
Love at the Falling Bridge 

 It was early morning, cold wind was blowing carrying with it all kinds of dirt. I woke up and open the door only to be hit by dust in my eyes. I regretted why I woke up that early, when the sun rays were seen, from a far distance. I could guess it was 6.00 AM.

This situation made my morning more horrible after a stressful night. I had slept unhappy after a bit of a quarrel with my girlfriend, Brenda over a few issues. And I thought maybe morning will be a good day.

But those happenings seem to have signified to me that the day was not going to be any better! It was horrible!

I went back to bed, trying to catch up on the remaining sleep so that I can console myself. But all was in vain. I rolled in bed several times without getting any sleep. I turned from west to east to south and north completing a-360° angle. My mind gazed with many questions that lacked answers. The sleep was no more!

I tried to figure out how I was going to pass my sorry request to her without igniting an argument or a fight. It was difficult for me since this was my first relationship, and I had no incurred something of that sort.

You can guess how hard it was for me to navigate through the situation. To me, a bridge was falling, and a big river was going to separate us. My worry was where to get the materials to construct another stable bridge. I needed original products. 

Dark shadow followed me purposefully to darken the young relationship that I thought was going far.

A day before that day was her birthday, and I had prepared a surprise gift for her. The gift was to be delivered by her closest friend Dinah. I bought a present together with ice cream and sent it to her friend`s address. She was studying in a different city from where I was. And due to the novel corona-virus restrictions and lockdown, I could not travel.

Since the lady was a bit far from where the birthday was to take place, I had to send her transport money. I later learned that I trusted too much, and she told me that I am too good. I did not know that it will be of many consequences on my side.

The party kicked off very well from the start. Towards the end, things changed. Dinah was a no-show. She converted the present to be hers. Things went west, it became uncontrollable. Dinah told Brenda that she did not receive her present, and what she only has was her present. She went ahead and showed her the money that I sent her. “Your guy loves me so much, and he will choose me over you any moment,” she texted.

Moments later, I received a call, what I only heard ‘you are a dog like the other men, trash as usual. I thought you were better.’ I tried to ask what informed such words, she said, ask your baby boo, Dinah. I was shocked!

I later own learned that Dinah did not attend the party nor deliver the present. And that she had turned the present to be hers. I tried to explain myself to Brenda nut things were out of hand. “You have been too good to her. You have always cared for her before as if we are co-wife,” she said. I knew I was in the frying burn. Proving my point was not easy. She told me that I had several male friends with whom I could send that, but I decided to settle on Dinah. “You have Fred and Juma, who are very close to you, but you trusted Dinah more them! Why?” Brenda shouted.

She could not pick my calls nor reply to my messages anymore. My efforts to use my friends to settle the matter bore no fruits. I felt like I could fly to where she and allow her to beat me to her satisfaction, but it was not possible. She told me she was done with me. I thought for a moment the world was coming to an end.

Night came and was all a nightmare, just like watching hora movies. And when I woke up, things were the same. I cursed corona, in cursed lockdown, I cursed the government for being irresponsible in handling covid-19 which led to the lockdown. Because I thought that all this contributed to my tragedies. 

The bridge was really falling so fast, and I had nothing, absolutely nothing to help me prevent its fall. The fallen bridge!

When I woke up, I realized that my phone was off because it had already run out of charge. I decided to charge it. When I switched it on, and I found several messages from Brenda that she had tried to call me. I also found a voice mail from her. 

At first, I was hesitant to listen to the message because I did not want any heartbreak. But I decided to listen to the voice message. And this was the message, “sweetheart, I am sorry for having overreacted yesterday. I know that you are not to blame. Dinah is to blame for trying to force herself unto you. Forgive me if I have hurt you. I am sorry for my actions towards you. I love you so much. The present is not as important as our love and should not separate us. I treasure you so much but do not trust so much or be too good. Have a blessed night dear”

I shouted with happiness! I ran to the bathroom, took a shower, and came back so fast. I was relieved at last. I call her with joy and with the eagerness of listening to her soft voice at last! The bridge was firm again, and I was sure it was going far. From that moment, I realized that trusting so much or being too good had a consequence.

May 04, 2021 18:21

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