“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile”. Albert Einstein
“It’s really not funny.” “Why are you laughing? Jon was not amused.
Crimes. Civil or against humanity are never “comical”, sense of humor-provoking or rational. Repetition? Good for the soul? Or. Good for your “Expectations.” An unhealthy pattern of collective indigestion and horrible heart burn introduced and induced with no bonafide remedies on the horizon. No pepto Bismol, (although things are abysmal) or Tums to offset the burn. Packaged, packaging and re-packaging of the ache. Once again sold and crammed down our throats with no hope of escape. No air. No burp on the horizon. Not in the short term. Afraid. To “entertain” the long term.
Keep the pressure on and the heart rates high. We will “get’em one way or another…….” Make them beg, afraid to ask. The good stuff is under the table, the good stuff is being “saved”.
“Saved” for the big guns, the big guys, the important people. The ones who can afford it. Whatever that means. The rest of you, well, take a seat if you can find one. And wait. When did sharing become about pushing buttons? Literally and figuratively. Jon was debating the irony of this as it raced around in his mind. Different miles? different styles? “Push button”? To your future?
Jon looked down at his wristwatch and rewound to a time two years ago today. He remembered a chilling time. With their lives taken out of their own hands, folks were collectively sold a rotten and rotted bill of goods. Suffocation in new, horrible and different ways. Shut down. Stopped in their tracks. Someone, something had “arrived” and took over. Your life. The lives of your loved ones. Your home, your car(e) your ability to take it or leave it. Like the bench warmer—you can take it or leave it, your choice—but really it IS and always has been our choice FOR you. Too bad. If you do. Not “like” it.
“The problem is I don’t forget” and “the problem is I don’t forget.” searched Jon in his mind. Why is this so?
Does that make me sound like a person who is genius? Hyperbole-centered? A good Salesperson? Someone crying out for help? “Crazy”. Heartbroken? The endless diagnoses scanned in his mind in a frantic search. His eyes darting around his forehead to grab an answer. At this point, Jon would settle for any “label”. Makkers Mark, Beefeeter, Krown Royal. Numb the nerves. Knowing full well, it would never make up for/compensate for the war that began so long ago. Now, being waged in constant image conscious, new fang-led (and I DO mean fang) ways. The fangs are indeed out.
Money does not solve every, or even, any problem. Blood. Or any other kind. The fang-oriented movers and shakers usually are not concerned with this. It is a human emotion called remorse. Einstein knew. A real human emotion. Fangers expect (arrogantly) to be included and able to pay for play or pay for play on their terms. Over or under you. Twisting by the pool. Fangs and elbow-out in full force. For full effect. And affect.
Equal parts of a whole. Over time Einstein’s theory of relativity was consulted in regard to the concept of symmetry. Equal parts. The space and time symmetry group. (Jon nervously checked his watch) Technically, general relativity is a theory of gravitation whose defining feature is its use of the Einstein field equations. The solutions of the field equations are metric tensors which define the topology of the space time and how objects move inertially. (WK) John checked his watch again. Hands still moving. Was he still “alive”?
Jon recalled a lesson he learned long ago in Geometry class. Topology, refers to place, location and is concerned with the properties of geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending, that is without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing or passing through itself.
Translation. Knots. Tied up in knots. Problems arise not regarding shape.But in HOW they are put together. The fangs see this vulnerability. The fangs come out. “To play”. To take care of you.
And your “Expectations”. Realistic expectations, Unrealistic expectations, meets expectations, exceeds expectations, what ARE your expectations and we will see if we can “take care of you” By the way, what did you say you do? No time spent no commitment. A big, giant”buy-in” along with a sharp-elbow-aside. Of the so-called important persons in your orbit. Or used to be in your orbit…..depending on the fang-shui.
One important reason we cling to the wisdom of a thought pioneer like Einstein. He clearly understood. He shared his intelligence and wisdom as he “went along”. Yes, indeed, “timing” prudent and important.But at the end of the day, through hardship, experience, unfair behavior being sold “AS IS”. Einstein clearly developed his voice along with crystal clear vision. And he shared it. Right now, we are no closer to a solution than when this whole rotted, rotten mess began. Thankfully and gratefully, Einstein had the vision to regard a person as a person.Genius. Wouldn’t you agree?
Jon thought “Even if I saw dollar bills falling from the sky, would I even dare sleep on it? The so called profit? I believe I would wake up sore and with a bad back. This so called profit?Where DID it come from? How you gonna sleep on a mattress full of dollar bills, padding aside and still be able to sleep? Against his grain, Jon continued.
It has been said, I am not sure by who that “Everyone has a price”
Jon thought, Not everyone can be bought, can they?” This topic is making me feel ill.” Just like a pill. May. Where has security gone? Where are the police?
Currently, the moral police are out in full force —the ones who have the most padding, that is. Easy for them to say, give up this or that, I will pay this or that for this or that. Clearly ignoring and forgetting that there are individuals who have truly and factually been elbowed-aside—spent their lives on a bench, a sidewalk, under a bridge. Truly and factually forced out of their homes in the name of “Peace”. The moral police are ok, can “afford” their talking-bullet points while prophesizing to the rest of us about what it means to “sacrifice” for the little man.
All the while watching the death scenes from their “comfy couch”.
Jon began to pace back and forth because he could not be in the present moment with horrendous images of suffering. Life long or manufactured. Money matters? Neither mattered.And. Neither mattered. There’s your equality and equity right there.
Now. please go away quietly and let the rest of us. To be. To begin to try to digest the rotted and rotten mess. Left behind by. You.
Ordinary times? Nope. Extraordinary times. Yes. But. That is what Einstein saw. Then, And applied to the now. If you read, listened, absorbed.He generously taught us. If we paid attention. And we did. With or without you. Your “help”. We freed ourselves up and away from Fang’s twisted mess. With our own exceptional extraordinary and acclaimed field abilities and abilities in, on and around our field.(SA)
With the strength of an Einstein thinker. Yes. But. More important. With a thinker and person who has your and their best interest at heart (because, here it is. The US law) Which, I believe few who were “born into” would argue against. Based on “chain of genetics”. No matter how you choose to fake it. Here, we, based on evaluation, examination, hard fought for and worked for inclusion we/us have best interests (a Judeo and lawful concept here) at heart. (Even though they are hungry and maybe of Hungary) If you are sincerely capable of (without certain temptation—food, images, sex, etc) stealing, may God, help both you and the recipient. Wake up. Of the best people I know, I just trusted because I felt the “situation.” The “know” of the situation. Time spent and a wanting to spend time with another. “We choose who we spend time with” A wise person stated. Because. Of reciprocal. TRUST. The extraordinary kind of trust that moves all persons- void of age, creed, color. forward. A knowing that you do and do not care. Dori, Driving around to “find” their dwelling. Difficult. And you agree. However, good people not arrogant enough to think, we know more than “Him”. Strong enough to help us pick up our own pieces and move along. And still. Spend quality, good hearted time together. In learning about one another. Trust.
Please. Stop chewing on the value of our body parts. All of the body parts. They are not “yours”. To barter. We will “take care” of us and it ourselves. With the protection of those we know and hold near and dear to us.
Please get over your arrogance, aligning, sometimes “marriage”-seeking selves. And color-filled selves. Work needs to be done. And you are not helping. Stealing. In fact. Criminal behavior-no matter how you attempt to promote yourselves. Once YOU admit YOU do not “want to go back there”- you free you up to live. Here. With and abiding by our rules. Not yours. OUR lives are our lives. If you need to go back to where YOU came, and make YOUR place a better place, do it NOT on our “US” backs. Thank you.
You are welcome to join us. If you make the “cut”. It is our turn. Now.
We. Embrace and help each and one other. On our terms. Not with “temptations”. Of vices, and the rest in your “bag of tricks”. That is unholy. “Sorry”. We Act. With worthwhile intentions. As Einstein learned and shared.
We get it Einstein.
We”wish” you did, too.
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