Hooked before you know what hooked you.
Looking the other way when you shouldn’t.
Look the other way.
It is an epidemic.
Ongoing investigation.
And a road to nowhere is paved with intentions.
“What’s in the bag”?
Maybe, just maybe. Once the pretense stops, the pretending ends,
the masks, and the boxing gloves, can come off once and for all.
All for one and one for all?
Sounds amazing!
But before you decide you must attend the mixer of all mixers.
Check your back.
Who has it.
Who might have it.
Who lost it.
Who gave it away.
Fenny and Methy are just two of the shiney rocks around to entice unwitting, unknowing and beautiful minds into their web of destruction.
In their mind, the ultimate marriage of you and them.
Not on my watch.
While there is still breath somewhere in a body of hope.
Fine tooth comb doesn’t begin to tell the story of Fenny and Methy. They prefer your mind to wander.
You belong. In this kooky world.
But not with them,
Not with Fenny and Methy.
They yearn to set the tone of your life over your life.
And they come in many shapes, sizes, and “importances.”
They will attend to you before you have a chance to attend to you.
Are held accountable for nothing they do.
They like it that way.
Attend. To the unnoticed stuff.
Boots on the ground.
Head in the sky.
We are stronger together.
Only if we are fight the same fight.
Against the desperate attempts to comb through your mind at all costs.
Fenny and Methy are always there, always around.
That is a problem.
They even travel from far away places.
That is a problem.
Pandemic or Plandemic.(gb)
That is a problem.
Your friend gets hooked.
Tries to hook you.
Life seems hard at this adolescence time of life. Fenny and Methy only make it harder….they do not care about your well being. They want to prevent you from making a difference in the world.
Makes no difference, yet it can make all the difference in the world.
To a life.
”We are as weak as our most vulnerable, and the least of us lie within all of us.” (sq).
Fenny and Methy know this.
They like to travel far and wide,
To get to you.
While others may say
”I wasn’t even there.”
”Didn’t see a thing”
”Who are you talking about?”
”Never knew ‘em”.
Fenny and Methy show up on doorsteps, with neighborly, can you grab my mail requests? And a wink and a smile.
They blend together in a tiny little mixer of contempt and disdain.
“Drop it like it’s hot”
They work their way into your self.
Work their “magic”.
Leave you high and dry.
Move on to the next guy.
Oftentimes, before one even has a chance to yell “Help”.
It is big big business.
It is everywhere.
Fenny and Methy.
On the streets of the city.
The streets of the hood.
Where the streets have no name.
In the back alleys.
In the the McMansions.
In the back packs.
And Now.
As, Fenny and Methy insidiously make their way into sacred and sanctioned places.
The hospital.
The doctor’s offices.
The White House.
The Big House.
With a wink and a smile and a non verbal nod.
Becoming hooked on them is what they desire.
The influence they seek to have on you.
Destined to need their insidious help.
The Good News.
There is help and hope.
The Bad News.
Fenny and Methy are slick operators.
They mix well with others. In a “one hit wonder” kind of way, a “one and done” way.
Fenny and Methy twinkle at you like little stars of wonder and entice you into their orbit.
What is oftentimes the straw that breaks the camel’s back, is not the who blinked first, threw the first punch, etcetera, Fenny and Methy have already worked their magic.
The worst possible thing is to do nothing to help.
The first step to admitting there is a problem is admitting there is a problem.
The problem has become so wrapped into policies and daily lives, becoming a monk seems like the only option. Yoga is not gonna cut the mustard.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Fenny and Methy may fall into both groups. How will you know?
You will be your guide. Promise.
Pressure comes at us in many, many ways. Negligence is Fenny and Methys’s maiden name. They fly around town looking for marriage of your mind and their “fix”.
Monitoring became a part of the program.
Public. Private. Hop on the bus to destruction. The Fenny and Methy bus of destruction. By the time you hop on the ability to drive has become long gone.
You have your rights Your right to refusal… of Fenny and Methy. The pain you escape will be your own. There is an ounce of good in Fenny and Methy. In a controlled environment. Not with endless stories of machination-providing “relief”.
We evolve as we evolve.
Seek friends who help and aspire the you in you.
Targeting is a real thing.
Targeting is a problem.
Young minds and hearts are a ripe place to start-Fenny and Methy know the big business—the ins and outs of what works, who works where, and how to get into their grid.
Shot with a dart.
Shot in the heart.
Mental indifference.
Compassion Indifference.
The blender.
The mixer.
Don’t feel you have to be in the in crowd at all costs. Fenny and Methy have become quite sophisticated in their distribution tactics. leaving less and less for the these that rely on the effects of the benefits.
If it sounds as if I am mumbling, grumbling, tumbling over my words, chances are Fenny and Methy have had a crystally hand in the action.
Sad. But. True.
There is a word you can say before you run fast and far away when Fenny and Methy come calling:
Just say no to playing with Fenny and Methy. The play date of all play dates could end up to be the last date of your good self.
To this date, just say No.
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