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Adventure Christian Drama

August 14, 2006, Ms. Otis picked us up but however, we were in a such a rush that I forgot the folder with my ID in it. A voice told Ann to get quarters. (By the way, this is our first train ride ever.)

Ann asked,"why?"

The voice did not answered.

"Come on, the train will be leaving in two minutes" said Ms. Otis.

     It was about 6:58AM or maybe 7:58AM, I can not remember. We went into the car and Ms. Otis drove us to the train station. We hurried up on the rump and saw a man. Ms. Otis told him that we are going to Vermont. He told us to hurry and get a seat because the train is leaving in one second. So, we got on the train. The train left the station. The man came to us. 

The man said," Can I see your ID?"

Ann showed him hers but I could not. 

" You are in deep stuff", he said to me.

Ann thought: What did I do wrong? What did he mean by that?

I thought: What is going to happen?

     At that moment, I wanted to cry. I thought he was going to call the cops. So, everytime we stopped, I looked to see if there were cops waiting for me. We made a stopped and I saw cops at the train station. I was getting ready for the cops to come and get me. Finally, we took off and no cops. 

I thought: So, he did not call the cops.

That is a load off my shoulder.

I thought: But why did he said that?

That is another load I still have to worry about. Along with, where to get off.

The train stopped and I was afraid if it was our stop. Ann asked a woman if we were in Schenectady. 

The woman said,"No, you still have a lot to go."

Finally, it was our stop. He came and told us we are here. We got our stuff and got off. The next train will come in a hour. We waited and then the train came. Ann asked if I could get on the train if I did not have my ID. He told us no. I realize what the man meant when he said that. It means I was not going anywhere. Ann and I went downstairs with our suitcases and call someone. I had two quarters but the payphone needed more. We had to asked someone. Ann asked a woman and the woman gave some quarters. Now the rest is going to be a screenplay because that is how I wrote when it actually happen.

Ann is dialing the phone number.(12:00pm)

Ann hanged up the phone.

We are in Schenectady. We could not go to Vermont.

Ann: "He said he call Connie and she has a car that does not need a lot of gas. He also called Ms. Otis."

Me: "What?!! What did she say?"

Ann: "Yea, she said that is crazy. She is gonna call them. She bought the tickets. He said do not move. "

Ann is playing on her Nintendo DS.

A man came out of the train station. He is dialing on the phone, smoking a cigar. I guessed no one answered.

A man: "Do you have change for a dollar?"

Me: "No."(shook my head)

There is a little boy, a little girl, one man, and two girls walking. A man walk back inside. A train stopped. Ann and I look at it.

Ann: "Is that how it stops?"

Me: "I guess so, but never knew cuz we were on it."

Ann: "It sounds like someone is screaming."

A man came out and he has change and a newspaper. 

One boy(18), a man, and a woman came out of a green car. I think the boy is going to Vermont. They went inside.

Me: "That looks like Ronnie & Bridget's van."

Ann: "Where?" (Looking around)

Me: "Right there."(pointing)

The van move. 

Me: "Oops... my bad. It's all white."

Two girls got out of a car and she (curly hair)got her suitcase. A old lady came out of the train station and got into Relible Medacure car/van. A man just pull in with a blue car.

I'm thinking: I think it will take two or three hours. (Connie & Fred to get here).

Two boys came riding on bikes.

The boy(16): "Who do you think? Shana?"

A boy(12): "Definitely."

A boy: "What game are you playing?"

Ann: "Need for speed:Underground. "

The boy: "Count to 20, slowly. "

A boy: "Okay." (some seconds went by)

A boy: "Okay, done."

The boy: "You didn't count to 20."

A boy: "Yes I did!"

The boy: "You must've counted mad fast then."

The boy call again. They left. Three girls came out of the train station. Well, a mother with her two daughters. 

A girl(curly orange hair): "Do you think....that girl?"

The girl(black hair): "What girl?" (Walking away)

Ann is listening to her walkman.

A guy came out: "Alright, right, right." (he look at us)

It's almost 2:00pm. The boys came back on the bikes. They left. Some people got on the bus. I saw a limousine. Two men went into the train station. 

Me: "I see a school bus."

Ann looked.

Me: "Which way do you..."(realizing Ann has headphones on)

Ann look at me(taking her headphones off).

Ann: "What?"

Me: "Which way do you think he's coming from?"

Ann: "I don't know." 

Two boys left different ways. 

Me: "I guess 5:00pm, we will see them."

Ann: "Yea, me too."

I'm thinking: It kinda looks like Downtown in Syracuse. 

Two cops came and asked us a lot of questions. 

A guy came out.

A guy: "A train heading to Syracuse coming in 3 seconds. "

We hurry up the stairs and made it. We got on the train. We finally reach Syracuse and got off. We went home. That was one trip I won't forget. 

     I remembered looking out the window and seeing trees just passing by. 

April 16, 2021 16:10

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1 comment

Shirley Medhurst
06:36 Apr 24, 2021

Interesting story. Just one point to consider, at some points, you use the present tense & other times, the past. I would try to stick to the same if I were you


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