Ben St. Onge

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Jan, 2021

Author bio

I'm an almost forty year old writer who tends to write about various subjects, more so the uncomfortable and darker aspects of life, and here I'll be presenting my work for the first time using my actual name. With fiction I've written almost every genre from children's to very adult, though I haven't been published often, and with nonfiction I'm drawn to the darkest side of life and art: the Horror genre and it's real inspirations, true crime and serial killers and other current and historic atrocities that need light shed upon them. I can be very political at times but never pushy about my views and I don't incorporate my own views into a work unless they are shared by a character. I believe some stories are important to tell especially in these trying times and we must do what we can as writers to alter what people assume or are told the status quo is and erase false ideas of societal 'norms' that don't represent or include all manners of people.