
January 20, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

Well this is my first entry in this book so I guess let’s see what I have to say about my life. Well I’m sixteen years old. I’m pretty I guess I have dirty blond shoulder length hair and green eyes but I am on the short side but that’s ok. I just met a boy named Adam and we have been kind of seeing each other on the weekends, it’s usually in a group but we always end next to each other. I think he does that on purpose. I’m hoping he asks me out on a real date soon just the two of us! He’s super nice and sweet and seems to really listen when I talk. Well I’ll keep you updated! 

Bye Diary 


January 25, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

OMG! It’s only been 5 days since my last entry and my wish came true Adam asked me on a date for tomorrow night! I’m so excited I can’t wait; I don’t know what to wear. We are just going to a movie but it’s still awesome! I’ll let you know how it goes. 

Bye for now 


January 26, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

I just got home from my date with Adam he was so sweet, he picked me up and actually came to my door unlike a lot of my friend's boyfriends do. Of I think I’m getting ahead of myself there he’s not my boyfriend yet but maybe soon! So, after he picked me up we drove to the theater honestly I don’t even remember most of the movie because I was so nervous and I kept looking over at him to make sure he was still there. After the movie we went for ice-cream and we talked and got to know each other a bit better. I really like him we have a lot of the same interests. 

Bye, I need sleep 


Feb. 13, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

Sorry it’s been awhile since I wrote, finals uh! I was so stressed studying I couldn’t think to write but I’m done and I passed so yay me. Well at the beginning of the month Adam asked me to be his girlfriend so that was super awesome! We are going out for Valentine's Day supper tomorrow night to a fancy restaurant I can’t wait. 

Bye Diary 


Feb. 15, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

Supper last night was so romantic! The restaurant was dimly lit there were candles on the table we shared the special dinner for two. It was just great Adam is such a fantastic guy! My parents even seem to like him it just perfect! 


Goodnight Diary 


Oct. 30, 2004 

Dear Diary, 

Sorry, it’s been awhile since I wrote Adam turned out not to be the guy, I thought he was. Over the summer he started getting really possessive of me and didn’t want to hang out with my friends especially my guy friends. I tried hard to ignore it and just go on but one day in the middle of summer after I’d been to a party with my best friend, he got really mad and he hit me. I went home and told him never to call me again. Of course, he apologized and I took him back, which was a mistake. He started abusing me more often until my friends started noticing and right before school started again convinced me to leave him for good! I started my grade twelve-year with a fresh start. Now I’m looking forward to a Halloween party tomorrow night. 


Talk to you soon 


July 8, 2005 

Dear Diary, 

Sorry I went so long again without writing senior year was a whirlwind. My family moved houses half way through since my dad got a promotion and we could upgrade to a bigger one and I couldn’t find you for a while. I graduated high school and am leaving for college in the fall and so ecstatic about being on my own for the first time ever! 


Wish me luck Diary 


September 15, 2005 

Dear Diary, 

I started college a few weeks ago and I’m loving it so much! My dorm mate and I get along really well and enjoy hanging out with each other which is nice I was really worried about that. I love my classes and have made so many new friends already. Anyway, I have to get ready for a party tonight so I gotta go. I may not write for a while I might be too busy, I’ll try though. 


Bye Diary, 


May 17, 2008 

Dear Diary, 

It’s been awhile old friend I’ve missed you! So, let's see what's new? Well I’m going to graduate next year with a degree in reporting. That’s right I’m going to be a reporter and it’s all because of you! That’s why I haven’t written in a while I was already doing so much writing. Also, I met a guy we have been together for 2 years and we are in love. Real love not like what I thought I had with Adam so many years ago. He is actually sweet and nice and truly cares for me! 


That’s it for now Diary 


August 2, 2008 

Dear Diary, 

Hi again! I graduated from college with top grades and landed a job right away with a newspaper. I started a month ago and it’s awesome! Also, Brian the guy I told you about proposed we are getting married next year!! I’m already planning for the wedding it will be beautiful! I’ll keep you updated. 


Talk soon Diary 


July 18, 2008 

Dear Diary, 

I got married yesterday! I was just a beautiful as I had imagined it would be! The flowers my bridesmaid my dress omg my dress and Brian was so handsome you wouldn’t believe it. Well I’m on my honeymoon talk soon. 


Bye Diary 


December 3, 2009 

Dear Diary, 

I’m pregnant can you believe it? I can’t Brian is so happy he hopes it will be a boy but says he’ll be happy either way we want at least to kids. We are going to tell our families at Christmas. I think that will be the best present for them their first grandchild! I’ve got to go shopping for presents now it might be awhile again as I’ll be raising babies and won’t have much time but that’s ok I’ll be happy!! 


Goodbye Diary 

April 09, 2020 20:09

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