
“Why are we here again?” Gigi says, skimming the park and has puzzling expression on her face. 

Kiara makes the w.t.f face and gives her time to think; silence falls in between. 

Kiara starts to walk at a regular pace, wanting Gigi to follow her but she goes in the other direction. 

She forgot again? How many times do I have to make her recall things. This is slipping out of my hands now and I think I’ll have to make another appointment with Dr. Jonathan. So leaving a 70 year old woman is not a good idea; I should go up to her. Okay I see that she is sitting on a bench, surrounded by a few people so I go there and sit with her. But I will be not talking to her. Let me observe her for a while and see what she comes up with. Meanwhile I inhale smell of roses, lavenders, lilies and jasmines. I mean just listening to the birds chirping and breathing in fresh air with eyes closed overall makes it a peaceful experience. 

I also see a lot of couples around me, walking slowly just to carry their hand in hand. I wonder sometimes why are people so desperate to bound themselves in a relationship? You are single you are happy but the time passes you want to get yourself a boyfriend or a girlfriend. You get into a relationship; everything is working fine then you decide to loose virginity and once you loose your virginity, the guy gets a license to treat you as property. Your job demands time and so your boyfriend. You decide to give him time, he is happy but if you want to give time to yourself, he is unhappy. It’s the cycle of men are from Mars and women from Venus. So why even enter the relationship? 

No wonder people are choosing homosexuality and this takes me back to the course of gender while I was at college, where we discussed is it socially constructed or is it biological? In other words what factors make you homosexual? I am not gonna go into details but I definitely think its because of socially constructed. 

Well I learned that from my story. Carol and I connected over the same discussion. She was in the favour of genetics and mine was socially construction. Now that I realize, I gave a very silly example that loving someone can be controlled either you can keep it low or make it high. People who say that once you are in love, there is no turning back is BS. You can stop your love from growing into obsession and you can also keep loving someone from turning your heart into stone but with tips and tricks. Every person has their own method.

Here it goes. Carol confessed to me when we graduated high school and I simply refused it her because a) I was straight and b) I had no feelings for her. She tried her level best to form a relationship with me and at some point of my life, I ultimately blocked her like removing her every piece of identity from my devices permanently.

Fast forward, we were put together on a team project in which my heart started to melt and finally we consummated our relationship. And then I guess it was my birthday; she left me just like that.

We had so much fun together: watching movies, sharing outfits and hanging out together every single day. When she successfully convinced me that we won’t get separated, she decided to break my heart brutally. 

There you go; this is why I think its all socially constructed and nobody is genetically prepared to take revenge on someone. It all depends on the kind of people you choose. 

I think I just saw Carol. She is wearing a yellow top and a pair of skinny jeans but I don’t know who is that guy. Maybe I should apologize her for always threatening her that I’ll leave her someday and she left me. Why isn’t she responding?

“I am extremely sorry her session is over." The Nurse grabs her hand and takes her to the hospital. I think we did a big mistake. Holding a therapy session in a park was not a good idea and her hallucinations are getting worse day by day. There has to be some way out. First, Kiara’s Gigi suicided and then her girlfriend left. This is not only a medical case now but now unfortunately we will have to involve police to find out what actually happened. I am afraid for Kiara; she has always been an ambitious kid but never thought tragedy will come this way. I know you guys will be thinking that how do I know so much about Kiara. She is my niece and I have watched her grown closely. I know that she was close to her Gigi and then she found herself a girlfriend. The girlfriend mystery is hollowing me from inside so at this time, I only wish I could help her recover. I know this because she told me that she blocked Carol but how did they end up together that's the question that is bothering me. I think I need to fill the gap. I will call her in the morning. But I need a break I don't want to think about it anymore. I see Kiara and she is still talking to herself. I open up the window just want to inhale the fresh breeze. I wonder what's Danny is doing? Hey may be I can take his help to contact Carol. All of a sudden it got really interesting. This is interlinked and I think I am gonna get mad if I don't stop thinking about it.

"Hey, Dan" The Nurse says. "I was just wondering about you."

"Yeah. I think we are meeting tonight." Dan says and the nurse can hear the rustling of papers.

The Nurse understands the pressure of work load. "Ahan I know that. I was just missing you. I need your help that I will tell you tonight." She disconnects the phone.

April 03, 2020 07:19

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Matthew Gregory
22:11 Apr 08, 2020

I think your story might be improved with a rewrite. For example the first line could be '... skimming the park with a puzzled expression on her face' You might also benifit from splitting up your paragraphs to make it easier to follow. (generally each distinct idea should be a new paragraph). You need to be careful about the tenses of your VERBS, e.g. bind rather than bound. One thing that helps me is to read my stories out loud. If I stop or hesitate or it doesn't sound right then I know I need to rewrite it. Hope this helps...


Uswa Tayyab
04:14 Apr 11, 2020

Thank you feedback really helps


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