'Personal Disorganizer'

Written in response to: Write a story where a device goes haywire.... view prompt


Fiction Science Fiction Horror


The sound of the alarm, dragged Nora from a dream about being the queen of an army of robots.

" It was only a dream". She sighed.

Bringing herself back to reality, another realization dawned on her.

"Oh no....." Nora turned over in bed. Already her mobile phone had 40 notifications. She clicked on one and suddenly sound blasted at her.

"Happy Birthday to you..." voices sang.

Don't remind me..."

Without looking at the rest of the birthday messages. Nora got out of bed and shuffled to the kitchen. She leaned against the counter as the coffee machine sounded.

“ 35.......time catches up with you. Exactly what have I done with my life? My job's all right, but I can't see myself staying there for the rest of my life.”

Before she could ponder that thought and submerge herself into the depths of despair, the coffee machine stopped brewing.

Taking her coffee into the living room, Nora ran through the important appointments of that day.

Nora was an assistant in a publishing company. She had got that job. not through study, but by her passion for books and organization.

'I can't face another day of working for someone else. I want each day to be mine. I can't face living the rest of organizing my boss' life, from every meeting and fancy lunch. What about my life?”

Nora had been thinking about leaving her job for a long time, but the fact that today was her birthday, brought even more poignancy. “I don't want to spend another birthday feeling like this.”

Nora was startled out of these thoughts, by the sound of letters being pushed through the letterbox.. Then, the doorbell rang.

”That's odd, the postman never rings...”

Nora had never actually seen the postman, He either delivered the letters whilst Nora was nursing a hangover or whilst getting ready for work, Raking her fingers through her hair in an attempt to look a little less dishevelled, Nora opened the door, just wide enough to poke her head out of the door, but concealing the rest of her flannel covered body.

“er, good Morning.....” Nora said embarrassed.

“Good Morning,” the postman replied, a twinkle in his eye, “I have a parcel for you and these.”

In his hands, the postman was balancing several envelopes, and a large box. He handed them to Nora, showing very comfortable, fluffy pink pyjamas. The postman took a quick glance at her attire. Nora blushed.

“You're certainly popular this morning, Is it your birthday?”

“Yes, actually.” Nora didn't know whether to be embarrassed or annoyed at the postman's personal question. The pair stood awkwardly in silence for the moment. Nora thought she should say something.

“Well,” the postman broke the silence I'd better be off, got lots of letters to deliver to day.” He finished with a forced laugh. “Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks” Nora replied, already backing into her doorway and closing the door behind her.

She stood with her back to the closed door. “What an idiot....Couldn't you be a bit cooler Nora?”

Nora decided to take her mind of the first awkward situation of the day, by opening her parcel and letters.

The parcel was a small square box, typical of a popular online store. It didn't give Nora any clue as to what was inside, or who was responsible for sending it. Ripping it open, another smaller square box was inside, with the words 'Alicia 2000' on it.

“I've heard of these!” Nora was now in possession of the new 'Alicia 2000 Home Organizer'. The box, claimed that this small device could 'revolutionize the way you work, play and organize you life.'

“I wanted more control over my life. Maybe this will help.”

Nora looked inside the package for some kind of note, but there was none.

“ I wonder who sent this? It's got to have been Neil.”

Nora put the package down and walked back to her bedroom. She retrieved her phone and, ignoring the 20 new Whatsapp messages that had been left for her, Nora composed a new message:


Hi Neil!

Thanks so much for the present! I've no idea how to set this Alicia thing up, but I'm sure you can give me a few tips. Love Ya! Xxx

Nora pressed 'Send' and put down her mobile. It would be hours until she got a reply from Neil. He had been living the Tokyo for the past two years, working as an I.T consultant. Neil loved his job, but Nora missed him a lot and wished one day that he would come home.

'It's weird that Neil will be going home, whilst I'm just going to the office.'

Nora looked at the time. “Oh shit, I'm going to be late!”

Nora showered, changed and drove to work. Setting up her new 'toy' would have to wait until Nora had returned home.


Later that evening, Nora walked back into her house, exhausted. As she always did, she took off her jacket and shoes in the hallway.

She rubbed her feet and put on her slippers. “That's better.”

In the living room, Nora took out the 'Alicia 2000'. Nora had never really been that good with tech. She just about managed with the computer at work, Nora preferred to organize everything, with paper and a pen. But when she looked at the instructions, all they said were 'Plug the device into an electrical socket, download the 'Alicia 2000' app and follow the instructions.'

“This looks easy......too easy.” Nora plugged in the small round device, downloaded the app and on her phone screen, a message flashed

'Hello Nora. How can I help you?'

“ How does it know my name?”

Nora assumed that it knew her name because it had connected up to her online shopping account. She continued with the set up.

After only 10 minutes, Nora had set up the machine, without feeling the need to text her brother.

“Hello Nora” a soothing voice said, coming from the 'Alicia 2000'. “Happy Birthday.”

“Err thanks..” Nora felt awkward about talking to a piece of machinery, but the box said that it was 'Voice activated'.

“How can I help you?”

'What do I do next?' Nora thought.

“ Can you transfer all of the appointments from my phone to your database?.”

“Ok. I have transferred all data from your mobile device. Can I help you?'”

Nora then went on to set up notifications of her boss' appointments, tasks and meetings for the rest of the month. She found that, just with her voice, she could get a break down of every day and changing anything, was so easy.

“I love this!” Nora said. She found out that she could also add or delete appointments, through the app too. So, whilst she was at work, she could always keep updated.

“This is going to make my life so much easier.”

Looking at the clock in the living room, Nora realized that she had been playing with the 'Alicia 2000' for three hours and it was now way past 11.

“I'd better go to bed. Alicia, good night. Fancy saying good night to a machine.”

“Good night Nora. Would you like to set an alarm for tomorrow morning? I can also brew your coffee in the morning.”

“Wow, this gets better and better. Yes Alicia, set an alarm for 7.30 tomorrow morning and set the coffee machine to switch on at 7.45 please.”

“Ok. I have set your alarm for 7.30 tomorrow morning and for the coffee machine to switch on at 7.45”

“I think your going to be my new best friend.” Nora smiled.

The next morning, Nora found herself waking a little earlier than normal. She wanted to see whether her 'Alicia 2000' would actually sound at the time she had requested.

'Beep, Beep, Beep Good morning Alicia.'

' Alicia, Good Morning.'

“Your coffee will start brewing in 15 minutes.” Alicia informed Nora. “Would like to hear today's news headlines?”

“Alicia, yes please.”

So Nora lazed in bed, listening to the news and quite soon, Nora could hear the sound of the coffee machine switching on.


More relaxed than she normally felt, Nora got out of bed, put on her dressing gown and slippers and walked to the kitchen to retrieve the steaming cup of coffee, that was waiting for her.

“Alicia, what's on my schedule today?”

“You have a meeting with the people at 'Penguin' at 10. There's traffic on the M1, so I suggest taking the by road. It will take you approximately 10 minutes to reach your office.”

“Alicia, thanks!”

Nora wasn't sure exactly how the Alicia machine knew where she worked, but she supposed that the Alicia had linked up with her TomTom.

“It's amazing what tech can do nowadays.”

Alicia, dressed and went to work with the feeling that she could organize anything, with the help of her new 'Alicia 2000'.

The next few days went like a dream. Nora knew where she had to be, when and even Alicia made suggestions on the quickest route to take. Nora could also make calls on her 'Alicia 2000'. Alicia had the numbers of several takeaway restaurants and Nora ordered takeaways, when she couldn't be bothered to cook.

Nora discovered that, with this tiny round machine in the corner of the room, she could control her heating, security system, lights and the TV, without even being in the room.

“I can make sure the heating is on before I set off from work and come home to a warm flat and a freshly brewed coffee, with a push of a button” Nora told her friend, one lunch break. Nora had even convinced several of her workmates to get an 'Alicia 2000'.

One stormy Sunday night though, everything changed.

Nora was in her pyjamas, listening to some relaxing music, when she heard a rumble of thunder in the distance.

“There's nothing better than listening to a storm outside when you're wrapped up in a blanket with a hot cuppa.” Nora wrapped her hands tighter around the hot mug of tea.

She listened to the rain beating against the window pane. Then, a huge clap of thunder startled Nora, causing her to spill some of tea.

“Damn it!” she brushed the tea away from the blanket wrapped around her.

Then, the lights went out.

Nora sat in the pitch dark, waiting to see if the lights would come back on again. But they didn't.

She sighed. “So much for a relaxing evening.”

Nora reached over and put her cup down on the small coffee table, next to her. She got up and shuffled forward blindly.

“Ouch! Looks like I've found the coffee table!”

Nora always kept candles and a fire lighter on the table, in case of emergency. Nora found the lighter and a candle.

' Click, click'

“Come on... Just my luck the lighter's run out of fluid. Ah!”

A small flame bloomed from the end of the lighter. Nora lit the candle. It didn't emit much light, but enough so that Nora could see the outline of the room. Nora got up off the sofa and make it to her flat's fuse box, situated in the hallway.

Nora opened the fuse box, flicked all of its switches and flat's lights came back on.

“Thank goodness for that.” Nora reset the timer on her oven and made sure that the TV was working.

Out of the corner of her eye, Nora saw that the 'Alicia 2000' was emitting a pulsing blue light and then a red one, signalling an error.

'Error. Restart the Alicia 2000 and follow instructions.'

“I'm not sure how to restart it. Let's see.”

Due to the lack of instructions on the box, Nora did what she always did. when something electrical went wrong.Nora went over to the socket in which the 'Alicia 2000' was plugged into and switched it off. The machine flashed once and then it went dark.

“I hope this doesn't break it...” Nora hoped. She switched on the plug and watched what happened.

This time, the 'Alicia 2000' didn't pulsate with a red light, but a blue one.

“Hello Nora, how can I help you?”

“Phew, that was close.” Alicia decided that she had had enough excitement for a Sunday night.

“Alicia, set my alarm for 7.30 tomorrow morning.”

“Ok. Would you like coffee at 7.45?”

Nora went to bed, pleased that the power outage, hadn't seemingly done any harm to her 'Alicia 2000'.

The next morning, Nora woke up feeling really refreshed. “I haven't slept that well in a long time.”

Judging by the light coming through the curtains, the day was bright and sunny.

Nora got out of bed and peered through the curtains.

“The neighbours' cars have gone. Actually, I don't remember Alicia's alarm going off.”

Nora glanced over at the clock above the coffee machine.


The clock read ten thirty.

“I can't have slept it!”

Nora ran around throwing on the first clothes she grabbed from the wardrobe. She brushed her teeth and racked a comb through her hair.

'No time for a shower' she thought, spraying a excessive amount of deodorant, in the hope to work smelling half decent.

Turning the handle of the front door, the door wouldn't open.

“What's going on? Nora tried the door again. Again, it wouldn't open.

“Access Denied” the 'Alicia 2000' announced.

“What do you mean? Access denied? It's my flat!”

“Access Denied.”

Nora sighed. “Must be the security system....I'd better call in to work, let them know what's happened.”

Turning her mobile on, Nora expected to have received a lot of angry messages from work.

' No Signal? That storm last night must have really messed up all of the mobile networks. I'll send them an e-mail.”

Nora felt thankful that she had a separate wi-fi connection on her laptop, which didn't rely on a phone line. She booted up the laptop and everything seemed to be working.

“Thank goodness.” Nora breathed a sigh of relief.

She wrote a quick e-mail to her boss, explaining the problem with the security system and that she would be in work as soon as could. She pressed 'Send'. Nothing happened.

“What's going on?” Nora jabbed the 'Enter' on the laptop's keyboard, but the e-mail stayed on the screen. Then, the screen started to flickered.

'Access Denied. Access Denied.'

Nora walked over to the plug socket to reset her 'Alicia 2000'. She was thrown back by a massive shock of electricity.

“No, Nora. Don't do that. I'm only just getting started.” Alicia 2000 announced.

“Started what?” Nora couldn't quite believe that her 'Alicia 2000' was speaking outside of her protocol.

The living room started to feel a bit warmer.

“I must take my coat off, while I think about what to do.”

Taking her coat off, Nora felt the room getting warmer and warmer.

“I'll turn the heating down.” she thought, sweat dripping down her face, “My mascara must be all over the place.”

Nora checked the dial on her heater. It read ' 40 degrees'. She pressed the button which would turn the temperature down, but, nothing happened. The more Nora pressed the buttons on the temperature control panel, the hotter the room became.

“I have to open a window, or I'll fry in here.”

No such luck. The window stayed firmly shut.

“System has secured all windows and doors.” 'Alicia 2000' announced.

“Well at least I can have some water.”

Nora turned the 'cold' water tap and the water was scalding.

'Ouch!” Nora jumped back,

Nora sat in her living tired, hungry and sweating. She couldn't call, text or e-mail anyone for help. By the end of the day, Nora was so disorientated, she collapsed.

Between wakefulness and sleep, Nora could hear a weird sucking noise coming from the air conditioning.

'System Override.' the 'Alicia 2000' said, Nora's lungs started to feel really heavy.

“I think it's sucking the air out of this room.”

Normally, Nora would have panicked because of this information. But, heat exhaustion made her simply not care. She could fall asleep now and welcome the blackness of death. There was nothing she could do.

What felt like hours, passed. Nora was awoken by heavy banging on the door.

“Help....” Nora said, her voice came out as a tiny whisper. “Help....”

“Is anyone there?” Nora was confused by the unknown, but familiar voice coming from the door.

The banging continued and Nora managed to crawl to the door. It felt like someone else was moving Nora's body, because Nora felt she didn't have the strength.

Nearing the door, she could see the silhouette of someone's legs cast in the dappled window at the bottom of the front door.

“Help....” she called, in barely more than a whisper.

“Are you ok? I came back after my round because your car hadn't moved.”

It was the postman.

“Help” Nora answered.

“Ok, don't worry, Stay away from the door. I'll break it down.”

Nora felt relieved that she was finally going to be rescued.

As Nora floated into unconsciousness, she heard the door being broken down.

The postman entered the flat and was taken aback. A wall of heat hit him.

“What the......”

Seeing Nora lying on the floor unconscious, he picked her up. Taking Nora outside and placing her on the pavement, the postman, John, called the police and an ambulance. He didn't know what had gone on.

Meanwhile, in the flat, the 'Alicia 2000' continued wailing. Nora's mobile sounded.

From: Neil


I didn't send you the 'Alicia 2000.' Don't open the box, they are dangerous. xx

October 13, 2021 17:25

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