Happy Inspirational Fiction

Saving the Fate of Coffee Express 

By: Haripriya 

 β€œDo you think... people are going to visit our coffee shop?” I asked, looking at my mom. 

β€œI know that people are going to come... it’s just that, maybe right now is not our time.” my mom told me, trying not to sound worried. 

β€œNo one has been coming to our cafΓ© for almost a month!! We are losing that much money! MOM!!" I paused glanced at my mom, angrily, who had a blank expression on her face, staring in to nowhere,  "Are you even listening to me? You couldn’t pay the rent, or any bills!” I yelled with pain and worry. 

β€œYes, I am listening to you. It’s just...well, people are going to come. I know it. Now, you go play outside... and I will figure everything out.” my mom told me. 

I wish she could just understand that no one was visiting Coffee Express anymore because of the coffee shop downtown. It was fancier and had more options. It also had more staff members to help the place run quicker and the customers get their coffee and snacks nice and hot. I get that we don’t have any of those things, but... there had to be other reasons why no one was visiting out place!! It was so unfair! I can’t believe that people would do this. The worst part is the manager of Coffee Express threatened my mom by saying that if no else comes in the next 2 weeks, they were going to close and he wouldn’t pay my mom anything, and he won’t let us live here. My mom couldn’t say anything. She had nothing with her, other than me. She worried every day, but whenever I asked her, she would hide her fear and tell me to be hopeful.

She expects that everything will come to her instead of persuading people, and advertising people. She thinks that all good will come to us when we haven’t done anything to figure out why the other cafΓ© is getting so much publicity. I told her that we need to devise a plan to figure out what is better with them, and we could do something even better to improve our shop! But no, she won’t even listen to what I have in mind. All she cares about is trying to look innocent and helpless in front of everyone.  

Well I would always ignore her when she would say, β€œGood comes to you when you need it at most.” because that saying wasn’t true neither logical at all.  

What did make sense is me trying to figure out what made their shop better than ours and try to use that to attract more people to our cafΓ©. Now that was a solid plan. 

Of course, my mom wouldn't listen to me when I tried to persuade her about doing this. So, I just had to figure out what it was all by myself. Now you see, that was the hardest part. Not just coming up with a plan, but to also execute it properly. That was the real key of doing this entire mission, and if that didn’t work, we would be stranded in the streets. That is the last thing which I would want to happen to us."

Every day I would think about our lives and would just go, β€œWow... I can’t believe it. This is how our lifestyle is.” 

Complaining was not going to work. Nobody was going to help us get more publicity and customers, so the entire fate of Coffee Express and our life depended on my two hands. I needed to find the perfect excuse to get out of the store for once and go downtown, but... what would it be? What should I tell her? I didn’t know, but I was sure to figure out an excuse sometime later today. After all, my mom’s cafΓ© was very important to me and I cared about it. Even if I was potentially going to get in trouble, it was going to be worth it.   

I thought about what I would say for a lot more time. Turns out that trying to come up with a smart, logical, and thoughtful excuse was a lot harder than I thought it would be. But soon enough, I did think of a great one.  

β€œHey Mom, can I go to the park and possibly make some friends?” I

My mom did know something weird was going on with me, but as always, she agreed. Now, it was time to execute the real plan. I was excited that I forgot to say β€˜Bye’ to my mom. I was too excited. I was so sure that I was going to find the secret that made their cafΓ© attract more people. 

But it turns out that I didn’t need to do that because, well I looked down at the colored floor. It was filled with different colors and types of leaves. It was like it sprinkled the floor.  

WAIT A SECOND, SPRINKLED!! THAT’S IT!! We need to make new Autumn flavored drinks and we can top each one with many different types of sprinkles!! Yes!! We could make a lot more drinks, and even limited addition snacks, and deserts!! YES!! THAT IS WHAT WE CAN DO TO BOOST A LOT OF PUBLICITY!! I need to tell mom, and the manager about this! I can almost feel this plan working! All we must do is buy a lot of flavors and other supplies and we will have our new line of drinks and pastries! Another thing we must do is make a lot of posters, signs, shoot advertisements, and spread the news about our new drinks and this could really save Coffee Express! I can’t believe that this entire time the answer was all around us!! Not just for Autumn though, we need to have seasonal snacks and drinks for each season! This way we can let the customers try new things and at the same time have different food choices that will make all the customers wait for something totally unique and simply delicious!! 

My mind had almost blown with such an amazing discovery. Now, all I had to do was convince my mom to do this. Soon, I went back inside the shop and told my mom about my new idea. I told her that it would be fine if she took a little time to think about this. After all, it was a big decision to make. 

After some time, as I had hoped, she agreed, and we had officially introduced out new line of autumnal drinks and pastries. I had to squeeze my way outside because of the rush we had after my discovery. I couldn’t believe this had worked!! I can officially say that we have saved the fate of Coffee Express.  

~The End~ 

October 11, 2020 21:22

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Hello everyone! I would love to hear any feedback and suggestion from all of you (if you have any) and I am also curious on what was your favorite part of the story, and what part I could have improved on? Have a great day! 😊


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Noor Ahmed
01:04 Oct 12, 2020

Hey! I loved this story of yours, but I have some feedback for you :> "β€œNo one has been coming to our cafΓ© for almost a month!! We are losing that much money! MOM!! Are you even listening to me? You couldn’t pay the rent, or any bills!” I yelled with pain and worry." The MOM!! felt a bit surprising to me, so maybe you could add something in between to show that the main character thought that the mom was not listening. Maybe you could have said "No one has been coming to our cafΓ© for almost a month!! We are losing that much money!" I paus...


Noor Ahmed
21:47 Oct 12, 2020

No problem!


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Noor Ahmed
21:47 Oct 12, 2020

Tell me whenever you write a new story because your stories are super interesting.


Thank you so much! I will definitely tell you, and read yours too! Have a great day! :)


Noor Ahmed
22:37 Oct 12, 2020

You too :)


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B. W.
21:26 Oct 11, 2020

Hm, i think that this was a great story you did and i think that i'll also check out your other stories ^^ I also know that you've already made a lot of stories but i hope that you'll continue to make more stories on here, whenever your not busy though. 10/10 :)


Thank you so much for supporting me!! I LOVED a few of your stories (not that I don't love all your 30 stories, it is just that I only read about 5 or 6...). I promise you I won't stop writing! :)


B. W.
21:31 Oct 11, 2020

Yeah- i saw that you liked all the stories but i thought that you couldn't have read ALL of them that quickly. and no problem ^^ i'll still check out the other stories you've done and leave feedback. speaking of that, if it's alright could you go back to the stories you read and leave some feedback? i'd love to see what you have to say.


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Arizona Foster
14:50 Oct 23, 2020

I loved the main character’s eagerness to help resolve a problem their mother is facing as well as their creative solution. Everyone loves sprinkles! Brilliant! If you don’t mind some advice (which was feedback recently given to me, too, and I have been truly grateful for it), if you haven’t checked out Grammerly - it’s life changing! I noticed some typos Grammerly would have picked up. Overall, great read! Thanks for sharing! ☺️


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02:15 Oct 20, 2020

Aww, I loved this story. Really had sympathy with your characters. The struggles of being a small family business can be brutal, but the results are priceless!


Thank you so much!! I really appreciate your comment! It made my day, or I guess my night, so much better! :)


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Vicky S
04:45 Oct 18, 2020

Hi Haripriya, I really enjoyed your story. I liked that it had a happy ending


Vicky S
19:46 Oct 18, 2020

No worries


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L.A. Nolan
05:01 Oct 15, 2020

Nice Haripriya! Enjoyed this very much. A few notes, β€œYes, I am listening to you. It’s just...well, people are going to come. I know it. Now, you go play outside... and I will figure everything out.” my mom told me. - 'My mom told me' isn't a dialogue tag so My should be capitalized. Or if you meant it as a tag, there should be a comma after out," and maybe a tag like my mom told me, with a smile. Well I would always ignore her when she would say, β€œGood comes to you when you need it at most.” because that saying wasn’t true neither lo...


Thank you so much Lee Nolan!! I appreciate your effort in writing this and your support! :)


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