Adventure Fantasy Friendship

“Goodbye mother, I will write to you.” Everett tilted his head, and kissed the soft, pale skin of his mother’s cheek.

“Yes, you had better, or I will march all the way to Camelot and pull your ears!” Everett smiled as his mother said this, and hugged her old, frail form, for what he thought might be the last time. His mother’s green eyes glittered with wet tears as she said her goodbyes to her youngest son.

Her wisps of gray hair fluttered in the early morning breeze, illuminated by the first sunrays that stretched themselves over the white mountains in the distance.

Then, waving once more, Everett set out on the long journey toward Camelot, which was soon to be his new home.


Everett came from the noble family of Merguille. The Merguille household was hundreds of years old, the family crest passing from father to father, until the daunting task of Lord Merguille landed on Everett’s older brother Gavyn.

Everett smiled as he thought about his brother, he knew Gavyn was going to be a great Lord of the household. Gavyn was kind and selfless and always did his best to make everyone comfortable and happy. He was the very image of their long lost father, who had died in a battle to protect their old stone castle from raiders so long ago.

“You could stay here, Everett, you could have a life here!” He remembered Gavyn saying on the night before Everett left his home. Everett had been in his room packing a small leather bag with the only possessions he would take with him on his journey.

Everett turned to his brother, and smiled, his sandy hair glowing in the candlelight that lit his dim room.

“I can’t stay here, I need to make my own destiny, I want to make a name for myself. Not just Lord Gavyn Merguille’s young brother, I want to be something greater.” Everett set his brows in a firm, determined line above his bright green eyes.

“Well then, dear brother, I wish you well on all of your endeavours.” Gavyn smiled warmly, sadness slightly showing in his deep brown eyes, as he patted his brother’s strong back.

Everett shook his head, jerking himself out of this memory and set his sight steadily on the long dirt road ahead of him. Though, one couldn’t call it a road at all. All it was, was a dirt path barely visible on account of all of the trees, weeds, and various other plants that had overgrown the area.

Sweat trickled its way down Everett’s face, some of the sweat finding its way into his dry mouth.

Everett kept on walking on the path through the thickly forested border to Camelot, until he felt as though his legs were made of lead.

Each step taxing him more and more, Everett spotted a large oak tree and walked over to the large tree. Throwing his leather bag, that had seemed to grow heavier and heavier along the trip, he leant his back up against the tree, taking in deep gulps of the fresh air that hung in the forest.

How weary he was, and how far from home he felt. Was this a good idea? Everett thought as he grabbed his bag, and dug through it, searching for his precious goat skin drinking horn, in which fresh water lay, waiting to quench his thirst.

Finding what he was searching for, Everett fumbled, his sweaty fingers struggling to gain grip on the screw-top cap of the bottle, and once opening it drank the water.

Letting out a contented sigh, Everett brushed his sweat tipped hair back across his head as he let the cool shade envelop him, letting it transport him to long wished for sleep.


It felt as if Everett had only been asleep for a moment, though when he awoke, the sun had just begun to sink behind the far reaches of the forest, draping everything that its light had so previously touched, in the cool shadow of night.

Everett clutched his head in frustration, realizing how much time he had wasted. Knowing how far he had to travel, and in such little time, Everett swung his leather bag over one of his shoulders and ran as fast as he could down the dirt path.

Why, you might ask yourself, was young Everett in such a hurry? Surely there was no danger. Well, you might be surprised to know you are wrong. Back long ago, raiders and thieves infested forests, waiting for unsuspecting passersby to walk down the path so that they could beat, and rob them.

Thieves and robbers were not the only fears that possessed the minds of travelers. Bears, wolves, and panthers too, filled the forests, starving for human flesh, for which they had acquired a taste.

Wind rushed past Everett’s face as he ran down the path that was scarcely an thin outline in the pitch dark night that hung over the forest. Though, through the night, the moon’s most welcomed light floated over the path, making it possible for Everett to make his way toward Camelot as best he could, without losing his way.

Wild sounds filled the forest, the gentle creak of crickets singing their enchanting evening songs, owls who-whoing, and occasional howls from wolf packs, praying their their Queen of night, the moon. Nearly every sound that burst through the blanket of night caused Everett to jump or let out a yelp.

Then, in the distance the faint glow of firelight from castle braziers showed themselves. Thus causing courage to flood itself through Everett, sending more speed to his lead-filled legs, Everett ran as fast as he could toward the castle, not daring to stop for fear of a panther or thief.

A huge stone castle loomed above the lush forest, as though it had been cleft from the mountain, which so long ago had stood in its place.

Everett knew that as soon as he entered the gates, he would be welcomed as a friend or even family member. For King Uther Pendragon, King of Camelot had been a close friend to Everett’s father Jonathan Merguille. And Everett would be treated the same.

“Who goes there?” A voice boomed just as Everett was about to enter the large iron castle gates that stood sentinel to the inner courtyard beyond.

“It is I, Everett Merguille, son of Jonathan Merguille!” Everett issued back, trying to match the same fearlessness that lived inside the castle guard’s voice. 

Wait Everett realized, this was no castle guard, this was one of the famed Knights of Camelot! Every since Everett was a boy, he had longed to join this elite group of knights, their strength was legend, and they were not bad with the beautiful maidens of the land either. 

“Do you bear your royal crest?” The knight asked boldly, for if one claimed to be a member of a noble household, it was the knights’ of Camelot job to verify this claim, before allowing them to enter the castle.

Everett fumbled, words spilling out of his mouth as he grabbed his leather bag and dug through it, until he pulled a dagger with the insignia of the head of a eagle and the body of a lion rearing its head engraved in gold onto the sheath of the dagger. This was

Everett’s most prized possession, and the only thing he had to remember his father.

Everett watched as he handed the dagger over to the knight who examined the dagger and then handed it back to Everett.

“Welcome to Camelot, Everett Merguille, youngest son of the late Jonathan Merguille.” The knight bowed, and led the very weary young man inside the castle. Every moment from then on was a blur. All Everett could remember, was that he was led to a royal guest chamber, and set to sleep on a large, soft four-post bed.


Everett awoke with a start, had been dreaming that he was still running down the long dirt path, with an angry panther at his heals, and every once in a while the panther’s razor sharp claws would graze his back, causing his green shirt to become crimson with blood.

Then, a sense of calm swept over him like a wave on the ocean. He was safe. Everett smiled as he realized he had made it to Camelot, though his trip had ended, he realized that his adventures in Camelot had only begun.

Dressing as quickly as he possibly could, though sometimes accidentally sticking his strong arms through the neck hole of his wool shirt, he raced out of his guest chamber. Servants filled the halls of the castle, each busy completing the various chores they had, for the meager pay that they received.

Each struggling to make a living to provide for their nearly starving children at home, or even just for themselves. Not sure where he was headed, Everett spotted a serving woman making her way down the hall.

“Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find King Arthur?” Everett politely asked the young serving woman who turned to Everett. A slight pink crept into her cheeks as she realized that a nobleman was addressing her.

“Yes, King Arthur is currently in a conference with his counselors. They are in the council chambers.” The girl curtsied and began to walk off, though she did not get very far before Everett called her back again.

“Where can I find the council chambers?” Everett smiled in embarrassment, he had never been to Camelot before, he had only hear stories about the famed kingdom from his father, who had frequently traveled there.

“The council chambers are that way.” The young woman’s blue eyes glittered the early morning sunlight as she pointed one of her fingers down toward the long hall, that had two large wooden doors standing at the end of it.

“Thank you-” Everett trailed off, for he did not know to whom he should thank. The young woman smiled, her caramel/blonde hair flowing down her back.

“Eden, Eden Haywoode.” The girl curtsied and turned with a smile, as she continued her daily chores and walked down the busy halls of Camelot.

Smiling to himself, Everett walked toward where the girl had pointed. Two tall oaken doors stood guard to the council chamber within. From where Everett was standing, he could hear faint chatter coming from inside the room.

Mustering his courage, Everett knocked politely on the wooden doors, opened the doors slightly and entered the council chamber of Camelot.

It was the most exquisite room Everett had ever seen, banners of blood red hung on the bleak stone walls of the room, each banner bearing the image of a golden dragon rearing its head.

The beautiful thing was, that whenever a sunray hit the golden dragon, it cast gold and red colours all through the room, so as one would think they were in a golden palace at sunset.

At the center of the room, a large wooden table sat, about thirteen feet long, each with a chair that belonged to King Arthur’s royal court.

“Ahh, Everett Merguille.” A kind but bold voice said, pulling Everett out of his daze. King Arthur smiled as he walked over to the young nobleman who stood awkwardly beside the wooden entrance doors.

A few of the counselors glanced over at the newcomer, but then casually continued to discuss something about the kingdom. It seemed as though they received noble guests very often.

Arthur clasped the shoulders of the young noble man in a friendly embrace.

“Why have you come, is your family doing well?” Arthur said as he pulled Everett over to the long wooden table and beckoned him to sit beside a chair that sat at the right side of the table, with the King’s at the head.

“Yes, my family is doing quite well my Lord.” Everett smiled, his father had been right when he said that King Arthur was different from all other kings. Others would have treated visitors lower than themselves, they would have acted as though they ruled the world.

Whereas King Arthur treated everyone as a close friend.

“Good, good,” Arthur nodded happily, running his strong fingers through his blonde hair, “So, why have you come?”

Everett stopped for a moment, this was the moment Everett had been dreaming of since his youth, and it had finally come!

“I-I would like to become a knight of Camelot.”

“Well then, young Merguille, you shall have your wish. You shall begin your knight’s training on the morrow. Any son of Jonathan Merguille, I will gladly welcome into Camelot’s knighthood.” Arthur smiled and dismissed Everett, explaining that he had important matters to attend to, and with that Everett left the council chamber, feeling as though he was floating on air. 


“I look pathetic.” Everett said as he stared at himself in the full length mirror that stood in the knights armoury. His armour hung loosely on his lean figure. This was his first day of knight’s training,

Arthur chuckled as he looked at Everett and swore that he would grow into the armour. But Everett didn’t believe him.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, would he be able to catch up to the other knight’s who had had years of training. Everett tried to shake these thoughts from his mind, though they seemed to stick to him like honey.

 Mustering all the courage he had, Everett walked out of the exit to the armoury, and made his way over to the grassy, emerald green training grounds, where a group of knights stood awaiting their turn to train.

“Hello everyone.” Everett said kindly to his fellow knights as he took his place at the back of the line. Attracting a few sideways glances, Everett did his best to try and fit in, though he felt slightly out of place.

“Your place, is at the back of the line little man.” A gruff voice said behind Everett. Another knight had just arrived to the training, and was supposed to be at the back of the line behind Everett, but demanded that Everett move, so that he could have his spot.

“Well, I was here before you so I think that you should stand behind me.” Everett said politely as he turned and to see an extremely tall knight with black hair standing behind him, glaring at him as though Everett had greatly offended him. The man had a grisly white scar on his shoulder, probably from one of his past battles.

“What did you say?” The man growled angrily, as he took hold of Everett’s chain mail and pulled the young knight-to-be closer to him, the mans fowl breath clouded Everett’s face, causing Everett to have to hold back a gag.

“All was saying was that I was hear before you, you should be at the back of the line.” Everett said trying to get himself out of this situation, though making it worse.

The man hoisted Everett off of his feet, and threw him into a pile of mud at the back of the line, causing laughter to break out in the group of knights. Covered in thick mud, Everett spat out the grainy liquid and tried to brush as much of it off of his uniform as he could.

He knew that he didn’t belong, he knew that the other knight’s didn’t respect him, he hadn’t proved himself yet. Everett wiped his brow, sending mud drops flying in all directions, then standing

Everett took his place at the back of the line, though he knew to get the spot ahead, he would have to earn it.

“Merguille, Everett you are up for battle training.” A droll voice sounded, Everett walked confidently up to the space where he was to train and stood awaiting his opponent.

"Balinor, Grym you are up." The voice of the announcer said again, just as the tall man who had thrown Everett into the mud walked up to the training ground. Grym smiled evilly as he looked Everett up and down.

“Let battle commence!” The announcer yelled as he stepped out of the two men’s way. Swords drawn the two men clashed in not-so-friendly combat. Metal cutting against metal, Everett realized he had the upper hand, he gratefully remembered his father spending weeks teaching him how to fight with a sword.

Everett skillfully dodged one of Grym’s blows, and knocked him to the ground, mud drops and grass blades flying in all directions.

To the surprise of all watching, Everett helped Grym to his feet and addressed all who were watching,

“Sometimes when you feel you don’t belong, you have to prove and make yourself believe that you do.” And with that Everett was excepted into the group of knights with respect and honor bestowed upon him, no more known as the youngest son of Jonathan Merguille.

But as Sir Everett Merguille Knight of Camelot, forevermore.

Author’s note: Thank you to all who read this story! I am eternally grateful to you! If you please, tell me if I should continue this tale!! 

April 10, 2021 00:48

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:}} Silverstar
07:02 Apr 13, 2021

I enjoyed it. The story had a very knightly, fantasy-like, noble feel to it. I have some feedback for improvements on your story. The first thing I've noticed is your use of run-on sentences: i.e "Everett smiled as he thought about his brother, he knew Gavyn was going to be a great Lord of the household." ^^This can be changed into: "Everett smiled as he thought about his brother; he knew Gavyn was going to be a great Lord of the household." ^^The comma between 'brother' and 'he knew' should be replaced by a semicolon to break the continuou...


Eden Arbon
13:49 Apr 13, 2021

Oh my goodness, thank you soooo much!! You did a full edit for me thank you!!!!!!!!!;) I will be happy to read your submission, I am sure it is wonderful! Thank you once again! I am glad that you enjoyed it;)


:}} Silverstar
14:17 Apr 13, 2021

Of course :>>> I'm happy to help !!! Haha, sorry for the long comment 😅 No problem, it was a great read !


Eden Arbon
16:15 Apr 13, 2021

LOL the long comment was great!! It helped a TON! I am glad that you liked it!


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Eden Arbon
16:17 Apr 13, 2021

LOL the long comment was great!! It helped a TON! I am glad that you liked it! The medieval time period is one of my favourite times to write about;)


:}} Silverstar
07:54 Apr 14, 2021

Ah, that's a relief! And I could tell you like the era :) I love to write in it too, hehe.


Eden Arbon
14:25 Apr 14, 2021



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Riya 🌺
16:48 Apr 13, 2021

I love your word choice for this story and how you described the palace really well. There was even some suspense wich was great too :)


Eden Arbon
18:43 Apr 13, 2021

Thank you so much! I am glad that you had fun reading it! Describing things is one of my favourite ways to write!! Thank you for reading it!!!


Riya 🌺
19:15 Apr 13, 2021

Your welcome!


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Eden Arbon
23:07 Apr 10, 2021

Thank you to all who read this! I would love to hear your feedback!! Thank you sooo much! ;)


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Angel {Readsy}
03:42 Apr 28, 2021

I am a nightingale; I read and sing your stories in the flowering garden and all birds, firefly, fairy and flowers are smiling and very thankful to you for writing such an excellent story.


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Amy Jayne Conley
19:06 Apr 17, 2021

Great submission! I found myself rooting for Everett at the end - I'm really glad he was finally accepted, despite his struggles! A really sweet story! Good job!


Eden Arbon
21:34 Apr 17, 2021

That is really sweet of you! I am so glad that you enjoyed it!!! Thank you for reading it!! I had fun writing it, Everett was one of my favourite characters to write for.


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Greg Gillis
20:27 Apr 11, 2021

Excellent story. I loved your use of descriptive words. I felt as if I was joining Everett on his quest. I did spot one line that was repeated, however... "Everett stopped for a moment, Everett stopped for a moment, this was the moment Everett had been dreaming of since his..." And a few paragraphs later I spotted two typos, but that did not take me away from the portrayal of your characters. Well done.


Eden Arbon
20:37 Apr 11, 2021

Thank you soooo much! Thank you for the feedback!! I had a lot of fun writing this story! I am glad that you enjoyed it!! :)


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