Science Fiction Romance Funny


A quick caveat, this story is about superheroes, just saying that upfront. :)

With that being said, the characters' names I pulled out of my noggin. I'm sure in the vast universe of superhero names, that some of these have already been used and I don't mean to reference those characters. I will say, I have a young female character named 'Holly the Green Giant' which is my Hulk-like reference for this story, that one is probably original, lol!

Hopefully, this is a lighthearted, fun read.


Being a hero is easy, being super is hard.

They register, catalog, and monitor us. After every conflict, evil goes back into hiding, leaving us with the clean-up, paperwork, and social media hostility. I'm tired of it all. It is time to step down as leader of the Safeguard Society. Time to leave earth and go back to my home planet, to reconnect and maybe start a family.

The portal to my world only opens every 5 years, and it is happening again in a few days. I need to tell the team; I am most concerned about Aurora, she and I have become so close this past year, but I think she will understand.

"Computer?" I prompt the headquarters' mainframe.

"Yes, Captain Shadow?"

"Send a notification to the team, I want to meet with them at 3."

"Would you like to include a meeting subject?"

"No, just tell them it is important."

"Sent, Captain."


3 PM Conference Room A. Roll Call.

"Short Fuse?"

"Yo, Cap."

"Holly the Green Giant?"

"I'm Here, Captain, sir!"




"Here, Jordan."

"Queen Fire?"




"I saw him in the kitchen an hour ago, sir," Holly responds eagerly.

"For a kid who can move faster than a lightning, he sure never gets to a meeting on time." I reply, "Anyway, I wanted to discuss some important changes coming for the Society."

I pause, Aurora has that quizzical look. She always knows what I am thinking even before I say it.

"Captain?" the mainframe interjects.


"Dark Fire has just stormed New Yen City holding the Mayor's office hostage. The authorities are requesting our immediate help."

"Oh, for God's sake, OK."

"Society, let's suit up!"


7:50 PM Crisis managed and evil defeated.

We stumble back into headquarters, tired, a bit beat up but otherwise ok.

"Captain, sir?" Holly says pensively, "I'm really sorry about throwing that truck. I was nervous. Will we have to pay for that?"

"It's fine Holly, the city will cover it, you did well."

The team disperses to shower and change.

"You know, she really looks up to you," Aurora whispers to me.

"She is a good kid, but she almost dropped that truck into oncoming traffic. We got lucky this time," I respond.

"She was trying to help. She just needs a mentor, someone to teach her to control her strength."

"I don't want to do this Macy, it's too damn much," I reply sharply.

That's not how I wanted that to come out

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lash out," I say, knowing I probably should just shut up.

"Jordan, you need to figure out your place on this team. If you're done being a leader, Queen Fire is a solid choice, just step down." Aurora says leaving the room.

I'm just going to tell the team tonight and be done with it.


"You down for a movie, Cap?" Short Fuse asks as I enter the main room.

"I would like to chat with everyone. Has anyone seen Macy?" I ask.

"Captain?" the mainframe interjects.


"There is a human at the door requesting entrance. Should I allow him in?"

"Hold on, I just need a minute, scan him for any hostility while he waits," I reply.

"I cannot, Captain. Rush has already opened the door." the mainframe responds

"Pizza's here," Rush says as he enters the room escorting a very impressed pizza delivery guy.

"Oh my god, is this for real?" The pizza guy says taking out his phone "Can I get a selfie? That fight today was epic."

"All in a day's work" Rush responds with a grin.

"Rush, can I talk to you in Conf A," I say.


Conference room A.

"What's up, big guy?" Rush asks.

"What the hell are you doing opening the door to a complete stranger? We have protocols, we all live here, you can't assume anything." I am so annoyed.

"Dude, it was just the pizza guy. You are turning into such a paranoid old man." He replies, leaving in a huff.

OK, I'm going to bed, I'll tell them all in the morning. I'm so done.

I enter the bedroom to find Macy is already asleep, she is beautiful. In battle, she is a fierce warrior, but I love to see her peaceful side. She fills the room with an ethereal glow of rich azure.

I'm doing the right thing, I just need to keep telling myself that. Fuse is only here because she likes destruction, Holly needs too much training, and Rush is going to get us all killed. Duplicator and Queen Fire are both capable of running things.

But then what about Macy? She is my anchor in this world. Will she come with me?

Regardless, I have one more day before the portal opens; I just have to tell everyone.


8 AM Headquarters.


"Yes, Captain Shadow?"

"Schedule a meeting with the team, all of them, wake up Rush if you have to," I say.

"Rush is not at headquarters, Captain."

"What? Call him."

"He is not responding. Social media indicates he was on the southern coast of Sicily last night displaying his speed abilities, out of costume."

"What is he thinking? That is not our jurisdiction."

"He was prolly drunk." Short Fuse says as she enters the kitchen, "He text me at 3 AM to tell me how hot I was. He knows I'm not into boys."


"Yes, Captain?"

"Prep the jet, we are going to Italy."


We land in Catania, Italy, promptly met with a convoy of government vehicles. People with superpowers have designated areas of operation, and we are way outside ours.

Several superhumans land in a defensive formation, one of them I recognize as a senior member of the International Hero Alliance. Hopefully, this is a peaceful interaction.

'Soldato, nice to see you again." I say.

"Captain Shadow, always a pleasure."

"We have a missing team member. He was last seen in Sicily. Do you know if he is still here?" I ask.

"We have your bambino. He was trying to impress some young ladies, showing off his abilities, after much drink I might add. He became belligerent, so we had to collar him."

"I apologize, he is young and bull-headed, we will make sure he stays close to home. Can we have him?"

"Only if you keep him collared until you arrive in your territory, Captain."

"You know I don't agree with those, Soldato. The Alliance needs to speak out against this kind of control." I say trying to contain my anger.

"These are my conditions," he replies coldly.

"Fine, the collar stays on."


7 PM flight back home.

Rush sits alone in the back of the jet, sulking, still wearing a power dampening collar.

"You should go talk to him," Aurora says.

"Macy, it's like talking to the wall."

"These kids need you, Jordan. Fuse has finally opened up to her real self here, Holly has a place where she belongs, and Rush, well you know his dad was pretty rough on him, but he has a good heart. You are their rock, this is their family."

Family. The word is an awakening call.

"Macy, I have to talk to you, it's important."

"I also have something I have been trying to find the right time to tell you, but we keep getting interrupted," She responds.

"I know what you mean,"

"Captain, we are about to land," Queen Fire says.

"Macy, let's catch up after dinner," I whisper.


9 PM the kitchen.

Duplicator goes to work in mad chef mode to prepare a gourmet meal for the team. Being able to generate multiple versions of yourself really helps to get things done in the kitchen. We can hear each of his duplicates argue about how to create the perfect souffle.

We sit down to an amazing meal. Even Rush is present and joking with Fuse. Holly is excitedly describing her favorite South Korean boy band to Queen Fire, who listens attentivly, but has no idea what a boy band is. Duplicator and his multiple copies bring more food than we could eat in a week. Macy is just glowing, smiling, and laughing with everyone.

Am I doing the right thing?

The night continues, until everyone retires, I shut off the lights in the kitchen as Rush comes down the hall.

"Hey, big guy." Rush says "I want to apologize for the thing in Italy, I was feeling cooped up. It's tough having all these abilities and so many restrictions."

"I know," I reply "When I first came to this planet, I was 17, I didn't understand the rules, I got in a lot of trouble. Eventually, I figured out how to work with the system. There are ways to be super and not lose who you are."

"Yeah, I suppose, I just don't want to get collared again, it messes with your brain, I could barely stand."

"Those things need to be outlawed, I'm working on that." I reply, "We aren't dogs, after all."

"You really are OK, Cap," Rush says.


By my estimation, the portal will open around 10 AM tomorrow.

"Hey Macy, are you still awake?" I whisper, entering the bedroom.

"Hi," Macy says, rolling to face me in bed.

"You have an amazing amber glow tonight," I reply.

"My body is changing."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Jordan, I don't want to freak you out, but I'm pregnant. I didn't think our DNA would be a match, but apparently, we are. I never intended to put this on you, I didn't even know this could happen, but my body is reacting and embracing this change and so am I."

"I, I'm not sure what to say?" I respond, "I have to be honest, the portal to my homeworld opens tomorrow, I was planning on leaving earth and starting over as a non-super."

"I know. You talk in your sleep, Jordy," She replies, "I just wanted to say something so you would know before you left."

I definitely won't be getting any sleep tonight.


9 AM Portal Day, it's now or never.


"Yes, Captain?"

"Schedule a meeting in conference room A."

"Would you like to include a meeting subject?"

"No, just tell them it is important."

"Sent, Captain."


Conference Room A, Roll Call.

"Short Fuse?"

"Yo, Cap."

"Holly the Green Giant?"

"Here, Captain, sir!"



"Queen Fire?"



"Here, big guy."

"I wanted to discuss some important changes for the Society." I look over the crew I have fought alongside so many times.

"Aurora and I are having a baby," I announce, "She left early this morning to spend time with her parents."

"You old stud, way to go," Rush says with a giant grin.

"Captain, sir?" Holly says looking anxious "Will you and Macy still be part of the team?"

"Well, we talked a lot about it, I was planning on leaving and returning to my home planet today and I asked her to go with me."

The room is silent.

"But we have decided to stay. We are a team, even more than that, we are all a family."

Holly hugs me, almost crushing me. God, that girl is strong.

"We are going to need everyone's help, we may not always be here, We may bring in some new members to help, but this is the core team, I will always look to you to be the last word on any recruit."

"Captain?" the mainframe interjects.


"The Crazy Clown Syndicate has overtaken sky tower, and is threatening to drop it on Citygate Bridge."

"Society, let's suit up."

April 15, 2021 04:16

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19:24 Apr 16, 2021

You were right! That was a delightful lighthearted story :) The characters were creative (I liked their names AND their call in responses LOL) and your Caps turmoil with leaving played out nicely. I have to say, for whatever reason, this is my favorite part "We can hear each of his duplicates argue about how to create the perfect souffle." I laughed out loud a bit at that! Thanks so much for sharing!


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Zahra Daya
07:54 Apr 20, 2021

This was such a creative story! Well done on creating all these characters and managing to build this completely other-world and society! One thing I will say would be to look out for grammar, but apart from that, this was a lovely read! Also, I'm not sure what you like to read, but maybe try out 'Renegades' by Marissa Meyer as that story is also about superheroes and she does an impeccable job at world-building. If you get a minute, I'd love it if you could check out one of my recent stories and leave feedback! Hope this was helpful :) - Z


Cole Lane
13:27 Apr 20, 2021

Thank you so much, Zahra! I so appreciate the read and the comments! I have noticed a few times (usually after the submission is locked, of course) that there have been grammatical errors. I have an issue with stories being too long, so I find I am doing a Friday night cut and shuffle in the Reedsy editor to get it to fit. lol! Still, proper editing is crucial. BTW the 'Renegades' series looks exceptional! Thank you for the suggestion.


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Angel {Readsy}
16:59 Apr 18, 2021

It is a thought-provoking, gripping, suspenseful story. There aren't very many stories out there which cause the reader to think deeply about such important, relevant issues. It is an extremely interesting story which should be read and discussed by many. If I could give it 6 stars I would


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Daniel R. Hayes
06:26 May 30, 2021

This was awesome Cole!! I love superhero stories and I thought this was very original. I've read a lot of comics from when I was a kid, and now I read TPB and complete stories. So, I can tell you that I haven't come across a story like this!! I'm still laughing at how hard he tried to tell her that he wanted to go through the portal, only to find out that she already knew because he talks in his sleep! That was super-funny (pun intended) :) This was another solid story from you. I really liked this one, and you did a fantastic job wi...


Cole Lane
16:53 May 30, 2021

Dude! I so appreciate it! I loved comics as a kid as well, so I apologize, I didn't spend time on slick character names or superpowers here. Captain Shadow sounds like something out of a bad 90s Saturday morning cartoon. :) Most comic book readers would roll their eyes. I wrote it to have fun with the prompt and try to portray the life of a superhero, the responsibility of it, the more human side. They still have real-life problems, boundaries, insecurities, and desires. As a side note, In an attempt to transition me from comics to 'seriou...


Daniel R. Hayes
18:01 May 30, 2021

Honestly, my love for reading started with comic books. I still read them every now and again, but in collected editions. As a fan, I can tell you that the names you used were very good. The whole market of superheroes has become so saturated that it's so hard to write something new. I thought you did a tremendous job with this story. Not once did I think it was something I've read before, so I really appreciated that aspect. You're a very talented writer, and if you're anything like me, you might be too hard on yourself sometimes... lol ...


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09:49 Apr 29, 2021

That was a lot of fun to read. I’ve never thought about superheroes being a sitcom, but this made me wish there was one. Ha! Great job.


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Charli Britton
15:37 Apr 21, 2021

Being a hero is easy, being super is hard. I love that opening line for a few things. It's honesty, It's poetic-ness and it's flow with the whole story. Very good story!!!!


Cole Lane
01:51 Apr 22, 2021

You are awesome, thank you so much for this!!


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17:48 Sep 10, 2021

Really cool i loved it great job!!


Cole Lane
21:12 Sep 10, 2021

Thank you! Super heroes are so fun to write, especially when they have real-world issues, paying for damage they cause, the fear of being imprisoned, angst and uncertainty. Then throw in bringing up a family in all of this! Actually all of that happens to non super people too. lol!!


17:44 Sep 11, 2021

Lol totally! Thats waht was so cool about this book too is that real life family element and the fact they are in a way like everyone else just enhanced but they still feel the same stuff we do and still have family issues and stuff.


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22:17 Jun 03, 2021

You did it again!!! Another fabulous story that kept me engaged and playing the movie in my head. Your sci-fi story is out of the realm of the genres I normally read, but I loved this story. It was so sweet. The ending surprised me. That's all I'm gonna say on that. It was really good, though. You are an awesome storyteller and you are a go-to writer for my sci-fi and horror stories. Thanks again for writing such a great story!!! :)


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