling you:

If you don't want that to happen to you, if you don't want to be attacked by an angry ghost, then never talk in the library when your not supposed to. Never.

April 23, 2021 21:50

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20:30 May 03, 2021

This story was very interesting. I liked the point of view that it was written in. There were one or two spelling errors but they weren't that bad. Overall this story was very creative and fun to read.


Sophia Davidson
18:30 Jun 07, 2021

Thank you! You're the first stranger to tell me you like my story!


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