Catalina Felix

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Dec, 2024

5 Stories

89 karma pts


Author bio

Catalina Felix's story is a mesmerizing tale that begins on the Island of Enchantment, where she delved into fantasy books with her friends, dreaming of faraway lands and mystical creatures. While pursuing her degrees in Accounting, Math, and Human Resources, she also found time to indulge in her love for literature. After years of savoring endless baked potatoes, Catalina boldly decided to leave the island and journey to the Main Lands. Her initial search for belonging led her to the vibrant Mile High City, where fate intervened, and she found her Prince Charming. Now, she resides in a magnificent castle surrounded by nature, enchanted by her husband's metal melodies. Catalina leads a multifaceted life, juggling roles as a devoted mother, skilled translator, captivating writer, culinary maestro, nurturing caregiver, avid gamer, and compassionate friend. Her inspiring journey reminds us that sometimes, we must embrace being a little bit of everything.