Contest #283 shortlist ⭐️


Christmas Contemporary Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of mental health issues.

You struggle to wake up on Christmas morning. You want to stay in bed, in your Christmas pajamas, covered up in several layers of blankets as if you were lasagna. You feel safe and away from the fear under the sheets. There is something about this Christmas that seems…off. Almost as if Santa was a harbinger of an upcoming mental breakdown. 

You blame part of your mood and current lack of energy on the fact you were up late bouncing from store to store, waiting in long lines with your fellow procrastinators, trying to purchase whatever rejected gift ideas were left as last-minute presents. It was easy to lose the holiday spirit when dealing with overworked employees, frazzled customers, and a parking lot full of drivers whose behavior would have made Ebenezer Scrooge blush. 

Yet, this is unlike you. You usually start your shopping on Black Friday and are done by Cyber Monday. You spend a weekend watching Hallmark Christmas movies as you meticulously wrap each present as if you were Joanna Gaines. This year, not even “Hot Frosty” tempted you. 

Seeing the pile of naked presents in the corner forces you out of bed. You rush to stuff all the gifts in bags that do not match in size. You crumple a single tissue and toss it in each bag so that it barely hides the present. Everyone is so self-absorbed in their own problems that you doubt they will notice that the gifts look like Grandma wrapped them after she got run over by a reindeer. 

You change into the sweater you wore last year; the one emblazoned with “Gangster Wrapper” above a picture of Santa dabbing. You look at the mangled gift bags and look for a more accurate sweater. You pull out one adorned with Christmas trees, candy canes, and snowflakes. Printed on the sweater were three words, “Go Elf Yourself.” Perfect.

You place reindeer antlers on your head and go to a mirror. Despite the Christmas getup, there is nothing merry nor bright about your appearance. You wear a smile faker than the Christmas tree you would have bought had you been in the spirit. It will have to do. 

“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” plays on the radio as you start the car. You are about to turn off the music when you hear the line about figgy pudding. “Isn’t that life?” you muse. “We want good tidings, but all we get is figgy pudding, a dessert no one likes.” The song resonates with your current state of mind. As the warm, baritone voice of Bing Crosby fades and is replaced by the icy, soprano voice of Mariah Carey, you quickly turn off the radio and enjoy the silent night. 

Your sister gives you a perfunctory greeting as you head to the Christmas tree to put away the gifts. You stare at the string of lights, they seem dimmer, more muted than normal. You could swear that the lights are blinking in Morse code, warning you of the dangers to come. 

Your sister offers you eggnog, but you tell her you’re abstaining from all holiday spirits. You head to the couch in a feeble attempt to sit alone until dinner. People approach you, trying to engage in small talk that would make an elf seem large. You wonder if your family can also feel how wrong the holiday has been. Maybe they, too, are simply playing a part in this year’s Christmas pageant. 

Can they tell you are pretending, too?

The calls to gather around the dinner table indicate that the evening is halfway over. You head over and look at the feast your sister spent hours working on. Within minutes, the meal worthy of being on the cover of Bon Appetit would be decimated. It seems wrong to you that such hard work, such beauty, can be fleeting. Does no one else see the injustice?

While the food looked delicious, the taste was lacking. Typically, your sister’s cooking was flavorful and executed to perfection. Now, the turkey is dry, the mashed potatoes lumpy, the rolls undercooked, and the green bean casserole has as much flavor as it has creativity. 

You look around and see everyone enjoying the meal. You assume it is because it is easier to swallow the seasoning of lies than the blandness of reality. 

Worse still, everyone around you appears to be having a good time: laughing, reminiscing, and being overall merry. There is no way they all are acting. How could they not feel that something is off? You feel like you are losing the last few tethers you had to reality. There was something different, something sinister about this Christmas, and no one seemed to notice or care about it besides you. 

When it came time to unwrapping gifts, you wanted to wrap yourself in your blankets back at home. You watch as family members go through the motions: 

Motion 1: Open gift. 

Motion 2: Unconvincingly say you love it.  

Motion 3: Conclude with a toothless thank you. 

Motion 4: Forgot about the last gift and move on to the next.

Everything seems scripted and unauthentic. They only seem to care about the gift rather than the giver. You wonder if maybe it isn’t just Christmas that appears off, but rather, you finally see the holiday for what it is: a celebration of capitalism. 

You tell everyone you need to leave early because you have to be at work at an ungodly time tomorrow. You say your goodbyes and head to your car.

“Wait,” you hear your sister yell. 

You stop and turn to face her. She is shivering as she has forgotten her jacket. She asks, “How you holding up?”

You say the same thing you have said to everyone who has asked that question, “I’m alright. Hanging in there.”

Your sister refuses to accept that answer. “You really think I don’t know you well enough to tell when you’re lying. Now, really… how are you?”

You feel the tears you have been running away from begin to run free. “It’s been hard,” you say. Now, you cannot stop the tears from coming. “She always loved Christmas. It was her favorite holiday.” 

Your sister envelops you in her arms. Even without the jacket, she emanates warmth. You rest your weary head on her shoulders. The grief that you have been feeling the past few weeks is still there, but so is love. Her hugs are exactly like you remember. 

January 04, 2025 04:46

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Mary Bendickson
20:37 Jan 04, 2025

It's the elephant in the room. Of course everything is off the first (maybe all) Christmas after losing a loved one. (Lost a sister-in-law on Christmas Day four years ago.) Wonderful how you tied in common Christmas things for descriptions. Thanks for liking 'Spin Cycle' Congrats on the shortlist! Always nice to see names I recognize on it:)


Anthony Andrés
06:41 Jan 06, 2025

Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. The sting of death still stings, no matter how much time has passed. Grief comes in waves and without any pattern. We mentally prepare (albeit usually pretty poorly) for the first everything (Christmas, birthday, etc) but then it appears randomly and at different magnitudes. And thank you, Mary!


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Alexis Araneta
15:51 Jan 04, 2025

Anthony, this was heartbreakingly beautiful. The descriptions really make the piece sing. I loved how you used the contrast of holidays then and now to illustrate his grief. Wonderful work !


Anthony Andrés
06:35 Jan 06, 2025

Thank you for the kind words, Alexis! I’m glad you noticed the contrast as it conveys one of the most powerful truths about grief— it transcends time. Grief causes us to reflect and remember the love we had while looking ahead and mourning what will no longer be.


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Chloe Gardner
02:17 Jan 11, 2025

"You want to stay in bed, in your Christmas pajamas, covered up in several layers of blankets as if you were lasagna." This line gave me a good laugh. What a great opener! This was such a fun story to read with an unexpected but fitting sadness at the end. Congratulations on the shortlist! :)


Anthony Andrés
17:56 Jan 11, 2025

Thank you! Comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin, so I’m happy you found the story fun while still being sad. Glad you enjoyed the story!


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David Sweet
17:38 Jan 10, 2025

Congrats on your shortlisting, Anthony! This is a tough subject. I think many of us have been there at some point. My mom passed away in 2020 on Thanksgiving weekend. The holidays because of that and Covid were dismal. It's great that someone recognized the need to reach out. Nice story. Keep it up! I particular loved this cleverly written segment: "We want good tidings, but all we get is figgy pudding, a dessert no one likes.” The song resonates with your current state of mind. As the warm, baritone voice of Bing Crosby fades and is repla...


Anthony Andrés
18:07 Jan 11, 2025

Thank you, David! Grief is a powerful emotion and I hoped I honored those feelings and normalized them so we can talk more about it openly. As the old adage goes, “Grief shared is grief divided.” I try to sprinkle as many puns and word plays as I can in all my stories, so it warms my heart that you liked that section.


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Marty B
22:43 Jan 17, 2025

Good descriptions of the pain of loss that no one wants to bring up. I liked this line- '... is easier to swallow the seasoning of lies than the blandness of reality. ' Thanks!


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Story Time
21:04 Jan 13, 2025

I really enjoy second-person POV, and I thought you utilized it really well. I wasn't sure I wanted a Christmas story in January, but this was a somber reflection that I appreciated.


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Anne Howard
01:51 Jan 12, 2025

I like this story which is well-written, in second person viewpoint which is hard to do.


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Keshav Mathur
22:00 Jan 11, 2025

Loved the writing here Anthony. How you captured the "something's off" feeling when you're at a festival after a loss. How one's personal mental state can paint over a celebratory setting. I also wrote on a similar topic in 'Whispers of Grace'. You might also enjoy reading that.


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John Rutherford
08:07 Jan 11, 2025



Anthony Andrés
17:37 Jan 11, 2025

Thank you, John!


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