
Submitted into Contest #43 in response to: Write a story about transformation.... view prompt



Long ago, there lived a young woman in the valley of flowers. Her name was KoEira, but people of valley called her Koei. She worked hard every day, she ploughed fields, drew water from well, grew vegetables and flowers, scaled mountains for herbs, helped everyone, read books about great adventures and dreamed about going on one.

One day she heard the news that the prince of south had won his first battle and to celebrate his first victory, the king of south ordered his people to organize a grand festival. All three great kings of north, east and west regions, royals, respected nobles, learned and wise men, great musicians, dancers and renowned artists were invited.

Sweet Koei, she had read many stories about that place, the kingdom of south had no lack of wealth and luxury, many great warriors lived there who had fought many epic wars and never lost any.

Koei wanted to see that place and celebration too; so she plucked some beautiful flowers from valley, took her bag and embarked on the journey before sunrise. She crossed three mountains and four rivers till noon; she kept walking towards south until she reached, where a giant ancient tree had blocked her path.

The tree was so old and big that its roots had reached to the other end of earth; its branches were so high that clouds rested upon it; its trunk was so vast that it alone made a forest.

Being exhausted, Koei sat by the tree to rest for a while. After a while, when she got her strength back, she stood up and took out a hydrangea flower from her bag and said,” O ancient guardian of humanity and nature! Please accept this as a sign of my gratitude as you gave me shelter in the time needed. Thank you for your kindness, please keep watching over me.”

She was about to venture into the unknown path of dark forest around the giant tree, when she heard someone say “Wait, dear child!”

Koei saw, a beautiful lady wearing a big green cloak was standing right next to where she had just put the flower. The lady had a face of a loving mother, she had long dark brown hair and a beautiful flower wreath on her head; fireflies and butterflies were flying around her, a nightingale was singing on her right shoulder, a small kit was resting in her arms while two little puppies were chasing each other around her.

She said to Koei,” You are such a sweet and polite child, not many remember to thank nature for what they take away from it.

But in a forest so dense that sunshine doesn’t touch the ground for most of the year, my child! Where are you going alone in such a hurry?”

Koei said to the lady, “The king of south has organized a festival to celebrate the first victory of the prince, all the great kings, warriors, nobles, learned men will gather there and many musicians, dancers and artists will show their brilliance there. I too, wish to see that wonderful event and if possible, will try to congratulate the prince with some of the most beautiful flowers that I have picked from the valley.”

The lady thought something and said, “But my dear! The kingdom of south is far away from here, even if you keep walking without rest, it will take you seven moons to reach there.

And moreover, this festival is only for the special guests of the king. Commoner will not be allowed there.”

Hearing this, Koei lost her heart. The corsage of bouvardia flower, she was wearing became dull.

Seeing her so disheartened the kind lady said,” Don’t be sad my dear. If you want to go there so badly, I shall help you. Come with me.”

Koei followed the lady on a narrow trail covered with dry leaves, when Koei walked, leaves made sound with each step while the feet of the lady made no sound.

Soon they reached where there was a big hollow in the trunk of the tree. Pointing towards it the lady said, “Child! Listen carefully. This is the door to the hidden magical village, where magical animals and otherworldly magical beings live peacefully. Only four great kings, royals and some learned men know about this secret.

You can find anything you need to prepare yourself for the festival. But remember to be very careful in what you choose; because the choices you will make, will determine your fate.

At the very southern end of the village, next to a shrine, you will see a river. But don’t cross it with the bridge. That bridge does not link the outer world with the village. When you will cross the river, you will reach to the kingdom of south.

And at last, keep this apple with you.” She gave an apple to Koei and said, “When you’ll take a bite of this apple, it will give you what you need most at that moment or what you wish for, with all your might. Eat it only when you have no other way.”

“Can it transform me into a princess? Will I be able to attend the festival then?” Koei asked.

“If that is what your heart really wants, if that is what you really need, a bite from this apple will transform you into princess, you will no longer be Koei, KoEira of valley of flowers! If your heart chooses, you can transform into princess Eira.”

Koei looked at the apple in her hands, she was still confused. She looked up to ask the lady who she was and how did she know about her, but there was no one. The lady disappeared into the thin air.

Surprised Koei stood there for a minute or two, thinking whether what happened was a dream or not. But after seeing the apple, Koei decided to enter the hollow doorway of magical village in the tree.

It was a different world inside there. Animals, birds, trees, fairies, dwarfs, elf and spirits lived in that village in harmony and did work like humans do in the outer world. There were houses, big and small, some on the top of the trees, some under the ground. There were many shops and stalls, in which animals and other beings were selling different things, fabrics, clothes, shoes, precious stones and jewels, perfumes, berries and fruit etc. That day was quite an eventful day for the residence of the village as some royal guests were visiting to be prepared for the festival.

A happy deer came running towards Koei and welcomed her. Koei told the deer that she needed to get ready for the festival that night. The deer first led her to the shop where a jolly rabbit was selling fabrics and clothes.

Koei saw there, princess of north was looking for a dress, fit for the occasion, she greeted her and sat quietly beside her.

Princess of north had the most beautiful skin in the world, so fair and smooth as if it was made of porcelain. It made Koei conscious about herself. Her skin had many scars as she worked hard in the valley and had to climb many mountains in search of herbs. She envied the princess and thought what it would be like to live the life of princess. A yellow hyacinth flower fell on the feet of princess from Koei’s bag.

The jolly rabbit showed them many dresses of different fabrics such as- silk, muslin, velvet, leather, lace and wool; while princess left after choosing a silk one, nothing could make Koei forget about her not so beautiful skin.

At last, the rabbit said-

“All the fabrics of the earth,

 Enough to cover seven skies;

But not enough to cover the insecurity,

O maiden! You want to hide.”

Sad Koei picked a white cotton frock with two pockets and gave a bellflower in exchange to the rabbit.

Then the deer led Koei to a shop where a shrewd fox was selling jewels and gems. Koei saw that princess of west was buying some rings and necklaces. Koei greeted her and sat quietly beside her.

Princess of west had most beautiful hands in the world. Her palms were as soft as feather, her fingers were lean and her nails were polished and painted delicately.

This made Koei worried about her hands. Her hands were rough and scarred as she drew water from deep wells, ploughed fields and grew vegetables. Koei felt jealousy arising in her heart, she wished to have hands like the princess of west.

The fox showed them all kind of precious gemstones and jewels , ruby, amber, opal, diamonds, gold and silver; while princess left after buying a diamond necklace, nothing could make Koei forget about her not so beautiful hands.

At last the fox said to her-

“All the jewels on the earth,

Enough to light seven skies;

But not enough to dull the insecurity,

O maiden! You want to hide.”

Hearing this, disheartened Koei chose a bracelet and a necklace made of seashell; and gave a peruvian lily in exchange.

After this, the deer took Koei to a shop where a humble turtle was selling shoes. Princess of east was looking for a proper shoe to wear in the festival. Koei greeted her and sat beside her quietly.

Princess of east had most beautiful feet in the world. Koei thought her feet might have never touch the ground as she did not had to work like Koei. Koei had walked all day barefoot, she had to cross four mountains and three rivers only to reach there, therefore her feet had many thorn wounds and scars. Suddenly Koei felt intense hatred towards the princess for no reason.

The turtle showed them all kinds of footwear – boots, heels, sandals, slippers, stiletto, shoes..etc.

While the princess left with a pair of sandals, nothing could make Koei forget about her not so beautiful feet. 

At last, the turtle spoke to her-

“All the shoes on the earth,

Enough to cross seven skies,

But not enough to cross the insecurity,

O maiden! You want to hide.”

Heartbroken Koei chose a pair of wooden sandals and gave a gladiolus flower to the turtle in exchange.

The deer wanted her to visit some other shops as well but Koei refused and gave him a sweet pea flower to thank for his help. Then she headed toward the southern end of the village. Soon she reached where the shrine was.

The shrine was deserted. Sometimes wind rang the bell to show respect to spirits. The sound of bell was echoing in the silence of the forest. A sound of flowing water was also present there. It must be the river, Koei thought.

What is this feeling? Why am I feeling so anxious? Why do I hate them? It’s not their fault that I was not born into a wealthy family, but it’s not my fault either. Why? Why do I have to be this ugly? Why can I not be them? Why did I not get to live a life like them? Koei burst into tears thinking about the harsh life she had to live so far. Should I eat the apple that lady gave to me? Will I become beautiful when I transform into princess? No! no! who am I kidding? if I were to be a princess, I would have been born as a princess. I shouldn’t have come so far.

“Oh! Greetings princess Eira!” someone said from the shrine. Koei was surprised on hearing the voice. She looked around but found no one. I must be hearing voices. She thought.

“No princess Eira, you are not hearing voices. I am talking to you.”

Koei got scared, she asked,” Who are you? Why are you hiding?”

“I am not hiding, I am right here, in front of you, it’s you who can’t see me or should I say don’t want to see me, princess.”

“Don’t play with me. Don’t call me princess. I am not a princess.” Koei said in a sad voice, “and if you want to say something, please appear or at least help me see you.”

Koei saw an owl on the top of the shrine, it flew towards her, but transformed into an old man with long white beard, dressed in pure white, as soon as he touched the ground.

Koei was startled but felt a kind and wise presence around her, she bowed to him.

She asked him,” why are you calling me princess Eira? I am Koei, just Koei.

“Are you happy with being just Koei?”

Koei said nothing, only looked at him with sad eyes.

“Do you not want to become princess Eira?”

“I don’t know.” She said.

“Well, then who are you? And more importantly, who do you want to be? Do you want to transform into someone or something else or do you want to discover who you truly are?”

“Do you know, can you please tell me, who am I? Please.”

“It’s your destiny, your adventure to explore my child. Don’t be afraid , Koeira. Your destiny awaits for you on the other side of this river. Use the gifts of this village. The pockets of your white cotton frock can contain infinite things and appear at your wish, the wooden sandals will make path for you , no matter what obstacle come in your way and those sea shell necklace and bracelet, be careful with those, because these will intensify your emotions , if you are happy, these will make you happiest person, but when you are angry , these will show the worst side of yours.

So, have courage and faith in your path, and always have kindness in your heart because it’s the kindness that will save you from others and from yourself as well. Now, farewell.”

The wise spirit transformed into owl again and flew away.

 “Thank you, kind soul!”Koeira said. She bathed in the sacred river, wore the white cotton frock with two magical pockets, wore the sea shell necklace and bracelet, put on the wooden sandals. After offering her prayer in the shrine, she headed towards the south land. She crossed the river with the help of magical sandals.

As soon as she reached on the other side, she saw that magic village couldn’t be seen from there. She had walked only a few steps when she heard someone crying. Following the direction of voice, Koeira reached to an oak tree under which a wounded man was crying in pain. He was a soldier. What should I do?, Koeira thought,” Be kind”, she remembered.

Koeira put her hand on her pocket and asked for the apple, the lady had given her, I should not be greedy, I should be kind, she gave the apple to the soldier and asked him to eat it. The soldier could hardly take a bite.

But soon he felt much better, his wound started healing, as it was what he wished with all his might.

After a while he gained some consciousness and saw Koeira, suddenly he got scared and tried to hide his scarred body and face, he said to her,

“I am sorry miss! I did not mean to have you seen an ugly thing like me. I was ordered to leave the kingdom because my deformities scared people, I came here because I thought it would be a quite place with no human, I am sorry.”

“No, you don’t need to be sorry.” Koeira said, “Your wounds tell that you fought your battles with great courage, these are the proof of your bravery. You don’t need to hide your scars, these scars are the sign of your healing which at times can be more painful than getting these wounds.”

Koeira felt as if a stone rolled off her chest, as she was telling the soldier, she was listening herself too.

“Your scars tell that you are strong, be proud of these, O great warrior!”

She looked at her hands, cuts on her fingers, scars on her wrists and arms, she felt an intense emotion of love and kindness towards herself.

I shouldn’t have been so harsh on myself. I shouldn’t have hated myself so much. All I needed was just a little care and love for myself, from myself. I should have been kinder to myself.

A tear dropped from her eyes, she looked, the sun was setting, the water of river had transformed into beautiful red liquid, sky had transformed into purple-red from blue, and Koei had transformed  too,if not fully then a little bit wiser, kinder and more loving Koeira, who could now see the beauty in herself too. That sunset was the most beautiful sunset, she had ever seen.

She sat there, watching sunset and sang a song of her soul, that song was so beautiful and calming that the whole forest stopped to listen to it. Her voice even reached the palace, where the festival was about to take place. Everyone was mesmerized by the sweet song. The prince was so enchanted that he was ready to abandon the celebration to look for the mysterious singer.

“You are the most beautiful soul I have ever seen.” The soldier said to Koeira.

She smiled and continued singing while looking at the red sunset. She knew that she was a beautiful soul.

Well , after then, did Koeira lived happily after with the soldier, or did the prince find his mysterious singer, did she choose anyone between these two or maybe, she chose no one as she was already finding and choosing herself, it all can be a story for another day. Till then I hope, you will be kind enough to see beauty not only in others but in yourself too, I hope you will be kind enough to love yourself with all your scars, unconditionally.

May 29, 2020 15:06

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01:01 Jun 05, 2020

This is a beautiful story with a great message! Like others have said it feels like a classic fairy tale. I especially loved the section where Koeira sees the other princesses and each animal repeats the poem - the repetition flowed very nicely. She sees the princesses of north, east, and west. Is there a princess of the south? I thought maybe it was Koeira herself - that would be an interesting twist. But I love the ambiguous ending you chose to go with, as well, as the reader gets to imagine their own ending.


Himanshi Y
03:37 Jun 06, 2020

Thank you dear Natalie! This means a lot to me, kind words like these encourage me to not give up, to do better, I really appreciate it. Thanks a lot.


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A. Y. R
10:45 Jun 03, 2020

I really love the style you've written this in, felt like reading a classic fairy tale made more interesting without the clichés. I could really feel the narrator talking to me as if they were telling me a bedtime story


Himanshi Y
15:50 Jun 03, 2020

Hey A. y. R. ! I really admire your writings, there is a lot to be learned from your stories; coming from you these words are really encouraging. Thank you for reading, thanks a lot.


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Pragya Rathore
07:04 Jun 03, 2020

I liked the whole story, Himanshi! What a fairy tale- like structure! It was amazing, the last lines especially. You write so poetically! Awesome! Please like and comment on my stories too :)


Himanshi Y
10:10 Jun 03, 2020

Thank you dear Pragya! This means a lot to me.


Pragya Rathore
10:12 Jun 03, 2020

My pleasure :p


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Himanshi Y
15:13 May 29, 2020

Hello there! anyone reading this, i hope you liked this story. please feel free to tell where and how can i improve my writing, which part you liked or did not like, your feedback will be a great help to me. thank you.


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