Bella Renard

Submitted into Contest #281 in response to: Write a story from the POV of a non-human character.... view prompt



This story contains sensitive content

It was Christmas Eve in the Ba world, and Santa hadn’t mistakenly delivered this unusual package to the wrong address at Kubbeli Evler, he was busy elsewhere. This is not a nativity story, as the newborn in the story was not the son of God, and there are no wise men bearing gifts.

“Shall we eat it? I’m hungry and haven’t eaten flesh for days.” Said the twins, Jupiter and Saturn together, they always uttered their views in unison, like a stereo sound system. It was completely out of context with the scene and situation in front of them. It was typical of Jupiter and Saturn to be flippant in moments of truth, and to avoid the seriousness and implications of the situation. The current drama and dilemma in front of their noses. Jupiter and Saturn were alike in a crisis, ambivalent to the reality and the truth for as long as possible. Only thinking about the basics, their empty stomachs.

All seven cats were looking down at the lifeless prone body of the dead mother Lupus Vulpes. All the seven cats of Kubbeli Evler were thinking the same. How did Lupus Vulpes get into their previously safe, supposedly secure refuge? Why was this dead Lupus Vulpes here? This was a bad omen, and the sudden danger from the far away dark hills, loomed nearer, like a cold northerly downdraft, the jaws of death fauces de la muerte, became uncomfortably closer. As close as the entrance, the hypothetical front door, the door and entrance to their sanctuary. Their home – Kubbeli Evler. All seven cats sniffed around the dead body in front of them, but their concerned thoughts were imagining the danger, the threat this dead body represented. Why was it here? What did it mean?

The tiny, but minute newborn Lupus Vulpes was moving, stretching its small soft body. It looked like a small rat, eyes closed, feeling around blindly for the suckling tit of its mother. It could have been a small toy belonging to Ba, with very little hair on its newborn body, the small tufts were still wet and matted with the sticky placentas from its birth, which had occurred only moments before. The last living motion from the now lifeless mother was to push this small life form into the world. It was still attached to the dead mother by the redundant umbilical cord, the tiny Lupus Vulpes was more vulnerable now than at any stage in its life. Only moments into its unprotected life, learning new skills, such as how to use its lungs for the first time. The tender organs were being initiated as the natural process of living and breathing in this new, but at the same time, a strange and alien environment called planet earth had begun. The newborn Lupus Vulpes had limited senses, and what senses it possessed, such as sound, were strange and dramatically loud. Louder and more intense since the newborn was now outside of the protective womb of its mother. Its sight was not yet formed and non-existent, as it struggled with its sense of feeling to find the warm body of its host mother. All the smells were new and unknown, only touch and taste driven by hunger drove the tiny rat-like figure to seek the safety of its dead mother’s prone body.

“If you two are hungry for meat, eat that cord. It’s waste, just like the rubbish and leftovers, the scraps we find in Ba’s bins. No one has any use for it – not now.”

Jupiter and Saturn didn’t need any encouragement, without any further invitation, they grabbed the cord at both ends and ripped it away from both the dead mother and the small newborn. The sudden tug on the newborn made it roll away from the mother’s body for a moment, but the small mite felt the distance immediately, the separation from the now cooling dead body. The mother’s body had been its home for weeks, as the fetus grew, and the attachment had become more than a physical attachment, it was ethereal, spiritual, the newborn struggled to find a way back to the security of the mother’s body, trying to find a tit where a source of sustenance could be gained, the milk from the dead mother’s body. It was an untrained reaction, but the small cub’s instinct knew it was a source of life on the new planet earth.

It was Venus that moved the tiny newborn towards the dead body of the mother, she nosed the scrambling, panicking body, like a small toy ball. The others watched this touching moment, a moment of compassion, and feeling for another animal, helping and caring for another. It didn’t go unnoticed with the others. Both Jupiter and Saturn watched indifferently, concentrating on eating the strand of the umbilical cord, as though it was an elastic strand of picagge pasta.

“Look at the marks, the scars on her body.” Mercury pointed with an outstretched paw. “That’s not been caused by a hungry, over energetic, over-enthusiastic male eager to fulfill himself, egged on by the sex scent, and her inviting body movements. Look! They wanted to kill her. Look how deep the scars enter her body, the scars are everywhere, she was attacked from all directions – an ambush. Those wounds around her neck were the cause of her death, she has lost so much blood. It was more than one Lupus Vulpes that caused those wounds, it was a gang of them. But, why?”

The question lingered in the air.

None of the seven, or Pluto, who was out trekking, checking on the surrounding lands, conducting his daily search, surveying the neighborhood was his normal method of staying connected. Always on the watch out for changes. Keeping connected to the land and its inhabitants, including all the animals, whether farm, strays or domesticated. Plus, the frequent and disruptive movements of Ba, the ever-present dangers from the evil hills, where the mother and newborn Lupus Vulpes had come from.

If they all knew the truth about the sudden appearance of dead Lupus Vulpes and the newborn, Pluto and the seven would have been forewarned. They would be prepared for the imminent danger.

The evil from under the hills was spewing out in the air, into the burrows. It was infecting the minds of the Lupus Vulpes colony, especially the leaders, the central gang of four or five were on a mission. The messenger and servants for the jaws of death - fauces de la muerte. It wanted blood; and subsequently the gang thirsted after blood and vengeance, especially that of Pluto. The leader of the pack was named Skulk, he was cunning and taught his small gang how to merge into the hills, becoming shadows, and transform into their surroundings and become intimately familiar with their homeland amongst the craggy rocks. The gang would often go hunting at night to the lands and property of Ba, Skulk was fearless, he was so clever and able to merge into the night, the farmlands, and invade the sentinels of the sleeping towns of Ba. They slept unaware of the four-legged invaders. These invaders came from high up on the overlooking hills, the hills with eyes, remote from any Ba inhabitants, and their machines. There were very few animals for miles around in those evil forbidding hills, deep inside the craggy rocks evil spirits stirred and whispered on the winds to the stealthy invaders of Ba’s town. Those walking shadows, the servants and messengers of the jaws of death - fauces de la muerte.

The dead mother, the vixen’s name was Bella-Renard, and Skulk howled with wanton abandonment as he relentlessly rutted her all night and impregnated her with his pungent semen. She was in heat during the cold of winter, but the continuous friction of Skulk’s body, as he pushed harder and faster, frantically from behind, and entered her from the back like all wild animals fornicate. Their combined and joined animal act created steam in the cold air, as well as rasping noise from the pounding exertion of Skulk, together with the soft accompanying but submissive whimpering sound of Bella-Renard as her tiny vagina was abused and torn apart by his hard puncturing of Skulk’s extended penis. The entrance channel of her reproductive organ became blooded by the violence of his continued relentless sexual attack. 

The onlooking male pack waited for their turn, their red eyes burning, their bodies ready for the assault. They waited dutifully for their leader Skulk to be spent. If any one of the waiting males attempted to intervene between Skulk and Bella-Renard, Skulk would bite their throats in a battle to the death. The gang would each take turns to abuse Bella-Renard, and occasionally the impatient waiting males couldn’t wait for their turn and fought amongst themselves, as the animal gang rape scene continued until the light of dawn.

In the Ba world it would be called rape, in the animal world without morals Ba call it nature.

After the near-death ordeal with Skulk and the gang of Lupus Vulpes, Bella-Renard was left alone in the dark. She had no one in the colony to support her. There is no compassion in the wild. She was stray, born outside of the colony, a stranger that was on the fringes of the group, an outsider. She was barely strong enough to stand. The other females came out from the burrows as the light appeared from behind the hills signaling dawn. The females sniffed around the body of Bella-Renard, and they put their noses close to the bloody mess of her behind, her vagina was mutilated, bloody and raw from the continuous and repetitive rutting of the males.

Gradually, the curiosity of all the females’ waned, and they drifted back to the safety of the burrows. In the wild there is no sympathy, no compassion, kindness to another in an unfortunate circumstance is considered in a merciless and cruel manner. In fact, all the foxes thought this was an opportunity for a meal at their doorstep, if the poor Bella-Renard did not recover from her mauling assault.

Bella-Renard after being accepted as an outsider in the colony, was allowed to sleep together, huddled in the burrows sheltered against the cold of night, was now in danger of being eaten by her nightly sleeping companions. Her life had always been a challenge. It was Ba that started the downward spiral, this descent to her present dire circumstances, started when they hunted her birth family members, the entire small group to their deaths, on the other side of the mountainous hills.

The Ba were farmers protecting their livestock, but the Ba leader of the farmers had vengeance in his heart against foxes. He called all foxes shape-changers, messengers of the devil, and the man believed that the longer the fox occupied or stayed on the land, he grew more tails, up to nine, and the more tails he grew, the older and wiser the fox became. The only method was to kill and eradicate the fox colony entirely, a genocidal crusade to rid the valley of the devil’s servant and bring fortune and prosperity to the land for Ba and his ancestors.

Where did all this myth and hatred originate?


Part of a new project, a novel about a bunch of stray animals surviving next to wild and domesticated animals and living beside human beings. Ba is a general term for human beings.

December 15, 2024 08:38

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15:43 Dec 19, 2024

I'm curious for the next installment. I want to see how the felines interact with the newborn. Also feeling some Animal Farm/Watership Down vibes. Both of which I rather enjoy. Excellent.


John Rutherford
09:34 Dec 23, 2024

Yes - this is a central plot. Thanks for reading, and I appreciate the feedback.


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Mary Bendickson
05:57 Dec 16, 2024

At least the second installment unless I missed some. Had a perfect prompt to use.


John Rutherford
06:47 Dec 16, 2024

Third. I remember the Western stories - did you ever finish the book. Your style shone through.


Mary Bendickson
06:56 Dec 16, 2024

Thank you. Sorry to say haven't been spending enough time on it. I've reached 100 stories on Reedsy. Time to go back to the western.


John Rutherford
07:19 Dec 16, 2024

You should finish it. It would be a personal milestone for you.


Mary Bendickson
16:26 Dec 16, 2024

I do intend to. Have a 25 $ gift certificate from Reedsy must be used this week. How much you think that will get me?😂


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Alexis Araneta
17:47 Dec 15, 2024

John, a creative take on the prompt. Oooh, new project! Exciting. Lovely work !


John Rutherford
06:46 Dec 16, 2024

Yes, indeed. Hopefully, ready by Springtime.


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