Submitted into Contest #16 in response to: Write a story around the theme: Be careful what you wish for.... view prompt




        Once upon a time behind the public toilet in Ladakh India, lived a little girl beautiful, smart, extremely talented and very thin. Her name was Saraswathi. Her parents were so poor and could only afford an abandoned one room building which was behind a public toilet. Her mother sold tea and samosa while her father washed the public toilet for 1000rupees per annum. Thanks to the Indian government, she was able to complete primary education, on scholarship. She was the only child of her parents greatly loved and cherished by them. They believed in her ability to graduate college as the best student and get a professional job. But Saraswathi had another dream, she wanted to be a painter, she wanted to take over the world with her skills in painting. On 4th June 2012, she had a little birthday celebration with her parents and her dad asked her to make a wish since she was 14 years old already. Her wish was for her dad to return the money he had borrowed for her higher education and instead focus on eating well and staying alive. Her wish was declined.

     She was at the bus stand on her eighteenth birthday and decided to paint a beautiful cute street dog she saw. Soon people gathered and she was applauded. She decided to make a living by painting and made the decision to run away from home. It was on a Monday morning she brought up the idea to give up secondary school and focus on painting but this led to intense argument between her parents, she was so angry and screamed at her parents that she wishes they were dead then life would be easy for her, she yelled at them for not working hard to earn some money and bringing her into a world of poverty. So, she left home for good. She went to Mumbai with the little money she had saved and she was willing to follow her dreams. It wasn’t easy at all because people would only pay her 5rupees for every drawing she made, she had to squat with a family as a live-in maid and her health deteriorated due to unhealthy food and surroundings. It was Diwali festival and Saraswathi’s employer had a big feast in the house with a minimum of forty guests, as she attended to them, she remembered how her family celebrated Diwali; the design in the room made out of cardboard, they ate biryani once a year, on Diwali. She went to a corner and wept bitterly until a young man named Prajwal saw her and beckoned on her as he tried to console her. When she finally calmed down, she told him her story, she only wished to be a famous painter. He looked at her intensely with his deep blue eyes, so dreamy yet appealing then he smiled. The next day, he visited her and the next day he did too, soon they became very good friends and he introduced her to a woman who had a company of talented painters who have no educational background but have jaw-breaking talent. In few months, Saraswathi made lots of money and her relationship with Prajwal had already blossomed, so she went back to her home to pay her parents a visit, three years had gone by since she heard from them, the state of her family’s house was a mess, it had been bulldozed and no one was there, when she asked around, she was told a heavy storm had hit the area and a lot of people were left homeless, her parents died due to the harsh weather. She sat on the floor and thought about her life, she made a birthday wish she would always regret every moment of her life.

     Prajwal proposed to her and they got married. After a year, they had a handsome baby boy named Krishna. He was a healthy baby who loved to sing and dance from his childhood. His parents were so proud of him because he was so intelligent and smart and was called GENIUS by everyone, but when he attained sixteen years of age, history repeated itself. He had a birthday wish he wanted to become a professional performer and didn’t want to go to senior high school. His parents promised to think about it but that night was a sleepless one for them. Saraswathi recalled her experience to her husband and cried all night, she didn’t want her son to suffer what she had suffered. They made a decision to send him to a boarding school so he could focus solely on studying but just like his mom, he ran away from home. He worked as a delivery boy and sometimes produced original songs and would sell them for 100rupees. It was very difficult for him but he was willing to work hard and achieved his dream. One night he was sleeping on a bench in the parking lot when a man tapped him lightly, he introduced himself as Mr T a talent hunter. He had heard about Krishna from people on the street and was willing to make him a star. It was a difficult start to his career as he had to train harder to be more appealing to the public. He went home to visit his parents and told them about it, but his father was not willing to compromise.             He made it big in five months and had his first concert in Utter Pradesh, towards the end, he spotted his parents among the audience and suddenly became very emotional. They met him after the concert, he ran to give them a big hug in tears. They promised to support him and told him to always visit home.

      He became very busy with his profession, he had been given a contract to sing for Bollywood and in no time, he became a very popular actor. This was more than he ever dreamed of but he was becoming so unhappy, depressed and frustrated. On the first day of April, he was on the news, he had attempted suicide but fortunately, he survived. He was interviewed and revealed that he had lost the purpose of his life. He was popular but his profession prevented him from living like a normal human being. He couldn’t walk around as he pleased, he couldn’t find a sincere woman who loves him for who he is and the people always criticized his life and dictated how he should live. He concluded by saying he would retire and find a purpose for his life. His wish was to be a popular celebrity and live happily, but he ended up becoming depressed. His decision was criticized by the public and he couldn’t even leave his room. This led to an acute psychological breakdown, he was fortunate to have his parents there for him. He began receiving treatment at home and fell in love with his personal nurse, Anusha. She treated him with utmost love and care and he surprisingly recovered very fast.

        It’d been six months since Krishna left the music and movie industry, he made a comeback with a book ­titled BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR, LIFE IS A TRICK. 

November 22, 2019 13:52

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